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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Hi, all. Happy Saturday. 


Lucy, I hope the weather is ok so you can get to the wreathed lay8ng today. On the news, I saw a photo of the decorated headstones, but I don't know if it was current or a stock photo.


Bopper, Foxxie, Laura, M8ck, Cater, I hope things are good where you are.


Streets were dry when I went to work. Yay. Freezing drizzle started about an hour before my shift end, and boss told me leave early knowing I was nervous about it. I got home without mishap.....they had treated the streets before the storm started, and streets were only wet, not icy.


More snow today and very cold, so I will stay put. I'm craving salad and have no ingredients, so it will have to wait until another day .  I should do Christmas cards today, not a task I enjoy, but I have friends across the country, and Christmas cards are the only time we communicate. The friends matter to me, so cards are worth the effort. 

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Good morning, Ladies.  I hope the day turns out well for you, bad weather or not.  I'm not going to my Zumba class this morning.  I'll do something at home.  It didn't snow last night but hubby said it was bitterly cold.  I could hear the wind blowing the snow around.  Weatherman said that there will be slick spots this morning.


I'm trying to decide if I'm going to this Christmas party tonight.  I keep remembering how scared I was when we were coming from Ohio a few weeks ago in torrential rain.  Tonight, the snow, starting this afternoon, is supposed to be really bad til 6 am Sunday and we would be coming home around 1 am.  My husband HAS to go because he's in charge of things.  This also means that he's not sitting with me my ch of the time and he'd have to stay til the end.  He offered me an out by saying he'd understand if I didn't go.  But will he really?  Men aren't always logical, lol.


@nomless, Christmas cards are a very nice, personal gesture that I wish I still did ( I do have a couple that I still send).  When I was working, I passed them out to everyone but got very few in return.  Years ago, almost every co worker I had gave out cards.  Then there were relatives that I mailed cards to and the same result happened.  Few and fewer cards come in the mail.  Part of it was because of emails with Christmas wishes and now we have FB with the Messenger service on it.  More instantaneous and let personal.


I'm gonna put the tree up this weekend for sure.  This might be the last year for this one.  It's 7 ft and too big for us.  It's about 14 years old anyway.  A smaller one would fit us better.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Noooo nomless! Smiley Sad Covered in ice here, accidents all over...large part of interstate shut down with a 25 to 30 car accident.  They were listing accidents faster than I could read them!  When I was still thinking about going, we heard tires peeling out front...some guy was trying to get up our street...dh looked at me and said "Now please tell me you're not going to be that stupid"...haha...that man doesn't mince words, I'll give him that!  I was very disappointed though since we won't be living here next year...maybe a Bucket-list trip for the future.  Glad you got out early and made it home...salad or not! Smiley Wink


We had a dinner tonight too Mmsfoxxie...but it was cancelled due to a family emergency.  Plus he said with the ice and all, might not happen anyway.


bopper, cater, MickD, Laura...hope you're all staying warm...wish some of you would or not. 


I got DH the TRX straps for Christmas and gave them to him that was a big part of our WOD today.  We did circuits with jump-rope, weighted bars, TRX, treadmill, etc.  It was tough but kind of fun(he did what he could and watched his back).  Well, it was all fun and games until I hit DH in the head with one of the weighted bars!  He had just said, "Stop walking around while you're doing those, you're going to hit me in the head"...I started to say, "I'm making sure I press up when you come back so I won't hit you, don't worry about it"(he was doing incline pull-ups on the TRX straps and I was doing shoulder pulls into overhead press with the bar)...and caught his!!  He's fine, it was just funny that I was so sure of myself and bam...that will teach me! Smiley Tongue 


Hearing a ton of sirens right now, wonder what's going on.  Have a great Saturday! 



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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Well, Foxxie, I did sit down and write my short note of news for the year and printed out multiple copies, so I'm ready to get started on my cards. I always add a brief personal note to each so that my greetings are more than just form letters, lol.


Lucy, I'm sorry the ice storm materialized there, but I'm glad you decided to stay put. How cool that you have TRX straps now. Here, a TRX studio offers classes inexpensively through the community college, but it's miles and miles from here. If it were closer, I'd give it a try for sure.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

I had to come back and tell you nomless, a lady in the neighborhood that was going to take her grandsons to lay the wreaths, sent me a photo that her friend in the city sent her.  She rode by Arlington on the metro and took a picture of all the people there to lay the made me feel much better!  Looked like a good crowd.  Many can walk to it or take metro. 


