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Re: Are there any life-lessons you've learned of late?

One of the best lessons (remiders) that I have learned is to

"Let the words that come out of your mouth today be tender and sweet, for tomorrow you may have to eat them."


Another is "You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people you choose to be around."

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Re: Are there any life-lessons you've learned of late?

I've learned to ignore people who think they know how I should live my life.  It's amazing how many things I've been doing wrong, yet managed to survive all these years...while being happy.

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Re: Are there any life-lessons you've learned of late?

@Perkup wrote:

One of the best lessons (remiders) that I have learned is to

"Let the words that come out of your mouth today be tender and sweet, for tomorrow you may have to eat them."


Another is "You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people you choose to be around."



Could not have said it better..........  Smiley Happy     2 great lessons I have learned!

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Re: Are there any life-lessons you've learned of late?

perk---omg----you nailed it on the head!! I just came to that realization in the last couple weeks. Went to visit my BFF in AZ in Oct. and during a road trip she and her hubs and my hubs launched into an all out hate fest with regards to the current political leadership (pro T and I am not ) and was horrified at how brainwashed and mean and nasty those people's views are. Shocked me beyond words. Have known this couple for prob close to 40 years. Not sure what to do about it. 

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Re: Are there any life-lessons you've learned of late?

@Annabellethecat66  I think one of the greatest gifts two of my grandparents ever gave me was sitting around the dinner table and having them tell a story every night about what it was like when they grew up. 


I know my great grandparents pretty well and they both died before I was born.  Never had the opportunity to meet them.  But because my grandparents told me about them, they live forever and I know who I am and where I come from a whole lot better.      

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Re: Are there any life-lessons you've learned of late?

At 56 I've finally found my confidence and voice - I'm a lot stronger that I give myself credit for.  And I've learned patience with others with completely worth it!



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Re: Are there any life-lessons you've learned of late?

@software wrote:

Things really don't matter, people do.

@software You nailed it,sister!! 

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Re: Are there any life-lessons you've learned of late?

I have finally learned to take things a day at a time. My husband is in early stage Alzheimer’s, my daughter was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease, my 95 year old mother has had multiple mini strokes, and I am having knee replacement surgery after Thanksgiving, I cannot look at all the stressors. I MUST take each peaceful day as a gift.

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Re: Are there any life-lessons you've learned of late?

I don't know if it's a life lesson but I've learned to slow down, I've learned that I don't have to always be on the go and rush through life.  I suppose I should thank my arthritic knee pain for that.   I had to slow down and beg off certain things and after a while, it just felt good  to do only the things I truly want to do.

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Re: Are there any life-lessons you've learned of late?

You just have to allow some people to fail.