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Re: Casey Anthony 'Is Open to Having More Kids,' Says Source: 'She Doesn't Care What People Think'

@beckyb1012:  I'm sure it has to be for one of her attorney's or a good friend of theirs.  I hope there is a small amount of employees.



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Re: Casey Anthony 'Is Open to Having More Kids,' Says Source: 'She Doesn't Care What People Think'

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Re: Casey Anthony 'Is Open to Having More Kids,' Says Source: 'She Doesn't Care What People Think'

The courts should demand that she get her tubes tied when she was on trial .  That child killer doesn’t need anymore kids to kill. 

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Re: Casey Anthony 'Is Open to Having More Kids,' Says Source: 'She Doesn't Care What People Think'

@Glitter51 wrote:

The courts should demand that she get her tubes tied when she was on trial .  That child killer doesn’t need anymore kids to kill. 

@Glitter51  She was found not guilty.  And even if she had been, I'm astonished that anybody thinks forced sterilization should be an option.


Oh heck-let's just have the gov't determine who should be parents and sterilze the rest of the population. 


Someday there may be something about YOU that is determined to be unworthy of life itself.  Let me know how you feel if that happens.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Casey Anthony 'Is Open to Having More Kids,' Says Source: 'She Doesn't Care What People Think'

When you open the door to forced sterilizations you are opening a Pandora's Box. It was done here before, and it was a shameful time in our history

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Re: Casey Anthony 'Is Open to Having More Kids,' Says Source: 'She Doesn't Care What People Think'

@cherry wrote:

When you open the door to forced sterilizations you are opening a Pandora's Box. It was done here before, and it was a shameful time in our history

@cherry  Not to mention part of the reason Nazi Germany decided to do this.


"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Casey Anthony 'Is Open to Having More Kids,' Says Source: 'She Doesn't Care What People Think'



You're correct.


She's living with and working for Pat McKenna, the private detective who was a consultant in her trial ..........and in OJ's trial.


'Nuff said......

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Re: Casey Anthony 'Is Open to Having More Kids,' Says Source: 'She Doesn't Care What People Think'

“I’m okay with myself,” she continued. “I sleep pretty good at night.



Chilling and I pray that she is never blessed with another child.

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Re: Casey Anthony 'Is Open to Having More Kids,' Says Source: 'She Doesn't Care What People Think'

Of course she would.

She ain't right.

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Re: Casey Anthony 'Is Open to Having More Kids,' Says Source: 'She Doesn't Care What People Think'

@SeaMaiden  She'll care what DCF thinks, because they will be all over her.