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Re: Big Brother Is Listening!

Turn off Alexa, unplug it.  On your phone and iPad turn Siri off.  From Facebook settings turn off the microphone (although doing so will prevent you from hearing video audio, and FB says they don't listen anyway).  To prevent them from watching you too, put flags on your cameras.  The Google location tracking seems like something worth having in case I get snatched.  That plus my phone pings will hopefully get the bad guy.  You could always go back to a stupid phone, aka flip and no devices at all.  I have not seen any evidence that either my phone or iPad are listening however.  But who knows.    I turned off Siri when they introduced Hey Siri.

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Re: Big Brother Is Listening!

[ Edited ]

Cameras on the roads.........cameras in the stores..........even in your car.   It's getting impossible to sneak out for a beer.............

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Big Brother Is Listening!

[ Edited ]

Not only is Big Brother listening, he's watching.  Someone else commented about covering your camera lens and it's definitely a good idea. My good friend has 2 sons who work in developing programs and IT designs for companies that do work for our military.  They are definitely aware of what can be done even from a distance.  Both told my friend to cover the lenses on all her electronic gadgets and her computer.  It is possible for someone to watch  what you're doing when you have no idea it's happening.  BTW, same caution for smart TVs, if you can speak and the TV turns off, on or changes channels, it's possible for someone to listen in.  We are letting our right to privacy slip away.  Sad that young people don't understand that loss of that right, once gone, cannot be regained. 

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Re: Big Brother Is Listening!

i am cautious, but will not be giving up my smart phone, my smart tv, my voice remotes, my laptop, my tablet, my cordless phones, my navigation system in my car,  my home smart meters, wireless headphones, my wireless printer......and anything else i may be forgetting.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Big Brother Is Listening!

@sunshine45 wrote:

i am cautious, but will not be giving up my smart phone, my smart tv, my voice remotes, my laptop, my tablet, my cordless phones, my navigation system in my car,  my home smart meters, wireless headphones, my wireless printer......and anything else i may be forgetting.



I'm with you.  I will not be giving up any of those things to return to the Dark Ages.  I'm not doing anything illegal or immoral and I don't care who knows what my shopping habits are or that I like mystery novels and I buy too much jewelry.  Yeah, I'm being stalked by jewelers too...


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Re: Big Brother Is Listening!

'Trouble is' it seems as though the younger gens (and perhaps others) don't seem to care.


I've had experiences (a couple of years ago) with baby monitor on while taking baths.  (I used to listen to my favorite talk shows or programs while bathing.) He*vy breathing sounds in the speaker every time I took a bath.  Someone must have been listening in and knew each time I ran my bath water.  Coincidence?  I think not.

No use telling anyone, though. 


Be careful with baby monitors.  That's all I can say.


'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Big Brother Is Listening!

@ROMARY wrote:

'Trouble is' it seems as though the younger gens (and perhaps others) don't seem to care.


I've had experiences (a couple of years ago) with baby monitor on while taking baths.  (I used to listen to my favorite talk shows or programs while bathing.) He*vy breathing sounds in the speaker every time I took a bath.  Someone must have been listening in and knew each time I ran my bath water.  Coincidence?  I think not.

No use telling anyone, though. 


Be careful with baby monitors.  That's all I can say.


         My baby is 31 years old.  I'm    That baby monitor thing isn't what we were discussing anyway.  

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Posts: 35,884
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Big Brother Is Listening!



Turn off Siri

Turn off “location”

Turn off the microphone on your smart tv


i can’t think of what else


So, “location services” need to be on for “maps”

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Big Brother Is Listening!

Have you blocked those senders?  I have done that a lot and get a lot less of those emails now.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-28-2015

Re: Big Brother Is Listening!

I think my life is pretty boring for anyone to wonder where I go every day....LOL