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Yes I'm more clumsy now after going thru chemo, in 2012,  that left my hands and feet with numbness. My fingers especially; have grip issues and butter fingers,  but have taken a few falls too. I don't bounce well any more. Hope you are ok? Good that you are seeing to it tho.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I am 62.  I guess I would say NO I am not clumsy.  I am very careful most all of the time  as not to have accidents... I took a couple of spills last winter when I first started walking outside daily... one time I tripped on the sidewalk where it was uneven... the other time I slipped on black ice.  Both times I was just not being PRESENT in what I was doing and what the conditions were.   So I do learn from my past errors in judgement and never again do the same stupid thing....


I am always careful caring things up and down the stairs... do not want to trip. Things like that... being consious and present in tasks that I do everyday.  Perhaps that is why I seldom hurt myself.


  I do think the older we get, the more careful and cautious we need to be in doing daily chores and tasks... plus staying physically strong is huge in aging well and having better balance etc.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Well, I've been giving this some thought and I'm considering the idea that it might not be clumsiness but possibly something neurological or psychological. The reason I think this is because I have nightmares--bad ones--and fall out of bed, trying to escape (I did it again last night).

I'm having a CT scan later this week and I hope it gives some kind of clue as to what's causing this.

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Posts: 1,526
Registered: ‎11-07-2017
@Miss Lorraine wrote:

Well, I've been giving this some thought and I'm considering the idea that it might not be clumsiness but possibly something neurological or psychological. The reason I think this is because I have nightmares--bad ones--and fall out of bed, trying to escape (I did it again last night).

I'm having a CT scan later this week and I hope it gives some kind of clue as to what's causing this.


I am praying for you. Please keep us posted on the results of your CT scan. Trying not to worry isn't an easy task, but focusing on peace and prayer will help worry and fear run right out the door.