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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

For those that believe in low fat diets

[ Edited ]

...or using the old USDA conventional food pyramid of eating little/no fat at the top of the pyramid...lots of grains, fruits (especially those in high in sugar content) at the bottom of the pyramid, etc, but still have an open mind about improving one's own health, I recommend 1st watching a video.


Now the video is fact quite lengthy...1:44 (one hour, 44 minutes).

The 1st third just might make one fall asleep, so if need be, make a pot of coffee or watch in chunks of time, but watch completely to the end. If you don't, you will miss key points throughout the entire video.


DO NOT skip through the video...all the key points in the beginning are connected to key points/issues during the rest of the video. One needs to watch it entirely. I cannot stress that enough.


It is quite eye-opening. And don't be put off by the title 'Fat Head' because it is explained in the video...


Tom Naughton's "Fat Head" documentary on youtube


After watching the video completely, watch the short 8-minute follow-up video to Fat Head...also at youtube


Fat Head follow-up


Then, if your curiosity is inspired to learn more, I recommend reading the following books:


Why we get Fat and what to do about it by Gary Taubes


The New Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson


Lies my Doctor told me by Ken D. Berry MD


Those I recommend following on you-tube:


Ken Berry MD

Dr Eric Berg

Dr Becky Gillaspy

KetoConnect (we love many of their recipes & reviews of products)


There are other keto/low carb folks we follow on youtube too, but these are the ones that helped start our new lifestyle journey. We use several of their videos as reference guides too.



Since my DH and I started a low carb (not quite keto) lifestyle at the beginning of September last year, he has lost about 65 lbs and I have lost nearly 40 now. By low carb - not quite keto, keto is pretty much keeping one's carb count to 30 or less per day. In the beginning we averaged about 50-70 daily depending on our meals.



Updated to add - April 2021: About every 6 months since starting this lifestyle, we have been able to lower our daily carb count by about 10. We have finally reached keeping our daily carb count between 20-30. It was a gradual process of tweaking our meals when we were ready for the next carb count drop.




Overall, DH really has lost about 85 lbs now. The 1st 20-near 30 lbs (roughly) before our lifestyle/restricted low carb, DH lost that amount in a very short period of time eating the same as he always had which what got him to go to the Dr to find out why.


That was when he was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. He was immediately put on 2 diabetic meds. That was terrible news all around since he was already taking 30-40 pills a day for so many other health issues...Crestor for cholesterol, tons of fiber pills before each meal because he had his gall bladder removed, pills for his thyroid, etc.


As for myself, I knew I was pre-diabetic and headed down my husband's path of being diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. It was only a matter of time because we were eating the same horrible high carb/low fat way of eating the gov pushed/spoon fed us and caused so much inflammation in our bodies.

Additionally, in my family history there is diabeties. My biological mother had both of her legs cut off at 49 yrs of age due to the disease and died just a few weeks later.


My health problems just before changing our eating lifestyle was going downhill fast. About 5 yrs ago I had to start taking Prevacid daily for heartburn, GERD, acid reflux. As time passed I had to add taking Zantac once in awhile, to then daily, then eating the tablets like candy daily and then even adding PeptoBismal at night so I wouldn't wake up choking on the acid reflux. It was so bad, most nights I had to sleep propped up with 3 pillows!


Fast forward to now...


I have not taken any Prevacid, Zantac Pepto Bismol or any acid blocking med since January. By about the end of the 1st week on the new lifestyle, I was able to stop the Pepto Bismol. By the 3rd week of September, I was able to take myself off of Zantac.


Since I do not have 2 lungs anymore, I was still VERY careful as to not stop taking the Prevacid until January 1st. At the same time, I had read how terrible those types of meds are and worried about getting early dementia.


The sad part of that was if only I had watched the video about apple cider vinegar w/lemon juice by Ken Berry at least at the beginning of our lifestyle change. I could have - SHOULD have NEVER taken ANY of those meds from the get go!


Guess what? Now that DH and I have that mixture before each meal, I have not had one issue with GERD or acid reflux! I have not taken a single pill of OTC medicine.


As for my DH, he was taken off 1 diabetic med the last visit to his Dr back in Dec. We are fully confident he'll also be taken off his Crestor and the other diabetic med when he sees his Dr again on Tuesday (3/26).


