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Re: Anxiety Over Test?

[ Edited ]



I just got back from my regular hospital visit and just saw your thread. Never had the breathing tube, but have had whatever scope they used for my Upper Double Balloon Enteroscopies used several times.


Been put under a lot of times, more recently using Profofol and with this you wake up much quicker with less chance of any unpleasant after effects. 


There are very few people that do not have some level of anxiety before any type of invasive procedure. Sure it becomes less after multiple duplicated tests, but there is always a certain amount of it.


My thoughts are with you as you go through this procedure. You have a lot of friends here thinking about you at this time.


My best to you,





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@kitty4me wrote:
Hello everyone, today I'm having a test done to see if Cancer Cells have moved and I'm so scared about this and the fact I will be put under. It will be Breathing Tube and all.I haven't had this done before so I'm not really sleeping and it's like 5:42 am now. Any advice will be so appreciated. Thanks!



I hope we hear back from you later.   Frankly, the sooner you know the facts, the better.   Hoping it will be good news.    Tink

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Hopefully, everything went well for you today.  Everyone is stressed when they are having medical procedures, but I always think that at such and such a time, it will be over.  I have found that most medical personnel who deal with such stressful conditions are very caring and I hope that you had that type of person for your procedure.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Prayers that everything went well. The waiting is always the worst. So sorry for what you are going through.
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@kitty4me, I hope your test went well.  Now's the stressful part of waiting for the results.  I hope it's all positive news or at least treatable.  I'm going thru that now myself and it is very anxiety producing.  Try your best to relax and see if the doc will prescribe you something for anxiety.


Please keep us posted.

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I pray you find some peace of mind and that all goes well. You should take pride in taking good care of yours of.


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Hello and thank you all. My Test went smoothly and I'm recovering at Home. I'm very nervous to get the results. I pray there are no Cancer Cells in this area they checked. The greatest gift would be it's a false positive.I am dreading seeing my Surgeon tomorrow..
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We are all thinking of you. Take care and get some rest.

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I think since I can't sleep, I may just give you hopefully will be a short version. Less than two years ago I had a Heart Attack and I'm also a Diabetic.                                                                                    

On 12/26/15 I went to the Hospital for Heart related issue and low Blood Pressure and a whole lot of Blood loss due to a severe Bloody Nose that was constant for four days. It on this day my World changed al due to a Chest Xray. While I'm very grateful they found what they called a Nodule (now a Tumor). My next step is to see my Family Doctor and I did so on 1/13/16 My Doctor already called and had a Cardiothoratic and Vascular Surgeon before coming into the Room to talk to me.                                                 

On 2/3/16 I saw my Surgeon and he sdaid looking at the Chest Xray he determined I had Stage 1 Lung Cancer.and on a small note I went alone. That would not happen again.Anyway I lost it and really heard nothing else.and he informed me it was 11/2 inches long. He also said my Tumor was in the RUL was Operable and Curable. He wanted Tests done which included a Lung Function Test, Pet Scan and a Chemical Stress Test. All Tests were completed by 2/23/16 I had to also be cleared by my Cardiologist which I was on 3/1/16                                               


On 3/9/16 I went to see my Surgeon and I'm really scared knowing we're going over Test Results and and thinking we're setting a date to remove my Tumor which will be a Major Surgery.Well  then we find out there is yet another obstacle.There showed a potentiiaql for Cancer Cells in the Mediastinumand that was the reason for the Surgery on 3/11/16 Now today we go in for the Test results from my Surgery the Mediastinoscopy. While I'm really hoping to hear great news in the back of my Head I'm scared.


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Well, if there's a cancer diagnosis, at least it will be Stage 1, which is,  by far,  easiest to treat.   Early detection saves lives.


Sending you good thoughts from over here ....