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Is it just me or am I the only one buying more than I need and forgetting what I have.  I stored away and then buy more only to find that I have duplicates or items that could be called duplicates as in jeans, shoes, items of clothing.  And then I seemed to have done the same thing for gift bags and packing materials (for example)

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@bonnielu I don't know if you're the only one but that's not me.

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@bonnielu - I don't think you're alone.  I've done the same thing myself too many times to count.


I once bought a skirt I liked at Kohl's.  Quite a while later, while sorting through things, I picked up this skirt and thought "That's odd...I thought I'd already hung this up."  And, yes, I had!!!  (I took the duplicate back and the cashier at Kohl's said "You wouldn't believe how many times we've had that happen.")


I'm worse though with things like toiletries.  In fact, I almost bought the Philosophy TSV until I checked my bathroom closet and found duplicates of those items, that I haven't even opened.  I'm sure that, if I manage to get through things by next year, they'll have another TSV.  If not, I'll just buy what I need individually.


I'm really working hard to use up what I have.

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Yep.  Just last week I bought a plaid hoodie at Wal-Mart.   When I went to hang it up, sure enough, there was one already there from a few weeks ago.

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My Mom did that a lot for my daughter.  She loved sending things to her.  She started sending duplicates of some things.  Like a shirt, or pajamas.  Lots of duplicate slippers.  I don't know why she'd buy so many slippers.  I would tell her but I eventually stopped telling her and just let her enjoy it for what it was.  Loving my daughter and wanting to give her stuff.

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yes I have done that----had to put alot of stuff in a storage unit--no room at my apartment and of course, the thing I KNOW is in that space is what i need at my apartment!! And because I don't have a car  to go get it--I order another one!! BUT---- I do write down on my calender what I bought to help me remember not buy 12 more of them---

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Re: Over purchasing

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@bonnielu   It definitely isnt just you.


I have bought more than I need over the years and now I'm trying to downsize.  I love clothes and jewelry and cant resist buying something I don't need if I like it.  And I do forget what I have as I have way too much.


I have solved the problem of duplicate clothes.  I have an inventory by category of my clothes, jewelry and shoes.


As for gift bags and tissue I was just thinking yesterday if I need to buy more of these items or what do I have down with my Christmas stuff.  I will probably buy for my gift wrapping this year as my Christmas stuff is hard to get to in order to check.  If I have bags down there and buy new this year, I will note in my planner that I have enough bags or I have no extra bags so I will know next year.


DH is always bringing items we have plenty of from the grocery and forgetting to get what we need.  He is the grocery shopper but doesn't look to see what we have. He goes early and I'm not up yet so he is on his own for figuring what to get.



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@bonnielu    You're not the only one; I'm guilty too.  More than once I've bought duplicate garments.....well, at least my taste is consistent.  I'm not even sure of what clothing I own, therefore, I've stopped buying until I figure it out.

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Re: Over purchasing

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I used to buy books that I had already read.  I still occasionally check out a library book that I have read.  

Every so often I buy a duplicate food or grocery item but never clothes.

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I probably need an intervention ! No you are not alone in buying more than you need. I recently purchased a new Isaac blouse then realized I had a D&C blouse same color and very similar style. I recently gave away clothes to Goodwill to make room for more !  My closets are full and I've started using the hangers that have the double hook so you can hang 2 items together !  Woman EmbarassedWoman LOL