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My triglycerides are very high. Have been using above med and have great joint pain. I have arthritic knees to begin with and with this med in great pain. Doctor said try 3x week instead of daily but still severe pain. Can anyone give me some advice. Thank you
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Ask your doctor to describe a different brand of statin.  There are many and apparent their causing joint pain varies widely.  Could your arthritis have gotten worse?  Do you take a NSAID for the arthritis pain? 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Generic Lipitor

[ Edited ]

@Mom in NY 


Been taking Lipitor/Atorvastatin since my 2nd heart attack in 2007. I haven't had high Cholesterol(low HDL/LDL Ratio also)or Triglycerides since the very early 1960's. I learned I had a 350 Total Cholesterol number, and at the time, I guess that was considered normal.


I decided to read what little literature that was available in that era about what those numbers meant, and how to possibly, change them. That is when I decided to read about foods and exercise and how important they were for living a happy a healthy long life.


I attended 72 Cardiac Rehab Classes. Most patients were on a Statin, and most had mainly muscle issues. They were on a much higher dosage than me, and I think that might have been at least part of their problem.


While I will say both the Statins I have taken, the above mentioned, did/does make my muscles tighter. But being a life long believer in stretching all muscles and connective tissues, it has not effected anything I am able to do.


Probably been on Atorvastatin for at least 10 years and the only issue I have had is what I said above. My dosage is pretty low at 20mg per night, and that may be part of the reason why it effects me very little.


The only joint problem I have every had is my spine, and those were before I had my 1st heart attack. 2 back surgeries to remove my: L-3/L-5/S-1 Lumbar Discs. Never have kept me from living my active lifestyle.


I don't give medical advice, here, or on any forum. What I do is relate my personal experiences to others going through the same, or similar medical issues


I hope you and your Doctor can help you with getting some relief from your pain.




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Could it be that an ongoing joint issue has just gotten worse?  Lipitor is not known for joint problems.


Maybe go back for a reevaluation and different PT?

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@Mom in NY wrote:
My triglycerides are very high. Have been using above med and have great joint pain. I have arthritic knees to begin with and with this med in great pain. Doctor said try 3x week instead of daily but still severe pain. Can anyone give me some advice. Thank you

@Mom in NY are you taking COQ10?  If not, I'm very, very surprised that your doctor did not recommend you take this supplement with your atorvastatin.  It will lessen or possibly alleviate joint pain.  I only take 10mg of atorvastatin, and my doctor told me to take 100mg of COQ10 a day with the 10mg dosage.  I have never had any joint pain from it.

As someone else suggested, you can also contact your doctor about prescribing  a different statin drug.  They do not all cause joint pain.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Generic Lipitor

[ Edited ]

@Mom in NY wrote:
My triglycerides are very high. Have been using above med and have great joint pain. I have arthritic knees to begin with and with this med in great pain. Doctor said try 3x week instead of daily but still severe pain. Can anyone give me some advice. Thank you


I cringe every time I hear anyone taking statins...especially women. Forgive me for trying to find an easier way for me to share info with you by way of links to other threads, but it becomes exhausting for me retyping everything so many times.


Many health conditions can be helped/alleviated by just changing one's dietary lifestyle...lowering carbs/sugars AND trans fat found in most every kind of processed food.


There is a near 2 hr educational documentary video on youtube called Fat Head. It covers many health issues including info on cholesterol and statins. Stream it to your tv. If you can't watch it entirely in one sitting, watch in chunks of time, but don't skip through it. You will miss key points throughout. The beginning of the video may seem like it is not relevant to your situation. However, please trust the fact that everything in the video is all connected. Lastly, don't be put off by the title of the video 'Fat Head'...even that is explained in the video.


Below are 2 links to threads that I shared lots of info... and how changing what one eats makes a huge difference on health issues...lowering inflammation is one of them. Many health issues develop because of inflammation and sadly most folks just don't see the connection or don't take is seriously. Additionally, folks keep looking for a magic pill to make each and every health issue go away. For the majority of folks, since changing what one eats/enjoys is VERY difficult...many just won't bother and prefer to suffer through pains than give up any of their fave foods.


That is not crazy, but a fact and very disheartening. One example I can share is personally knowing a few folks who are type 2 diabetic that are willing to give themselves another shot of insulin daily than give up eating any of their fave foods. Another example is folks that smoke even after having had cancer. Those folks, one just can't help til they are willing to help themselves...sad but true.



This thread link you will have to start at post #7...

I posted several times (on pages 1 and 2) with helpful info including an arthritis title to a great video...



My OP in this thread (below) I started early 2019. It is extremely long, but is chalk filled with helpful info I spent a lot of time sharing. I share a lot about how when DH and I changed our dietary lifestyle, we had so many health improvements. I gave an overwhelming amount of info for folks, so I suggest bookmarking it so you can refer back to it... Smiley Happy


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I have taken the maximum dosage of generic lipitor (atorvastatin) which is 80 mgm for several years without any side effects. I also have arthritis.

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Registered: ‎05-01-2010

@sann wrote:

I have taken the maximum dosage of generic lipitor (atorvastatin) which is 80 mgm for several years without any side effects. I also have arthritis.

@sann  I take 10 mg of the same with no problems.

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 142
Registered: ‎03-22-2010

I have been on generic Lipitor for years.   I have had no issues with taking this med.   Someone wrote about changing diet instead of taking this med.   However, if you have a family history of high cholesterol changing a diet does not necessarily work.  My doctor allowed me to try changing my diet.  Due to my family history it did not work.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,656
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

@sann wrote:

I have taken the maximum dosage of generic lipitor (atorvastatin) which is 80 mgm for several years without any side effects. I also have arthritis.


@sann  I recommend watching a the title below:


ARTHRITIS: Is Your Diet Causing It? [Or Making It Worse?]