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Re: Why does the Beachwaver Girl...............

@Annabellethecat66 Probably for breast cancer awareness month.  I am seeing a lot of pink hair on  tv and in every day life.  

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Re: Why does the Beachwaver Girl...............

@Trix wrote:

Just because someone wants to express individuality with something out of the ordinary like pink hair doesn't mean they should.  She is are asking a mass audience such as what would be watching QVC to trust her as a savvy creative businesswoman and spend money on her product.  The pink hair was a change the channel turn off for me. 

Different strokes for different folks. What turns you off, another will like. I like pink and I like her hair. I think she is very pretty.








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Re: Why does the Beachwaver Girl...............

I have a very good friend who some time back had her hair dyed pink.  She's 68 and not overly concerned with style.  I didn't even question it, it's her hair and I figure she can do exactly as she likes with it.


It's back to her natural grayish shade now.

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Re: Why does the Beachwaver Girl...............

There are some women that just want to be fun and different.  Why does there always have to be a reason?  

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Re: Why does the Beachwaver Girl...............

I was at the salon once and watched them do a pink strip in a young (12 maybe) persons hair. First they had to strip all of the color out. Has to be hard on the hair if you are doing a whole head and keeping the roots up...

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Re: Why does the Beachwaver Girl...............

Whenever I've seen her on air she's had pink hair so yes, I think it's her thing. 

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Re: Why does the Beachwaver Girl...............

It sends a message.  The message is that I know I'm selling to an older audience and chances are most of them won't find the hair a good look, they will find it odd and focus on that instead of the product.  But hey, I don't care what they think.  What I want to do is more important. 


That's the message. 

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Re: Why does the Beachwaver Girl...............

Maybe she'll move on to "mermaid hair"

Image result for mermaid hair

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Re: Why does the Beachwaver Girl...............

I've seen lots of blue, pink, purple and green hair around here, on all ages.  Where I live is not exactly fashion forward.

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Re: Why does the Beachwaver Girl...............

I think it is great that she can wear her hair the way she likes and her product is a little more geared for a younger customer , not that any woman of any age with a little longer can't use it. I do understand how for some people it is a little distracting , but i think she sold a lot of the beachwavers.