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Re: Is it just me? Halloween Treats.



I really like the way your neighborhood did their trunk or treat!  That sounds like great fun if you have "good" neighbors!

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Re: Is it just me? Halloween Treats.

If you are dumb enough to hand out beer, you are dumb enough to be sued when they have a wreck on the way home, stumble and fall, or get in a fight and shoot somebody.  


YOU will stand trial.  Even if you aren't convicted, it could cost you a boatload of money. 


And I guess open container laws are a thing of the past?

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Re: Is it just me? Halloween Treats.

@ECBG   My neighborhood didn't do this, but my daughter's did.

It is becoming quite popular around here.  No kids in the streets and no knocking on stranger's doors.

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Re: Is it just me? Halloween Treats.

[ Edited ]

OP you are not alone.  While I have no issue with adults drinking on Halloween, handing out cans of beer to strangers is not wise.  


I grew up where drinking was for special occasions like a holiday or party. But I've noticed it's trendy to drink all the time. There's a tv show, Married at First Sight, and one of the successful couples who remained married (Woody and Amani) have social media channels. They constantly are drinking, mimosas at breakfast, wine for lunch and dinner, etc. It's so extreme.  People don't understand how damaging constant alcohol use can be to one's body over time. It's not just the dangers of becoming an alcoholic but what alcohol dependency does to you overall.


I grew up in a church where we had this missionary family. Their daughter and husband also became missionaries and are still supported monthly by a large group of sweet, elderly members. These missionaries constantly post pictures of their wine glasses and other alcohol on their social media accounts which blows me away considering people are supporting them for what they are supposedly doing "for the gospel".  It just seems insensitive to people who have what used to be traditional views of alcohol consumption.


I believe the excessive alcohol promotion we see now spills over into everyday life.  The people handing out cans of beer could be held responsible should something bad happen.

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Re: Is it just me? Halloween Treats.

[ Edited ]

Yes candy, NO beer.   What next?  Pot?   I know pot is legal in many states, but it just doesn't seem like something you should do; nor does handing beer to someone you don't know who is likely driving on Halloween.   Per my BIL, local deputy sheriff, it is a liability issue.   

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Re: Is it just me? Halloween Treats.

@RedTop Liability seems to be a passing fad doesn't it? Woman Frustrated

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Re: Is it just me? Halloween Treats.

I would assume the people are handing out beers to people they know from their neighborhood walking from door to door, not driving.  

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Re: Is it just me? Halloween Treats.

@Bri369 wrote:

I would assume the people are handing out beers to people they know from their neighborhood walking from door to door, not driving.  

In our hood, yes.

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Re: Is it just me? Halloween Treats.

@Starpolisher wrote:

Apparently,  I wasn't clear in my post.

Of course, I don't see anything wrong with giving out large candy bars. It's what we hoped for when I was a kid!🍫What I was asking about was handing out beer.

From most of the replies, I guess I got my answer.  It is me! I'm either too old or too prudey.

I don't think handing out beer, at your door, during trick or treating is appropriate or necessary! It has nothing to do with the kids, the holiday, tradition or anything connected with it and why the adults should need or want it is beyond me!

@Starpolisher You are not too old. It is about boundaries. that is the problem today there aren't any. There is no reason for adults to drink while trick or treating with children. They are adults, so they can wait and set up an adult party where they can drink.

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Re: Is it just me? Halloween Treats.

I wouldn't do it....