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@geezerette -

You know where I learned so many abbreviations? Right here on the forums! Now if I use them, my kids think I am pretty cool.

And then there are the unintentional "mom texts" lol!

The truth is, my fingers are too big for the keys or my mind is thinking faster then my fingers.

But all my children know what I mean and that's a very nice thing.🥰

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I love texting!  I get a quicker reply when I need one!Woman Wink

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Texting is definitely my preferred method of communication!


When I was working, I had to be on the phone all the time. Now I'd just really rather not. 

~The more someone needs to brag about how wonderful, special, successful, wealthy or important they are, the greater the likelihood that it isn't true. ~

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It depends on who I'm communicating with. I email daily with my cousin because we "talk" too much for a text. When my mother was still living, I called her daily because she lived 400 miles away and I needed to check on how she was doing. With the grandsons and friends, a quick text usually works and it's the way they like to communicate. I'm not a fan of lengthy phone conversations - never have been except for my mom and dad.

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The only way I ever text is for vital information that is short and critical.


As far as communicating?  Nope.  I have zero interest in short bursts of tapping away with your thumbs and waiting for a reply that usually says nothing.


I'll read a book. 

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I must be really out of it.


CONFESSION: I don't even own a smart phone. I have a cheap phone that does nothing but make calls.I don't tell this to many people.

So, I can't text. I use the phone and/or e-mail.

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I prefer texting for most things.  People can read/answer on their time schedule.  I woke up this morning to two texts that were sent last night when I was already in bed asleep.  I much prefer that to a ringing phone awakening me.  I answered the texts this morning.  Easy peasy. 

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I like texting. 

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For work, thank goodness most clients will email or text.  If I had to have phone conversations with everyone,  I would never get any work done.


To communicate with my daughter, I've got better luck with text messages.  I'm sure to get a quick response.   Returning a phone call could take hours...or days...


Sign of the times.

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@cotton4me wrote:

I prefer texting for most things.  People can read/answer on their time schedule.  I woke up this morning to two texts that were sent last night when I was already in bed asleep.  I much prefer that to a ringing phone awakening me.  I answered the texts this morning.  Easy peasy. 


@cotton4me  When DD moved to WA, I couldn't call at our usual times...the time differences. Texting was much better since we can both answer when convenient. Of course, we call when the time is OK for both of us.