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Re: What's your technique for doing a deep conditioning hair treatment?

@Dreamchaser wrote:

So do you guys like to apply the conditioner all the way through the roots or do you just apply halfway down to the ends? 


 I have dry hair but my scalp can get oily.  Regardless of this, I still want to try applying it all over, including my roots.  I might regret it but this will be my first time trying, so I don't mind trial and error. (Easy to say now haha) 


 Also, after you do your treatment do you try to wait a longer time until you shampoo again? 

I only put on the bottom part.   I have more oily scalp and dry ends.  I apply it half way down. 

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Re: What's your technique for doing a deep conditioning hair treatment?

Scoop coconut oil out of jar, spread on hair, put hair in bun, go do something else while it  does it's thing. 

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Re: What's your technique for doing a deep conditioning hair treatment?

I have been lightening my hair for the past ten years either with highlights or overall color. When it comes to my masks, I prefer to avoid all extra, unnecessary chemicals. If you choose to bypass them too - these will work wonders.


Mayonnaise + Olive oil Mix - literally the cheapest, highest fat content mayo you can find. I don't eat the stuff, but have a few jars stashe solely for this purpose. The higher the lipid concentration, the better at sealing and moisturizing the hair shafts.NEVER put it on your roots. Keep it to the mid-end of your hair. Focus on ends and make sure your hair completely brushed in advance! I love to do this once a week, typically leave it on while I'm running around and getting stuff done in the house. Best practice I would say minimum of an hour, but the longer the better I would say. 


If you're not trying to get messy, olive oil itself works great for 30min or so before you wash your hair. Sometimes I'll put it on the mid-ends of hair and put it in a bun to go work out, and shower it off after. Also, put it in a bun if you're into morning showers and put some on at night if you don't mind placing a small towel on your pillow to prevent any transfer. 

Anyway, these are my sworn tricks I started at FSU and all my friends jumped on the wagon - they really work. My hair is long and full and tends to be prone to dryness. 

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Re: What's your technique for doing a deep conditioning hair treatment?

I have several jars of the original Ojon hair treatment, the one with the little wooden comb in the inner lid, which is what I use if I want to deep-condition my hair. I also have a vintage bonnet-style hairdryer with what looks like a shower cap with a hose that I can put on to boost the effect if I don't want to leave it on overnight. The Ojon line really worked; it's a shame the guy who owned it sold it off and they changed or discontinued the good stuff.


If I were shopping for a treatment today, I'd be looking at the Shea Moisture products. I love their shea butter with frankincense and myrhh, and am going to be placing my first order with them directly this weekend. Be aware that they have TONS of lines, or collections, and also sell some oils separately, like shea, marula, and argan (I'll be getting their 1.6 oz of argan, $8.99, to try it). I'd go to their website and explore and then look on Amazon and other sites for product reviews if there aren't many on the SM site.


The only site beating Shea Moisture's own website on prices for SM products at this moment is Jet, but I've also found good pricing at Target.


Last idea is Wella Kolestrol, another heat cap treatment. It helped me when I was a teenager and had fried my hair with Sun-In. I had the treatment done at the beauty parlor since I didn't have a heat cap at home. Not sure if it's still available, but Wella also has an extensive hair care line.



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Re: What's your technique for doing a deep conditioning hair treatment?

I still mourn the loss of the original Ojon in the brown jar.  I've never found anything nearly as good.

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Re: What's your technique for doing a deep conditioning hair treatment?

@Dreamchaser wrote:

So do you guys like to apply the conditioner all the way through the roots or do you just apply halfway down to the ends? 


 I have dry hair but my scalp can get oily.  Regardless of this, I still want to try applying it all over, including my roots.  I might regret it but this will be my first time trying, so I don't mind trial and error. (Easy to say now haha) 


 Also, after you do your treatment do you try to wait a longer time until you shampoo again? 

With coconut oil, I only apply to my length, IE anything long enough to fit in a ponytail. 

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Re: What's your technique for doing a deep conditioning hair treatment?

[ Edited ]

@depglass,  Amazon and EBay have a restorative treatment in a brown jar.  FYI  

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Re: What's your technique for doing a deep conditioning hair treatment?

I got sent a jar of OJON deep conditioning mask--you know the thick, dark brown paste--- by mistake and I have been using that every so often on my dry hair. Then I wrap a wet, hot towel around my head and cover all that with a plastic bag and let it soak in for 20 minutes or so. Then shampoo as usual. Does a nice job.