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I'm thinking of you today and hoping for benign results on your recent test.  Please be sure to take someone with you to the surgeon; after all two heads are better than one.  I know from experience how scary this is.  Just the waiting is so hard.  (((Hugs)))


Thankfully, your doctor/surgeon appears to be proactive.  If there is cancer hopefully it will be early stage and treatable.  Think positive.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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@kitty4me just want to let you know I'm thinking about you and hoping for the best outcome.

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I would like to say thank you so much to everyone who has helped me get through my Cancer ordeal. I did get my results on 3/16/16 and they were really good I think. The Test shows no Cancer Cells in Mediastinal which is why they did the Test / Surgery. I went in for my Appointment and I was pacing since I had got bad news my past two Visits. I figured more this time.                                                                                                               


  When my Surgeon came in I said I really am afraid of what your going to say and he looked at me and said the results are negative in the Mediastinal Lymph Nodes. So I screamed and said can I hug you and well I didn't wait I could not contain myself, I then said so this now Incision I have wasn't needed? I then said I'm kidding I will wear this Scar proudly as how far I have come and still need to go. The Pet Scan that did light up here was and is a false positive.        


 Now I still have a Cancer Mass that will need to be removed and he is taking the Upper Right Lobe and some Lymph Nodes. Still a huge and Major Surgery. I'm told the risk with this Surgery is Infection, Blood Clots and Pneumonia. Kind of now scared all over again. Has Anyone had this type of Surgery? Thanks!

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Posts: 665
Registered: ‎12-09-2013

@kitty4me CONGRATS on your good news!  Thanks for the update.

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I am happy for this good news, and continue to cover you with prayers for your surgery and recovery.    While you have dealt with many complicated twists and turns within the last 3 months, and still have a walk of faith ahead of you, I urge you to adjust your mindset to accept the facts you know about your lung cancer, let go of your fears, strengthen your faith, and go into this surgery determined to do your very best.


At this point, you cannot change anything about the lung cancer inside of you and the pathology report will be whatever it will be.   However, what you can change is your attitude to go into this surgery as a fighter, who is bound and determined to do whatever you have to do to turn your health around.  There are always reasons to have concerns with any surgery.  


I had a private room when I had my knee replacement.  Every surface in that room that I would be touching, was wiped down (by me) with a Clorox wipe---one wipe to every surface.   I made sure every employee who came in my room cleaned their hands as they entered, and when they left, which was the standard precaution for the hospital at that time.  I made sure NO ONE touched me without gloves.  I made sure my husband washed his hands as soon as he entered my room, as he had touched elevator buttons. I purposely restricted my visitors, as I did not want anyone carrying stuff to me when I had an open wound susceptible to infection.   Most people learned about my surgery after the fact.  Five days after my surgery I was allowed to shower and get my knee wet.  I used baby shampoo and a new nylon pouff that was specifically used to wash only my knee, and patted it dry with a clean towel.  You can develop infections through your own towels at home, so make sure no one uses your towel, and use a clean one every day.   


I continue to wish you the very best outcome.   Fear has gotten you nowhere; faith, love, and sheer determination will get you through this!   

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Re: Anxiety Over Test?

[ Edited ]

        Thanks for the encouraging update, @kitty4me.  I can't offer any specific help about the surgery itself, but I can suggest that you find whatever helps you feel at peace -- whether it's meditation, prayer, guided imagery, creative visualization, deep breathing,  self-hypnosis, exercise, journaling, reading scripture or positive affirmations, etc. -- and concentrate on that.  Believe me, I know it's hard.   Nevertheless, the more positive and peaceful you are, the better everything will be overall, at least in my experience.  I'll remember you in my prayers and I hope you'll keep us updated as you feel comfortable doing.Heart


        I wanted to add this quote, which has helped me along the way:


"Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength -- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”  ~Corrie ten Boom



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova