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i have a problem during the winter figuring out what to do with wet washcloths,towels and dishcloths till I have enough for a load.Anyone have any ideas about how to store this stuff for a couple of days?

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@dex I have "bins" (for the sorting of clothes) in the basement laundry area, just hang them over the edge to dry

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I live in Texas and it doesn't stay very cold long enough for things to never dry, so this may not work if things never dry where you are. I hang my towels to dry after use and only put them in the hamper when dry, not right after using them. I switch my old towel for a new one before I shower, not after and the dirty one is dry enough for the hamper.

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 I keep them in the tub, until laundry time.

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I hang them over the laundry room utility sink or bathtub to 'dry'.


I then put them in the plastic zipper bags that sheets/linens/curtains come in.


Zip them up to store until I launder.  IMHO...even though they are 'dry'...they are kinda stinky!  Sealed up in the bag...they can easily go in the hamper w/o making other clothes 'stinky'.


I large zip lock would work as well.

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I always hang my towels on a rod until they dry, then put them in the hamper.  The exception is if I plan to put them immediately in the washer.  I don't put wet anything in my dirty clothes hamper.

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I try not to store wet stuff but I know it does happen that sometimes you have to. Generally, I put them in the washing machine since I don't have a basement. I generally wash a load of swimsuits and towels almost every day as we swim a lot, and if you don't wash your swimsuits the chlorine ruins them.

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Those multi-arm swing out towel racks in the garage work great for us.

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Re: How to store wet stuff

[ Edited ]

I have a clothes hamper for dirty clothes. I throw wet towels in a laundry basket in the laundry room since it's ventilated. Use a smaller bucket for wet things that need washed in hot water & clorox.

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I use a quilt rack to dry towels and washcloths before putting them in the wash. We weren't using the rack, and it works great for towels, bras, etc.