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A couple of weeks ago I posted “going back to coloring my hair”

[ Edited ]

Well, I'm thrilled

Stopped at WAWA for a coffee --the young man asked me if I had anything else -- no just coffee ...then surprised by saying " enjoy it it's free from me!"  Truly, coloring my hair took10 years off  my age






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Re: A couple of weeks ago I posted “going back to coloring my hair”

Looks great! Beautifil thick hair and nice cut.


I'm not a fan of grey. Very few women look better with it, only a rare few, in my opinion.

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Re: A couple of weeks ago I posted “going back to coloring my hair”

Your hair looks very pretty.  You're fortunate that you can wear a light shade.


My natural hair color was black.  It is now salt and pepper.  I look awful with blonde or light brown hair colors, so my hands are tied. I don't want to color my silver hair black because it is witchy looking, IMO.


Fortunately for me, I don't look my age even with the prominent silver color.  I even have to remind my doctor that I am over 65.


My husband is also younger looking than his age.  I have always believed that it is more than hair color that ages you.  Attitude matters too.


BTW, your natural hair color was very pretty too.  I like your hair's very flattering.

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Re: A couple of weeks ago I posted “going back to coloring my hair”

[ Edited ]

LOVE IT !!  Beautiful shade of blonde too ...  and it can change one's entire attitude ...  you sound very happy with your decision !!  

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Re: A couple of weeks ago I posted “going back to coloring my hair”

Very pretty shade of blonde!  I think you made a good choice!

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Re: A couple of weeks ago I posted “going back to coloring my hair”

Looks very nice!

Happy Fall Day picture

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Re: A couple of weeks ago I posted “going back to coloring my hair”

@candyagain wrote:

Looks great! Beautifil thick hair and nice cut.


I'm not a fan of grey. Very few women look better with it, only a rare few, in my opinion.

@candyagain   I agree candyagain, very few women can carry off grey hair. Those who can are fortunate.  I have always been fair and now that I am in my early 70's, I have almost no color in my face. If I were to stop coloring my hair I would look like I was dead. As long as I can drive to the salon and can afford monthly color services I will color my hair. 


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Re: A couple of weeks ago I posted “going back to coloring my hair”

@Carmie   Same here...very dark hair and white roots after 2 weeks. I don't feel old or look older with my silver hair. No way could I be a blonde (you look great, @homedecor1 ), but highlights or blonde hair would never work with my complexion. 


I think I may look younger without the very dark hair.

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Posts: 2,322
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: A couple of weeks ago I posted “going back to coloring my hair”

Your hair looks nice @homedecor1 .

About your coffee, was that on a Tuesday?  They have free coffee Tuesdays.

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Posts: 8,626
Registered: ‎03-10-2013

Re: A couple of weeks ago I posted “going back to coloring my hair”

I have silver/ gray hair so I guess I have no friends here. That's fine.