I think you would like TRX's a good work-out and is easy enough to adjust with any injuries one may have.  You can do full-body too...even put your feet in the straps and do core...squats...chest press..pull-ups, etc.


DH is reading through his medical record and we are cracking's a wonder the man can even walk!  So much stuff we'd forgotten when he separated his shoulder while snowboarding...he was diving with a spear gun in 1988 in a really dangerous area with coral reefs...waves ate him up...he held onto his spear gun because he didn't want to lose it and when he recovered, the waves were so intense they had bent the 3 prongs of his spear gun back like a U, and they were stuck into his forearm! 


How could we forget that!  Seriously...parachute accidents, almost losing an eye...the stuff I've been through with these two!  My son wasn't much better...9 broken bones and numerous stitches! 

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

How great that many were able to get to the wreathed laying. That makes me happy , too.


And, I wrote and mailed all my cards. I'm happy the weather made me stay inside and do it.


Lucy, yes, your DH has been through a lot. I'm amazed at what both of you work through!

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

My son got me the Fitbit Charge 2 for my birthday. I love it. I got it in December and before that I did it on my own.  I keep track of my food and it shows me all the information I need. I was walking on Monday (6.23 miles) Tuesday (5.66 miles) and Thursday (5.25 miles) each time I walked 10,000 plus steps.  It was 23 degrees Friday and today it is 2 degrees. I can't get out and walk and I miss it. This Fitbit is a real motivator. I have lost 55 lbs since April. I have done it on my own not following any diet plan just watching what I eat. I have always struggled with my weight and have gone on many diets only to gain the weight back. My downfall was sweets. Now, if I want something sweet I eat jell-o or Angel food cake (sugar free) with Tru-Whip Whipped Cream (Skinny). This satisfies my sweet tooth. Also, once you start eating healthy you do not crave all the junk food. Also, I drink 64 oz of water a day. I have gone from a size 16-18 to a petite size 8. I still need to lose another 15 lbs and I will have reached my goal. I think you just need to stay motivated and want to be healthy.

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Hey all, big snows here today.  I have shoveled 2 times so far and it's still coming down.   Making a few Christmas cookies, watching Hallmark and tidying up.   I wrote a big long post and it disappeared.


Elated Hi and congratulations on your weight loss.  You got this!   It so nice to see when people are successful.   I have a sweet tooth too, your doing great!


I would write more but now my son just drove in.  Have a great cozy evening everyone and I had something funny to say.  I"ll tell ya all tomorrow



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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Hi ladies!  Know it's been a while since I checked in.  Do think of you all often and hope everyone is doing fine.  


Wanted to stop by and say Happy Holidays!  However  you celebrate may it be joyous, with friends and family, good food and drink, and, most importantly, be safe if you are travelling!


I'll be heading to Ohio on Friday so will be a busy week for me before I leave.  It'll be my first ever white Christmas!  At least I'm hoping there is snow - even just a little bit would be nice. 


Take care!



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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

@JudyL, you remind me of my fairly new daughter -in -law from Hawaii when she came to visit last year.  She had never seen snow and was dying to see and feel it.  Well, last weather was a mild one and she only got to see one minor snowfall.  Not enough for a snowman like she wanted to make.


Ohh, @elated, you go girl.  I wish I could walk that much.  Even exercising almost every day, I've only lost 23 lbs.  Right now, since Thanksgiving, I have not been a good girl with my snacking.  I have a huge sweet tooth.  I plan on getting back on track on January 1st.  I had seven more pounds that I wanted to loose to make thirty.  Like you, my weight has always been an issue.  I'm either on a diet, thinking about a diet or not on one but my weight is such that I need to be on one.  Or should I be saying Lifestyle Change, lol.  I guess that's the problem...I never really committed to that.  Right now, I can wear most of my clothes and I'm not embarrassed to go out so, I'm willing to wait til January to drop the snacking.  


Btw, I love my Fitbit, too.  I have the Fitbit One.  Now that I know I like it, I might get one of the better models next.  This stops syncing to my iPad sometimes.  They had to issue me a replacement after three months, hope that's not getting ready to happen again.


I just went out and shoveled some old snow from the driveway.  The new batch hasn't started yet.  Although my fingers were almost frozen, I was sweating bullets.  


Enjoy your weekend everybody.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)