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I don't often watch the shopping channels especially when my husband is in the room. Usually, I just check them during the commercials. However, tonight I turned it on to HSN while I cooked dinner because nothing else was on. When my husband came home, since nothing else was on, I just left it on. It was on some sort of beauty product. Then, the TSV came on, which was a Lancome kit. 45 minutes into a presentation about an eyeshadow palette, lipstick, mascara, and Genifique, his eyes are glazing over. I'm sure he now knows more about applying eye makeup than he ever wanted to know.

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Re: Sorta OT: My poor husband

Hee, hee, hee!

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Re: Sorta OT: My poor husband

You should leave on QVC during a Breezies presentation-he might be more interested-mine sure is!

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Re: Sorta OT: My poor husband

Anything slightly sexy he says ""You should get that."" It doesn't matter that it won't look anything like that on me.

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Re: Sorta OT: My poor husband

My husband just looks on in puzzlement, though I've got him trained to know when ITKWD is on - he'll hum the theme song to remind me.

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Re: Sorta OT: My poor husband

Too bad his arms don't work and he couldn't change the channel.

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Re: Sorta OT: My poor husband

This is a funny thread. Thanks.

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Re: Sorta OT: My poor husband

On 3/16/2015 kcladyyz said:

Too bad his arms don't work and he couldn't change the channel.

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Re: Sorta OT: My poor husband

Cute and sweet post, OP. Sounds like you are both considerate of each other. You hardly ever subject your dh to shopping channels, and so when you do, he zones out instead of hollering or reaching for the remote. Smile

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Re: Sorta OT: My poor husband

I usually always have QVC on in the kitchen and my poor boyfriend gets stuck watching it especially if it's jewelry, beauty products or clothing. Eventually he'll ask if it's okay if he changes the channel. I then look on my computer to see what's been aired. If I can sit and look at guitars with him then he pays back the favor by watching QVC. He actually was an avid watcher years ago.

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