Believe it or not, Reveal light bulbs. To replace the LED bulbs currently in the light fixture above my vanity mirror. I have never liked the LED bulbs. They made my hair color look flat and I couldn't see the red. For some reason the red shows up in selfies I take, but not just looking in the mirror.
They sent the HD's and I just wanted the regular Reveals, but I'm guessing those are in short supply since they're incandescent. The HD's are halogen. The other problem is it's difficult to find the lower wattage. I had 4 40 watt equivalent bulbs in the fixture. These are 75 watt equivalent. So, I ended up only using 2 of the Reveal's and leaving 2 of the LED's in.
I colored today, so I got to see the difference in how the lights showed color. I waited until I had styled my hair before changing out the bulbs and lo and behold, red hair again. I'm so happy. I missed seeing it. I know other people see it as I get comments on it and I was even asked to play Reba twice at some church socials.