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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

What is it with people not keeping their dogs under control? That's bad. I can't believe that lady found fault with you,Lucy. That's just wrong.


I hope your DH can go into a new career that's fun for him. It would be great to do something fun and low stress. That's what I'm enjoying about my job now....there are problems, sure, but they're not my problems. 


Bopper, be careful in the cold. I know you're smart and know how to deal with weather extremes. 


It just occurred to me that I will need a haircur soon .... like tomorrow, lol .... and the holidays are coming and it will be hard to get an appt. Oh, well, I can make do if necessary.





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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Yes, nomless, he's looking at a Veteran's job(position that would enable him to help veterans out) which would be near and dear to his heart.  It wouldn't pay as much as the others he's looking at, but he has a good retirement and would rather do something he's passionate about for less money.  There is another one that would be fairly lucrative but he'd be managing a bunch of scientists so probably a lot of's hard to know sometimes until you get into you know!


We had 3 run-ins with dogs right in a row.  It's scary!  And what makes it worse is, Lucy isn't afraid of them...she's ready to rumble!  LOL..I could choke her sometimes! 


Both of my gf's want to walk this morning...then the one wants to go get a pedicure afterwards.  I can't have polish since I'm allergic to it, but could use a good pedicure.  I woke up at 3 with the bugs crawling under my skin so bad...face swollen today.  Must be the new Josie Moran I used or it's just my body.  Can't say as I care for the scents anyway...smell like drugstore products to me for a lot more money!


My feet ached so bad last night!  I did over 15 miles yesterday...went with Lucy, then my one gf, then my neighbor in the afternoon.  And went grocery shopping on top of that!  Did a HIIT work-out with kettlebells too...almost forgot about that it was so early in the day!


I'm doing the wreath-laying at Arlington cemetery Saturday morning...supposed to be pure ice and I have a drive from here.  Then we(us and the kids) are doing a 5K for a homeless shelter Christmas Eve morning and it's supposed to be sleety and nasty for that too...I'm starting to think it's me!  They had snow last year for the wreath laying which would be nice. 


Geeze, I hope I didn't chase everyone away! 





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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Good morning everyone!  I'm trying o think good thoughts today even though it's cold and seeing that social security didn't give me my direct deposit benefit today.  Long story....once I retired in June, 2015, thy keep making mistake after mistake and now through another mistake, I got nothing.  Another trip to their office today, I guess to spend half my day there.  It's a small amount but it's mine to receive.  I ranted about it on here a few months ago.  Brrrrrr!!


I've seen enough of Judge Judy to know what kind of damage can be done to tiny dogs by larger ones, so, yes, you have to really be careful when even a mid sized dog aggressively approaches.  I think something happened to me when I was little that I've blocked out regarding dogs because I have a fear of them.  I do remember as an adult I once was chased by one and luckily ran into someone's gated yard.  Everyone tells me that they sense my fear.  Maybe.


This iPad only lets me see one prior post while I'm posting so I can't see which one of you said you walked 15 miles?  What?  Oh, I wish I could do that, lol.  I have arthritis in many places on my body, my feet being one of them, along with my knees.  If I do more than 3 miles on my walk, I feel it the next day.  How I envy your good bones.  At home, I do one step at a time, holding onto the rail.


Lucky for me, the social security office is right around the corner from my fitness center so, as I've done a couple of the times before when I went, I'll park t the center and walk over to soc sec.  Their parking lot is always at capacity.  Wonder if half the people there are trying to correct mistakes like mine, lol.


Yesterday I did a body sculpting class and then a flexibility class.  My plan w to go back later and do line dancing preceded by my walk but as usual, I was too warm and comfortable to venture back out.  Monday was and usually is, my best walk, a cardio class, then my strength and motion class, which is hand weights, bands, balls, etc.   Have a great day everyone.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Hey everyone, it's one chilly morning here, was 5 above when I got up to go grocery shopping and went to start the car and nothing, not even a click.  Hubby thinks something is with the battery which isn't old but I think something is with the "hubby"  Hahaha  The drivers side door wasn't totally shut so I"m wondering if when he got out he didn't close it right and the dome light was left on and that's it.  I hope it isn't a huge expense, my car as I have said is a 1997 so it's old but it gets me where I need to go ( or it did).  He said he's put the charger on it when he gets home.  Now I wish I had the  Bolt halo deal that I could have tried to do it myself but monkeying around in a not heated garage when its 5 above, I could find more enjoyable things to be doing LOL  Smiley Wink


I did do my treadmill and took about 4 laps around the yard with Logan.  He doen't mind the cold it's just his feet get the snowballs built up in them.   I'll do the trail with him at 1 after I eat lunch.    I just cooked up some chicken breasts so am going to make some chicken salad for lunch.   Hubby said he'd take me grocery shopping when he gets home.  I hope he doesn't follow me around the store telling me  "you don't need that"....  Smiley Happy


Mmsfoxie I think you do very well with your classes and your walking...everytime you move your doing yourself a favor.    I hope your SS office gets this straightened out, but it is a pain for you to have to deal with that.  I wonder how many others get things messed up and don't even realize it.


Iluvlucy I hope it isn't sleeting on Saturday for the wreath laying and the ice is another dangerous situation.  Be careful and don't fall down!   It will be nice doing your jog with the family on Christmas Eve too, I hope the weather isn't too bad for it.  You never know this time of year.  


