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I graduated high school in 1972. I never, ever remember getting the day off of school because of snow or cold. Never. I'm still alive and well. Winter is supposed to be cold, so get used to it. I guess I am sadistic. I live in upper Michigan where our winters are just like this, bitter cold, windy, snowy. Just about every business is closed today and I just don't get it. Weaklings. 

"Pure Michigan"
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@cherry wrote:

I always ignore people like that @QueenDanceALot. They really sound sadistic

I do try to ignore him, @cherry,


But since he's the Governor I have to know what he's saying and doing.


I can't imagine putting kids outside in this weather to wait for the school bus.


Oh, and a local newscaster this morning said it would be a great day for the kids to play outside!





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@QueenDanceALot  You know who NOT to vote for in the next election! Our kids are our future. We need to protect them now. 

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I lived in the mountains in Idaho for 10 years and dealt with 35-40 below often in the winter months...


Just remember that cars are not meant to function at such cold temps... oil becomes sludge.... so if you are driving in this cold, prepare for your car  stalling...


stock . blankets....  well charged cell phone.... warm boots... scarve to cover your mouth and face....  gloves and extra clothes.... water too.    Especially if you live out in the boonies and you may need to walk any distance!

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@BirkiLady wrote:

@QueenDanceALot  You know who NOT to vote for in the next election! Our kids are our future. We need to protect them now. 

Of course, @BirkiLady.


I already knew I'd never vote for him, given his other views.  This was just the latest in a series.



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I'm sw of Chicago and it is -23 here also!!


Saurday..warmer but rain/snow...sigh

preds 06-21-20
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Here in Western NY, it's 1*, with a wind chill of minus 20.  It's been snowing and blowing all day.  In a few days the weather man said it will be 50*.  We have horses and haven't been able to let them out because of the wind chill. 

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72°  😈

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I woke up it was -10 then it jumped to -20.  And if I didn't have a doctors appointment I would have stayed in.

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I lived in your area for decades so I remember those temps, snow days from school, etc.  I have lived in AZ for many years and it's in the low 70's today.  This weather helps me get through our crazy hot summers.