@781Florist wrote:
I don't knoe how you guys who live in these perpetually hot spots do it! We are forecast for 95 Saturday and 98 Sunday and I am clearing out space under the porch.
The week following will be much cooler, but I hate anything over 75. I would not mind the snow in May because 1) It is way better than 95-98. and 2) It will melt in about 24 hours
since it is May, after all. If only I could have a calendar with One May, One December (Christmas, you know!) and TEN OCTOBERS! I will dream about that under the porch this weekend.
Your right 781FLORIST while people sympathize with those that endure the cold climates ---no one gives credit to those of us suffering in the hot weather .....You can always cope in cold weather by adding clothing layers when it gets cold, but you can only take so many clothes off when it gets hot....as far as A/C we are being warned to keep our thermostats set very high 80 and above to avoid electric grid brown outs and blackouts this summer....every home, office, business, retiler is also doing the same so places arent as cold as they used to be when the A/C was going strong....we went to the movies last Thursday and even the movie theater wasnt cold at all....
Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”