Nomless stay warm and I'm glad your enjoying your new job.  It's important to like what your doing !


Ok I am starving so have a wonderful day!


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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

You're like me @bopper, I love going grocery shopping first thing in the morning.  I get my gas early in the morning, too.


Spent about two hours at social security and all I can do is hope for the best.  When I go there, I see so many people, especially older ones that are in physically bad shape and come with someone to speak for them or help them physically.  Makes me stop and realize Im not so bad off after all.  


One lady was with her adult daughter and the daughter was fussing at her about losing something.  The mother finally told her that she should stop talking to her that way and the daughter said that she should be able to take care of herself and she wouldn't have to talk to her that way.  Later, they were talking like nornal mom and daughter.  I don't get it that the mom had to accept that it's normal for her daughter to go off on her like that.  I really wanted to slap that daughter.  in her worst pyschotic moment, I never talked to my mother like that.


I got my 2 mile walk in and came on home.  Ill do better tomorrow.


I've often wondered @bopper if the salt on the ground affects the paws on dogs.  Do you have to wash it off when they come in?

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Foxxie, I hope the SS issue is resolved. What a hassle to have to spend lots of time at the SS office for something that should be simple and automatic. 


Bopper, I hope your car is ok. Stay warm!


Lucy, I heard a story about raising funds for the wreaths. I'm glad they were able to get enough funds for all the wreaths that are needed. I hope the weather is ok on Sat.


My Cuddl Duds arrived, and I was happy that the size is ok. I do wish the top was a little bigger, but it's ok, and the bottoms fit nicely. Had I gone up a size, they would have been too big for sure.


Tomorrow, we could get freezing rain. Ugh. That will be a problem for work. I'll tell my boss today that I don't drive when it's icy, so I may not be in tomorrow. I hate doing that, but I'm not a risk taker. I hope she's OK with it.


It's really cold here, too, Bopper! Brrr.

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Oh, @nomless, I hope your boss is ok with that.  You're part time anyway so she should be.  Maybe you can make the time up later.


It's zero degree here and I'm not venturing out.  My hubby went out since he's such a dedicated man.  He goes to a grammar school every Thursday morning and teaches for a couple of hours.  It's a neighboring suburb which did not close their schools today as ours did.


Well, I'm not going out, lol.  I can exercise at home.  Thursday's schedule at my center is not one that I really run to anyway.  My best routines are on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.  Oh and Saturday Zumba, which I think I will miss this week.  A winter storm is forecast for Friday evening through Saturday night.  


And we have tickets to a Christmas party for Saturday night.  It's going to be scary.  I hate winter.  Can't wait for spring.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Hey all, it was mighty cold her this morning and windy bringing down the windchill to below zero.  I used the treadmill and did 3 miles and some on my Total Gym.   Then did stuff around here and walked Logan on the trail.  It was cold but he did alright other than biting his paws to remove the snow balls.   He isn't cold though, we got back and he didn't want to come in .  He was laying in the snow!


foxie I would have really felt like slapping that daughter, how horrible to treat your parent like that.  I used to work in a salon as the receptionist and this daughter would bring in her elderly mother and talk about her like she wasn't even there and I was like " ah she can hear you"   She was alwasy complaining about her, and that she couldn't do anything for herself.  Boy did I have a hard time not saying something to her.   


I don't have any salt right now but we get it at the Pet store so it's pet friendly if we buy any.   We kind of avoid it because it comes in on the floors then.


I made 1 batch of cookies today, but haven't eaten even 1, which is a struggle for me.  I love to bake but I eat the dough and the cookies so I had to be strong today.


Have a great rest of your day!


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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Happy Frigid Friday!  We're supposed to get an ice storm tonight and tomorrow is the volunteer wreath laying.  My gf's aren't going if it's ice-covered since we live an hour away.  The kids are supposed to get slammed, they're under a Winter Storm Warning with a quarter to a half inch of ice on top of the snow...ugh.  Glad it's on a weekend and my dil better cancel soccer game/practice(she coaches) or I'll let her have it! Smiley Tongue 


I did Fusion Strength Piyo yesterday and I'm sore...really works every part of your body.  Did a few miles too.  Today I ran Lucy(quick and fast since it was single digits but she is raring to go and mad when I cut it short), did treadmill intervals, light weights with high reps, and bike(inside) while texting with my gf. 


Oh!  I try not to post our higher mileage rides but DH and I did our first 75-miler one day...before his back completely bit the dust of course!  I do want to get a 100-mile ride under my belt once but not sure it will be with DH now. 


I had an eye doc appt yesterday and ran some errands and groceries afterwards...I was sweating to death every place I went because they have the heat cranked so high and I'm always hot to begin with. I can't remember anything I was going to say to anyone...still don't like this new layout.  Stay warm everyone!! 

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Thread

Hey all, it was another very cold day here was at least above zero when I got up but I decided to ride the Proform bike this morning, then been cleaning and just stuff around here.  

Iluvlucy be careful if you go to the wreath laying and if its very icey stay home please.  It sounds like a storm is brewing across much of the states.


Nomless you doing okay, foxxie you too.  Image may contain: text


I have not much else to say so stay safe and warm!