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Re: What is your favorite natural face moisturizer?

Petroleum jelly.

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Re: What is your favorite natural face moisturizer?

Argan Oil.
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Re: What is your favorite natural face moisturizer?

iqnatural hydration cream. find on their website

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Re: What is your favorite natural face moisturizer?

Plain coconut oil. I apply before my shower, then before I'm completely dries off, I use one of the Sea Breeze astringents and the Regenerist cream. All absorb quickly, and the texture of my skin has really improved since I added the coconut oil.
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Re: What is your favorite natural face moisturizer?

Jojoba oil, coconut oil or Alba Botanica Un-Petroleum.

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Re: What is your favorite natural face moisturizer?


kindness is strength
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Re: What is your favorite natural face moisturizer?

JM's Argan Oil. Admittedly, I use a few other moisturizers as well, but I really like Argan oil for my skin.
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Re: What is your favorite natural face moisturizer?

Hydroshield, Hydroshield, it' still the best for me. I have very pale, old (68) skin. No wrinkles, but very dry without Hydroshield.

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Re: What is your favorite natural face moisturizer?

I have skin that's inherently dry that became worse after jumping onto some bandwagons and getting caught up in hype which took my once nice skin and played havoc with it. I stopped and went back to the type of products that worked for me before the mess the others created.

My goal was to achieve a healthy, balanced acid mantel (that I once had) which would alleviate the dryness and other problems those bandwagons caused, and then maintain it.

I would suggest starting with the fundamentals, which I believe are cleansers.

This is my broken record:

I removed everything that touches my skin and hair, which contain SLS and SLES. These foaming surfactants are notoriously drying. Once doing that the change began.

Increase consumption of healthy fats

Add humidifiers

Use products that contain emollients and humectents such as aloe. Lipids from oils protect the skin from TEWL and aloe is a humectent, as are substances like glycerine. Hyaluronic Acid is one, too, but it attracts moisture and if it can't find it from the air, it will take it from the skin.

I don't use anything on my face that is labeled "moisturizer" for a number if reasons, I don't like the cream consistency on my face and my face doesn't like them on it, but other's do well with them and there are some very nice ones on the market that contain ingredients derived from "nature."

My skin is nicely balanced and healthy now. By using lotion type cleansers, serums that contain emollients and humectents, additional oils for the lipids to help seal it all in, increased intake of healthy fats and by using humidifiers, I no longer have dry skin.

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Re: What is your favorite natural face moisturizer?
