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Re: The Traveling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

[ Edited ]

@smoky22, aaaaaaaaah, thanks!!!  This thread has the best feels.  I'm sorry the print is small, it doesn't seem small in mine and they have a few paperbacks so maybe that explains the difference in price?


Did it grab you from the very beginning when Nana is on the bonnet?  It had me from the first paragraph and never let me go!!!


p.s.  As I once told gardenman, I could kill a fake fern.  Exactly where I am in South Florida all we have are palm trees and impatiens (yawn).  I've always had fresh flowers in my homes but my mother won't have them (like cats, she mistakenly thinks they affect her ashthma, which she doesn't even have anymore but never did my cat or my sister's two ever trigger an attack).  Freesia are my fave so I googled freesia and liked this one LOL.


Back to Nana:  @Sammycat1, I thought about the cover and I'm sticking to my annoyance because after all Nana got his name from the way he looks so it's important to the book to have the right cat on the cover.

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Re: The Traveling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

@LoriLori of course, your flower would be an exotic.  I'm more of a grow-it-in-the-ground kind of gal.  I actually don't like flowers in the house and I'm not allergic.  I like my flowers to be outside (strange, huh?).  Freesias do have a  beautiful scent.


It's funny you have an issue with the cover of the book, and I have an issue with the cat's name.  I know it's supposed to be for seven but I hate the name. When we picked out my current cat from the shelter, his cage had the name tag Orchid (WHAT!).  He's a boy isn't he?  We got him and immediately changed his name to Louie.


I do love the introduction to Nana (yuk) lounging on the hood of a car, so catlike.  I'm not as enamored of the story yet as You are.  I'm up to where Satoru is reminiscing with his farmer friend.  To be continued.   

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Re: The Traveling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

I love the illustrations that are in the book at the chapter headings.  I'm on to Chapter 3.  The sea adventure was funny!

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Re: The Traveling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

@LoriLoriand @smoky22


It's always interesting to hear readers' views of names, illustrations and other info.  As an author, I've learned over the years to tell the story the way I think it should be told -- als also wear what my mother called my "teflon bra," so no criticism sticks.  Smiley Happy



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Re: The Traveling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

@smoky22, i hope the book gets better and better for you!


what i love about Nana's name is that he doesn't like it either or Hachi's..  I don't know what denotes masculine or feminine in Japanese (e.g., I assumed the author was male, she's not) but I like that Nana doesn't like his name, it's part of his charm



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Re: The Traveling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

@LoriLori I'm up to chapter 3 1/2 (love that).  Chapter 3 was both funny and poignant.  Nana is a hoot.  I am loving it.


So far the book is being secretive about why Satoru needs to give Nana away, and if the book ends up being sad I feel like it will have more to do with Satoru than with Nana.  Satoru is a wonderful character.  Can't help loving him.  


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Re: The Traveling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

[ Edited ]

@LoriLori@smoky22@CareBears @CANDLEQUEEN 


I don't want to start another war so I didn't post on the monthly thread but I wanted to send you a lil something on this Valentine's Day HeartHeartHeart


A B/W cat - so no controversy lol



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Re: The Traveling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

@YahooeyThank you so much for the Valentine wishes, that was so sweet of you to think of us, here is  a little comething for you also!


Happy Valentines Day.gif

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Re: The Traveling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa


@LoriLori@smoky22@CareBears @CANDLEQUEEN 


I don't want to start another war so I didn't post on the monthly thread but I wanted to send you a lil something on this Valentine's Day HeartHeartHeart


A B/W cat - so no controversy lol



AWW Thankyou! He is so sweet and so are you! Happy Valentine's Day!

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Re: The Traveling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa



@LoriLori@smoky22@CareBears @CANDLEQUEEN 


I don't want to start another war so I didn't post on the monthly thread but I wanted to send you a lil something on this Valentine's Day HeartHeartHeart


A B/W cat - so no controversy lol




@CANDLEQUEEN @CareBears @Yahooey @smoky22 @Sammycat1@Judaline


This is Nana.  This is an illustration from the book, this is the real and wonderful Nana.  Although the book takes place in Japan Nana's tail makes the Chinese character for number seven and that is why his name is Nana, it is Chinese for seven.  And he doesn't like his name because in his opinion (and he's always right) it's a girl's name.




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