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Re: All the horrific crimes on the news every day

sad news indeed, really makes me appreciate my small town,no crime,sleep with doors and windows open...

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Re: All the horrific crimes on the news every day

The sad part about a lot of this is the crimes committed are by people you know.  


I live in small town USA and things are relatively safe BUT..

..two of our neighbors were robbed; one by the daughter of co-worker and the other was done by a friend of a Realtor who was showing their house.  


I don't talk about what I have, post photos on social media about purchases or where I am, where I've been nor where I'm going.

Keep Your Face To The Sunshine and You Will Not See The Shadow
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Re: All the horrific crimes on the news every day

catwhisperer,  I am SO sorry you had a  home invasion.  That is one thing I've always been very frightened of.... I was (still do) check all windows and doors, making sure everything is locked.   Not that that alone will stop it, it won't .... how utterly frightening. I'm so sorry this happened to you and can understand your being tramatized by it...... I would be too!  Woman Sad

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: All the horrific crimes on the news every day

My property is posted with Private Property and No Trespassing signs; the same signs are openly visible in several windows in my home.  The fact that my home has an alarm system is visible as well.  Therefore, anyone who dares to ignore these warnings and invade my home, should expect to be carried out in a body bag.  Every person in this household has at least one loaded gun ready and available at all times.  It's been this way since the house was robbed 8 years ago.  There have been several home invasions in my local area; mostly on older people who were seen as easy targets.  Several home owners were beaten and robbed, but there were also unexpected surprises when these older people pulled out guns and shot at their invaders.  I carry much smaller handbags now that I'm retired, so I don't carry my gun anymore when I am out and about, but my home is well armed, and if my family is pushed to defend ourselves, the intruder will not be leaving here with a minor injury.   We stay to ourselves and mind our own business, but we do exercise our right to bear arms.   

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Re: All the horrific crimes on the news every day

@RedTop wrote:

My property is posted with Private Property and No Trespassing signs; the same signs are openly visible in several windows in my home.  The fact that my home has an alarm system is visible as well.  Therefore, anyone who dares to ignore these warnings and invade my home, should expect to be carried out in a body bag.  Every person in this household has at least one loaded gun ready and available at all times.  It's been this way since the house was robbed 8 years ago.  There have been several home invasions in my local area; mostly on older people who were seen as easy targets.  Several home owners were beaten and robbed, but there were also unexpected surprises when these older people pulled out guns and shot at their invaders.  I carry much smaller handbags now that I'm retired, so I don't carry my gun anymore when I am out and about, but my home is well armed, and if my family is pushed to defend ourselves, the intruder will not be leaving here with a minor injury.   We stay to ourselves and mind our own business, but we do exercise our right to bear arms. go girl. After a guy broke into our house (I confronted him and let out a scream that would wake the dead), I didn't leave the house for two weeks. I walked around the house with a gun on my side and we also had guns in every room. It's something you never forget. We had ADT out the next day and had an alarm system installed. Horrible that people have to live in fear like that.

I promise to remind myself every day that I am strong, courageous, and resilient.
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Re: All the horrific crimes on the news every day

[ Edited ]

NYC is dramatically safer now than when I was growing up.  


Honestly, I thought I knew what crime was until I lived abroad in developing countries. The gap between the rich and poor is so pervasive and easily seen. When I went on an internship a few years ago abroad with my university we needed a night guard to sit and watch the house with a shotgun from 6pm to 6am. 


The crime is so rampant that you live locked up unless you are in a controlled area like a resort. Otherwise, the way of life and crime is nothing like I've seen in all my life in living in NYC. As a result, I've gained a new appreciation for living in the US.

~Live with Intention~
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Re: All the horrific crimes on the news every day

Now-a-days:  Too many people doing too many bad things. 

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
Posts: 73
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

Re: All the horrific crimes on the news every day

@NycVixen wrote:

NYC is dramatically safer now than when I was growing up.  


Honestly, I thought I knew what crime was until I lived abroad in developing countries. The gap between the rich and poor is so pervasive and easily seen. When I went on an internship a few years ago abroad with my university we needed a night guard to sit and watch the house with a shotgun from 6pm to 6am. 


The crime is so rampant that you live locked up unless you are in a controlled area like a resort. Otherwise, the way of life and crime is nothing like I've seen in all my life in living in NYC. As a result, I've gained a new appreciation for living in the US.


Reminds me of my time in Russia.  We also had around the clock guards armed with AK's and a friend of mine who lived in a nearby apartment was beaten half blind by some random drunk yobs.  It can be a tough country, but I love it no matter what.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: All the horrific crimes on the news every day

I grew up in Chicago, and I CRINGE every day when I hear about what goes on there.


And I see NOTHING right now that will make it better, like it was when I was there.


Just last night, there was a "drive by" shooting that killed 2 woman, and wounded an 11 month old baby and 2 men (last I heard, those were the casualties).


Hyacinth    Cat Sad

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: All the horrific crimes on the news every day

@hyacinth003 wrote:

I grew up in Chicago, and I CRINGE every day when I hear about what goes on there.


And I see NOTHING right now that will make it better, like it was when I was there.


Just last night, there was a "drive by" shooting that killed 2 woman, and wounded an 11 month old baby and 2 men (last I heard, those were the casualties).


Hyacinth    Cat Sad

Just heard the Chicago news.


This last weekend, 53 wounded and 5 killed.

