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Re: Another Mess Created By Annabelle!

@Annabellethecat66 I hope this cheers you up but I think you will love the results from the Spot Bot . . . I had one when one of my dogs became a little confused sporadically and it worked like a charm . . . and please do not feel bad about what happened as I always say that's the kind of accident that only happens once . . . Smiley Happy

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Re: Another Mess Created By Annabelle!

...Then there's the time I decided to clear out the old refrigerator (it was after a fire and we were getting rid of the refrigerator....





Do we dare ask how the fire started?  Smiley Wink


I did the spaghetti spill once...all over a newly upholstered chair.

~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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Re: Another Mess Created By Annabelle!

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

I didn't know where to post this!  First of all something like this isn't unusual for me.  I'm sooooo frustrated (at myself).


I should start a post titled MESS...Annabelle...Vents.


Anyway, feel free to offer suggestions on cleaning it up!


OK, so I never cook anymore.  It's just me and the cats and I usually eat out.  However, I finally got around to ordering my beloved Spatini Spaghetti Sauce from the intenet and was excited to make my special (?) sauce.


Let me set the stage......I'm in the kitchen (the stove is covered with junk) cleaned it off...pots and pans out.  I'm a cookin' up a storm, water boiling, sauce made...yelling at Bill the cat for walking between my legs (in the kitchen)....


I finally put the noodles on the plate along with the sauce (really piled it on),  could taste it before I tasted it.....YUM!......


I walked into the TV room, plate in hand, water in hand...(don't get ahead of me here)......


I'd had the heater on and it was hot as you know what in there.....(keep reading....).....


I bent down to turn off the heater and......OK, now you can get ahead of me.....


EVERY FREAKING NOODLE (sauce and all) SLID DOWN THE PLATE and on the light beige rug!!!


I try to find the sunny side of this..... OK, at least it didn't land on the radiant hot heater...right?


So, I just finished the spaghetti (good-bye spaghetti for tomorrow).......


I have really bad knees so this isn't going to be fun...but as goes life....


I looked over at Billy the cat and his expression said, "Don't blame me this time".....


I said, "I can't blame you Bill.  I did it  I own it!"  He threw his tail up in the air and I swear I think he was thinking...."Now You've done it".....


When my girls were growing up and we'd go into an antique store they'd turn to me and say, "Be careful mom".  Ha!


Phew!  I've vented and I feel better.  I'm waiting for the spaghetti to settle in my stomach and thank goodness for the QVC (or was it HSN?)  Spot Bot still in the box.......


I hope I didn't bore you guys, but I had to tell someone.....


@Annabellethecat66  Once, I was carrying a plate of salad with prawns, avocado, greens, and a creamy dressing.  I tripped over one of my then large dogs, and the plate went flying and landed upside down on the creamy white deep shag carpet.  Imagine trying to dig everything out of the shag, a nightmare!  I was more upset about losing the wonderful salad, DH's dinner, than the rug, lol.

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Re: Another Mess Created By Annabelle!

Oh Annabelle....Good luck with cleaning up that mess.  I wish I could come over to help you.

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Re: Another Mess Created By Annabelle!


Not to derail your thread, but to remind you that things could be worse...Cat Tongue


On Saturday, not long after A.M. Style, BF left for work (contract) scheduled to do four games worth of statistics for a tournament at a local university.


(It has been almost 3 years since he has had a salaried job with benefits.)


His new FT job (with benefits) was to start on Monday, 3/21.  


Two days before the start date, he was pushing away his chair from the statistician table, and his chair caught on the carpeting. Somehow he tipped backwards, lost his balance, and split his head open.


He called me from the ambulance to say that he was on his way to get scans.  They put three staples in his scalp and released him.  His insurance is through the ACA. Cat Sad


Klutz!Cat Surprised



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Re: Another Mess Created By Annabelle!

@lolakimono, WTH??? Hope he made it to work on Monday! Heart

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
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Re: Another Mess Created By Annabelle!

@MaggieMack wrote:

@lolakimono, WTH??? Hope he made it to work on Monday! Heart


He did.  At first I thought it was an elaborate ruse to get out of going to orientation for a job he's not excited about.  I was prepared to drive him.Cat Wink


His pride is more wounded than his scalp, but I have dutifully applied Neosporin each night to the affected areas.Cat Embarassed

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Re: Another Mess Created By Annabelle!

[ Edited ]

Lola - OW!!   Poor dude. 


I remembered one of my more dufus moves in the kitchen one time.  We were in this really small house back then.  The kitchen was so narrow that you couldn't even have two average-size people walk past each other without one of them making way.


The sink was on one side and the stove on the opposite side.   I had a small pan of pasta that was ready to drain.


I had the pan in one hand and the colander in the other.  All I had to do was turn around to the sink and pour the pasta into the colander. 


Well, for some unknown reason, half-way around, as I was right over the middle of the floor, I poured!   Freakin' OW!  I poured the pasta into the colander and, in the course of doing so, the boiling hot water went on the floor.  I didnt' get it too badly - mostly just splashage.    Then there was the mess, but it was just water.


But, gadzooks!   What a bonehead.

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Re: Another Mess Created By Annabelle!

I'm sorry, @Annabellethecat66. I've done things like that myself and I know how awful it can feel to both lose something you were really looking forward to, have a huge mess to clean up, and be angry with yourself over the whole thing. I hope you have enough sauce for another pot of spagehtti.



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Re: Another Mess Created By Annabelle!

@chickenbutt I do have a facebook page!

@chickenbutt wrote:

Hey Annabelle!  Smiley Happy   I've done this sort of thing before.  Makes me feel like an idiot. Clearly, I'm hard on myself.  I think you are hard on yourself, too.  


While I was reading this I was thinking - you might really enjoy having a Facebook page.