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Re: How Would You Like To Be Called.......(Long)

Im bummed, I dont see a picture, but how about walking in the opposite direction of "crazies" house?  Is that possible?  Some people are just mean, mean, mean & crazy.

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Re: How Would You Like To Be Called.......(Long)

@Jackhound Mom  I can understand what you and your husband are going through. When you get that BS day in and day out it gets old and gets on your nerves.


Re: my privacy fence.  I think neighbor never expected I would do something like that.  I was so determined that the fence would be installed quickly and without a hitch, I actually pulled the permit for it and my sister and I worked the entire day of  my birthday clearing all the foilage along the fence line.  There was so much foilage I had to use a chainsaw, lol.


To avoid any property line issues, I had the fence installed a couple of inches inside the existing chain link fence.


I can still remember her pacing her yard the day I cleared out all of the plant life on my side of the fence. 


Here I had a big yard and had to walk my geriatric dog down the block to avoid the nut.


I had heard from a neighbor that my neighbor's 16 year old grand daughter had died in a car accident that spring. 


Harsh as this sounds I lost my husband and then father within 4 months that same year so grief was no excuse as far as I was concerned.


My dog loved that big white vinyl privacy fence and he lived another year in absolute peace.  Was worth every ounce of sweat and every dime I spent on it.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: How Would You Like To Be Called.......(Long)

@Bird mama wrote:

@Jackhound Mom  I can understand what you and your husband are going through. When you get that BS day in and day out it gets old and gets on your nerves.


Re: my privacy fence.  I think neighbor never expected I would do something like that.  I was so determined that the fence would be installed quickly and without a hitch, I actually pulled the permit for it and my sister and I worked the entire day of  my birthday clearing all the foilage along the fence line.  There was so much foilage I had to use a chainsaw, lol.


To avoid any property line issues, I had the fence installed a couple of inches inside the existing chain link fence.


I can still remember her pacing her yard the day I cleared out all of the plant life on my side of the fence. 


Here I had a big yard and had to walk my geriatric dog down the block to avoid the nut.


I had heard from a neighbor that my neighbor's 16 year old grand daughter had died in a car accident that spring. 


Harsh as this sounds I lost my husband and then father within 4 months that same year so grief was no excuse as far as I was concerned.


My dog loved that big white vinyl privacy fence and he lived another year in absolute peace.  Was worth every ounce of sweat and every dime I spent on it.

@Bird mama  Wow, that was a lot of work but worth it for the peace you and your dog had.  Sorry to hear about all the losses......


  We are in an over 55 HOA and no fences are allowed except what comes with our little courtyards.  To answer another question, we can go out our front which faces the next street's home fronts (no road) or out the back which is where my street's garages are.  No mater which way we go we will run into whoever is walking.  


I am so sorry for your loss of your father and husband.  I hope you have a wonderful support system and thank you for writing to me and letting us know what you have been through.  Blessings to youHeart

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Re: How Would You Like To Be Called.......(Long)

Sounds like she's either not very nice (or smart) or has a mental impairment that strips her of the social "filters" most people have. 


Negative and positive reinforcement may work on someone like that, depending on her motivation.


If you're already plainly asked her to stop, I'd ignore her from then on and don't give her any attention at all when she behaves that way. Don't scowl, don't give her any eye contact, and don't acknowledge her at all. Negative reinforcement doesn't mean punishment, it means taking away any stimulus and attention. If you must say anything, tell her that you are not going to engage with her when she does things you've asked her not to do and then freeze her out again.


On days she does not say anything negative, smile and say hello and give her some positive reinforcement. If she continues to behave well, ask her about her day. Maybe she just needs someone to talk to a bit and doesn't have the social skills to go about it in a more productive way.



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Re: How Would You Like To Be Called.......(Long)

[ Edited ]

@Bird mama




(I should have said)   Now that's 1 reason I love you!  When I make up my mind that something is the right & best for my family I too will move Heaven & Earth to get it!


In other words I hang on like a Bullie, which is no offence at all to them, as I'm taking it as a great character trait.


So glad you were able to give this gift to your baby!

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: How Would You Like To Be Called.......(Long)


It sounds like there's something wrong with her. It would probably be best not to communicate with her. Just keep going.

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Re: How Would You Like To Be Called.......(Long)

If that is the worse thing going on in your life, feel blessed.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: How Would You Like To Be Called.......(Long)

I would just tell her that if she would like to address me to please use my name or not to speak to me.  Apparently, she lacks manners and social skills.

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Re: How Would You Like To Be Called.......(Long)

A minor thing: let it go.

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Re: How Would You Like To Be Called.......(Long)

@Jackhound Mom wrote:

Thank you for all your answers!  We have ignored her for over a year but DH says she is calling him a pitbull.  That is offencive insinuating he is a bully or someone to fear.


Our first dog was a pitbull mix, 90 lbs.  We had a shephard mix next, then a Besinji mix and now Scooter.  To call someone a pitbull is not a compliment.  It is meant to insult. 


My husband has done wonderful things for everyone on our street and does not deserve and insults.  He is an Army veteran 100% disabled and also worked as a government contractor for 5 years after his 22 active duty.  Neither of us are fighters and ignoring this crazy situation for over a year has not made it go away.  

You handled the situation just fine IMO!  You tried the available options and this lady was determined to continue with what she KNEW was not sitting well with you and your husband but she simply didn't care...offending her neighbor was more important to her then being a "good" neighbor.


On a funny note my doggie (she has passed now) when she was a puppy I took her up to her vet appt and she was pulling and barking and all over the place...somehow she actually pulled so hard the leash and collar came undone!  She raced up to a very large calm dog (thank heavens) and barked in his face.  No reaction LOL...I grab her back and apologized.  The entire staff at that vet's called her "Cujo" LOL!  My baby was all of 5lbs....a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel.  Now they only did that on that day...even the vet came in and said "I understand we have Cujo here? LOL" 


Your neighbor sounds like a lot of people they sure love to dish it out and love a hurt reaction if they can get it but if you turn the tables on them well that can't handle it!!