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I've always been kind of a blunderbuss but lately I've gotten worse and I'm starting to get worried. Last night is a good example: I had a real bad nightmare, jumped out of bed and I crashed into a piece of furniture (ok, it was a QVC jewelry case, the kind that's about 5 feet tall). It fell on top of me and pinned me down.

My DH had a heck of a time forcing the door open (we sleep in different rooms) and pulling the jewelry armoire off me. And I'm going to have a beauty of a bruise on my shoulder.


I've already seen a neurologist and am scheduled for a CT scan because in addition to my increased clumsiness, I'm been having intense headaches too. I'm both looking forward to and dreading what the results will be.


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A klutz first-class here.  Actually, I am more like a squirrel with quick and jerky movements, causing me to do clumsy things.

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No so much that I'm clumsy ... I have monocular vision and can't judge distances ... so things get dropped and knocked over if I'm not paying attention. 

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@FuzzyFace If there is nothing in my path of walking aross the room, I for sure will find it and trip over it, no problem.  I have taken some rather scary tumbles because of My own unique dance steps, I am like a cow on roller skates,

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Yes ....I misjudge corners and whack my hand or stub My toes 😳

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I didn't used to be but since I've had both knees replaced at the same time and my girth (body) keeps 'growing' I find I knock into doors, etc all of the time.


I evidently think I'm skinnier than I really am because I misjudge the size of the door entrance with the size of my body.  Ha!


I know why I loose balance sometimes.  It's because I'm very protective of these knees.  Only one still bothers me and that's because I have a very, very bad back (it hurts all of the time).  Hence, I move in a way I don't set it off (in pain).  That, in turn, throws off my balance.


I finally started back last week to the physical therapist.  I won't bore you with the pain I felt (unbelievable) but one thing I took away from it was she said everyone stands the wrong way.


She said it is incorrect to stand up totally straight, knees locked.  She said if you are standing correctly you almost feel like you're going to topple over.  (Hard to explain).


Anyway, ever heard of the expression, "A bull in a china closet"?


Evidently I've been clumsy much of my life because when my girls were young instead of the mother (ME) saying, "Girls, be careful not to break anything".  My girls (they were little) would say to me (their MOTHER), "Mommie, be careful not to break anything".  They weren't acting smart, they were actually reminding me because I'd be the one to knock into things and cause a mess.  Ha!

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@FuzzyFace I hope you're okay! That sounds like an awful accident. I understand your concern as I saw your other thread about your headaches. But, having a nightmare and your reaction to it was not clumsiness. It was just your body's natural response to flee from something that frightened you. I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. 


Being clumsy though, some of us just do it naturally! My mom told me I fell down constantly as a kid. I still do! LOL But I know I'm not alone. Too bad there's not a club for the clumsy, or I'd join.


Take care, and I hope your body heals quickly.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Oh my!  I could write the book on klutz.


I've always been a klutz.   I see people who are physically graceful and I'm in total awe.


Then, when I broke my left arm last fall, my clumsiness really escalated because my right hand is a total moron.   Having only my right hand to use for at least a couple of months was torturous.  I was fumbling beyond any imagination.


I learned a lot of things through that.  I learned that, even as a klutz, you need two hands.   I learned that my right hand is a complete idiot. The only thing I do right-handed is scissors.   I learned that you also need thumbs, especially now that both of my thumbs are really bad with arthritis and one with the trigger thing.

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Registered: ‎09-09-2014

I am a1st class dropper! Everything & nearly anything I pick up I DROP! I get so sick of cleaning up my own messes & it is every day! I think mine is from constantly hurrying & I don't know why I do?! I can relate, regardless of how you got there. Have a wonderful weekend all!Heart L<3

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Registered: ‎09-09-2014

I sure hope you are okay, Miss Lorraine! L<3