Since our lifestyle change we are happier...mentally and physically. Adding more fats to our diet we don't feel deprived, our minds are clear...not in a fog and we are healthier. Our blood pressures are normal...not even in the hypertension range. Our blood sugar numbers are also normal!!!!


I have so much more to share, but for now I'll stop because my fingers are getting numb from typing.


In conclusion, changing one's thoughts totally on it's head...on what is actually is good for us after a lifetime of being told what to eat by the gov/pharma/conventional food pyramid...which is actually harmful to us is a hard pill to swallow. Thank goodness we woke up from the insanity/BS we have been spoonfed for decades and had open minds to learn the truth.before our health had gotten any worse.


It was also painful to clear out a pantry, fridge and freezer full of bad food choices and waste so much money. We know...been there. We wound up throwing out about $500 to maybe $700 worth of food when we changed our eating lifestyle.


Regrets? Absolutely not! Just consider what meds for a diabetic cost in just one month. Losing $ from a one time change of food in the pantry/cabinets/fridge & freezer is a drop in the bucket to the loss of money for most meds in just a single month or two. Then add on the health benefits and extending one's life/health...priceless.


Is your health worth it? I say yes. You only have one life. One body.



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Posts: 18,415
Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: For those that believe in low fat diets

I’ve read so many works of Gary Taubes & Mark Sisson.

Low carbohydrate diet are, have been and always will be

dangerous & unsustainable for long-term results.


Humans are meant to consume high carbohydrate diets.

And we have millions of generation before us,

in many different cultures, to back that fact up. 

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Posts: 15,168
Registered: ‎01-02-2011

Re: For those that believe in low fat diets

I like several of those doctors you mention, too.  


Congratulations on your weight loss!

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Posts: 15,168
Registered: ‎01-02-2011

Re: For those that believe in low fat diets

[ Edited ]

The Daily Beast had an article today on failed vegan YouTube stars this morning.


ETA:  I had the wrong website.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,616
Registered: ‎05-15-2016

Re: For those that believe in low fat diets

Congratulations! I find reducing my carb intake, not eliminating has been good for me too. 

Super Contributor
Posts: 408
Registered: ‎10-08-2014

Re: For those that believe in low fat diets

Wait people still believe in low fat diets ? Didn’t they go out about 2003? 

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Posts: 9,268
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: For those that believe in low fat diets

@tansy wrote:

I like several of those doctors you mention, too.  


Congratulations on your weight loss!


@tansy   Thank you  Smiley Happy

Believe it or not, I give all credit for our improved health 1st to my husband. If it wasn't for his tenacity of not wanting to take one more pill and learn what he could do to get off diabeties meds, we would no doubt be struggling with our health issues today.


The fact that it took just 7 months for this 180 degree turn around is short of being a miracle. I have tried to spread the word a few times before on these forums.


Unfortunately, only those who have open minds to learn more will benefit my trying to help others. If I just inspire one person I will be happy.

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Posts: 18,415
Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: For those that believe in low fat diets

[ Edited ]

@tansy wrote:

Huffington Post had an article today on failed vegan YouTube stars this morning.

Her social media name is ‘Rawvana.’ 

Seems to be several social media ‘vegans’ proclaiming their fail

recently.  Generations of people have thrived on a plant based diet

but suddenly all these young social media ‘vegans’

are crumbling to the ground after a short-time eating this way.


PS:  being ‘vegan’ has nothing to do with being low-fat 

referencing the original topic. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 9,268
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: For those that believe in low fat diets

@sidsmom wrote:

I’ve read so many works of Gary Taubes & Mark Sisson.

Low carbohydrate diet are, have been and always will be

dangerous & unsustainable for long-term results.


Humans are meant to consume high carbohydrate diets.

And we have millions of generation before us,

in many different cultures, to back that fact up. 


@sidsmom  If you really believe we as humans are meant to eat high carb diets, I personally don't believe you read the books I posted in my OP.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 15,168
Registered: ‎01-02-2011

Re: For those that believe in low fat diets


@sidsmom wrote:

@tansy wrote:

Huffington Post had an article today on failed vegan YouTube stars this morning.

Her social media name is ‘Rawvana.’ 

Seems to be several social media ‘vegans’ proclaiming their fail

recently.  Generations of people have thrived on a plant based diet

but suddenly all these young social media ‘vegans’

are crumbling to the ground after a short-time eating this way.


PS:  being ‘vegan’ has nothing to do with being low-fat 

referencing the original topic. 

I did not reread the article but I believe low fat was mentioned.