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Re: Have you sworn off buying perfume?


I do not know if Eeau de Parfum counts, to me spraying some Chanel 5 is like listening to good music. I am not ready to let go of my fragaces yet🌻

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Re: Have you sworn off buying perfume?

My husband is really tall and I am short. When we hug he gets a big inhale of whatever my hair smells like. He always compliments me -- seriously, every single time -- when I use a good smelling conditioner and/or perfume. So I'm not about to stop. One spray far above my head and I let it settle. It's worth it to get more hugs!

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Re: Have you sworn off buying perfume?

@qualitygalI do not need any perfume...I do not need any perfume...I do not need any perfumeWoman SurprisedWoman LOL


I love perfumeHeart But I'm trying not to buy any because I have so many.


But I will say that next one I'm going to buy is "Good Girl". That is on my wish listHeart

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Re: Have you sworn off buying perfume?

Haven't worn/purchased any kind of perfume (cologne, etc) many years ago when I developed headaches from it.


Walking through a store or restaurant is just unbearable for me. I've had to change seats when we were out for dinner one night as the woman they sat behind me had so much heavy scent on. Then I was in a doctor's office and someone came and sat near me with very heavy perfume on and I moved to the other side of the room.


It just seems that people over-spray themselves. If I can smell your perfume an aisle away, imo, you have too much on. And, some of the perfumes today smell "cheap" - I'm not saying they are, they just smell that way to me.



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Re: Have you sworn off buying perfume?

It’s a vice I am passionate about keeping. Right now Pinrose fragrances claim me most every day. I am respectful about where I wear perfume. I understand others are sensitive or have allergies. Sworn off? Nope, but I would swear if I had to give up my many bottles. 😀

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Re: Have you sworn off buying perfume?

No.  I pretty much wear it everyday, unless It's a day off where I just laze around the house.  I have my favorites that I wear the most and a few others that I wear occasionally. I am a bit sensitive to a lot of fragrances, some will cause migraines.  I think QVC should put samples in the packages, as I would never buy perfume without trying it first.  Lol, I have tried many of what they sell when I've seen it out and about, and most of it I couldn't get washed off of me quick enough (Nest, Philosophy and Inis come to mind)!

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Re: Have you sworn off buying perfume?

I love perfume, but can only wear Demeter. There is something in other perfumes that make me itch.


I have a lot of Demeter and wear one daily.  If I will be around others, I stick to a few spritzes of Pure Soap, which smells exactly like Ivory Soap and not perfumey.


Since Demeters are mostly one-note, I also like to play around with different combinations. 

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Re: Have you sworn off buying perfume?

I love my perfume and wear it everyday.  No plans to give it up - ever. 

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Re: Have you sworn off buying perfume?

I love it but never think of wearing it!  Especially the Lancome scent that Julia Roberts models for.  It smells wonderful!!!Smiley Happy


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Registered: ‎01-30-2018

Re: Have you sworn off buying perfume?

I haven't purchased a full size bottle in 5 years.  I have tons of perfume sample vials from Sephora and ULTA purchases.  It will probably take years to finish since I rarely wear them on anymore.