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Re: Caring for a Parent with Alzheimers - What Do You Think of This?

What do I think?  That son was awful.  Even if my mother did not have memory issues, I would have waited at the airport with her until she was on the plane.


I don't think in any way he qualifies as a caregiver.

Do the math.
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Re: Caring for a Parent with Alzheimers - What Do You Think of This?

[ Edited ]

@SouthernBee wrote:

I have empathy for caregivers! I am waiting for a diagnosis on my DH. It has taken months working with the primary care doctor and the necessary referrals. He will be tested late September for brain injury and dementia and then treated for depression. Earlier MRI  nothing noted but with the EEG irregular brain waves. Also have appointment with another neurologist for second opinion. I have taken control of car keys and all Rx and secured house as much as possible. No possible help because not 60 ,no ssa or Medicaid. Test with Va: depression. Spouse has major memory issues and confused. Easily agitated and irritable. Cannot remember day, date, year or time. Forgets what he is doing or how to dress. I go days without sleep. We have one friend that provides transportation. Desperate trying to get help. Very upset and heart broken to see such a quick and sudden change in my precious love. Prayers for all caregivers. 

Sorry to hear you are going through this. My father has dementia.  We had to put him in a home a couple of years ago.  Please contact your local VA representative and see what is offered.  My mother wishes she would have done that a lot sooner.  There are new programs out there that many don't know about.   Our VA representative in our county (who just retired) said....... "the hardest part of his job was finding those people who have benefits or aid coming to them and don't know it".  I hope you get relief soon.

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Re: Caring for a Parent with Alzheimers - What Do You Think of This?

It's hard enough for some one who's with it to navigate in an airport let alone some one who is impaired mentally or physically. This woman should not have been traveling alone in the first place, so there's enough blame to go around for all involved.

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Re: Caring for a Parent with Alzheimers - What Do You Think of This?

I have to say this would be suspect of this person's morals, judgment, empathy and common sense.

Talk about the measure of a person's character......

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Re: Caring for a Parent with Alzheimers - What Do You Think of This?

Anyone who qualifies for the VA should see the national website about contacting a social worker in their area.  Veterans who qualify may receive service in nursing homes in their communities.  There are things you have to do to qualify, but it should be checked out as soon as possible.

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Re: Caring for a Parent with Alzheimers - What Do You Think of This?

Southern Bee--Your DH seems to need residential care immediately.  I would suggest you call social work at your facility.  It is on the national website.  The VA also has a 24/7 hotline to serve urgent cases. You might call that as well.  Blessings.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Caring for a Parent with Alzheimers - What Do You Think of This?

@DaringGreatly - what an unfeeling, inconsiderate, immature jerk your former co-worker is! What he did makes me angry too. @SouthernBee - once you have diagnosis paperwork, look into getting SSDI, as I have read that they fast track benefits for Early Onset Alzheimer's patients. My mother died earlier this summer, after a horribly stressful and difficult three years with Alzheimer's. It was so painful to watch her decline, both mentally and physically. What a terrible disease Alzheimer's is. I pray there will be a cure soon.