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My brushes are very old,not used in a few years, so i need a few new ones ,i know nothing about whatit considered good brushes, what makes for good ones?

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I buy brushes from Ulta or Sephora which both are close by. I tell the ladies what I’m looking for and they are great help. My fav is Ulta.

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IMO, it comes down to a matter of preference combined with budget.  In the past, natural bristles were all the rage, but now that more people want cruelty free synthetic have gotten more common.  There are traditional styled brushes but in recent years brushes with all the bristles on one side (Artis and dupes) have gained a following.  Brand wise, IT Cosmetics makes nice brushes, but they're really pricey on their own. The Real Techniques brand is very nice and has a good variety in both the traditional style brush and the side oriented style.  Morphe are nice too, and not expensive. E.L.F. brushes work pretty well and they are very inexpensive.  

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IMO, IT brushes are the best and I own a lot of other brands.


They can be pricey as many good brushes are, but good deals can be found on ebay.


Usually every year around the holidays they sell IT brush sets here on Q at a great price.

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You can get some nice brushes at Family Dollar. I used to QA make-up brushes and they are pretty much all the same.

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Hi since I switched a few years ago to cruelty free brands . I have been quite pleased with ELF brushes .They are extremely affordable .I also use Bdelllum brand which are also very reasonable . A bit more of a splurge but worth it is Sigma I have their kabuki brush , cat eye eyeliner and one of  their new line which are angle type kabukis they  are great for going around and under  eyes ,sides of nose . I have found that you don't need an arsenal of brushes but just a few good quality brushes . One thing nice about SIgma customer service is I have emailed them with questions and they respond back within  day . good luck  

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IMO the best brush is the one you take care of. Wear makeup daily? Wash the brushes weekly, let air dry on their sides.


I have Lancôme brushes & they are several years old. They didn’t have a kabuki brush at 1 point & I ended up buying a Sephora one & a retractable ELF to switch off. Both are great. 


If brushes start shedding from the get go, find another brand. Brushes may shed their hairs over time but I don’t expect that until at least several years for that to happen. So far so good with the Lancôme brushes.


With the Lancôme Elite Rewards, I used my reward points for a brush at a time. Even when Ulta had 20% off sales on prestige brands, I got them that way. Still during Holiday season, Lancôme might offer a 3 piece makeup brush set as part of their special Holiday makeup offering. 


That is how I got my Lancôme brushes. 

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Real Techniques makes nice affordable brushes 

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I have quite a few different brands of brushes. For my eyes, Morphe is what I have the most of for blending brushes. I have purchased 2 Wayne Goss Eye brushes and they are very nice. They are not scratchy at all, and very soft and easy blending. I favor the white bristle Eye brushes for blending. 

For the face I have a variety of brands also. I have an IT blush brush that I really love. I have a couple Wayne Goss face brushes, one I use for bronzer, and the other for setting powder. I have RT, Vintage Cosmetics Company, Sigma, BH Cosmetics, ABH, ELF, etc. There are a lot of choices out there, and very affordable. I do wash my brushes weekly and I have a few that I rotate also. 

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I have brushes from Bobbi Brown, Bare Minerals, and Mally.  I wash them and let them air dry when needed and they last and last. First, set your budget and the types of brushes you need/want. This will make it a bit easier. Everybody makes brushes and the price and quality are all over the place. I would purchase the basics and from a line that you use or prefer. Check the reviews.  You may want to experiment with an eyeshadow brush or eyeliner brush first to see how it works and lasts. Usually the eye brushes are more budget friendly than a facr or blush brush.