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Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

Did anyone else see Kanye West live on TMZ today?  I've never been a fan of his AT ALL.  


However, I sat watching him the entire time (just him) talk to all of the TMZ people who work there  Sometimes he turned his back on the camera and and other times he talked  to Harvey and his side kick and us, the TMZ audience.


When he turned to the TMZ workers he was actually chastising them for the critically reporting they do on people.  He said when he was in the hospital it was because he was getting liposuction done so TMZ and others wouldn't be reporting that he was fat.  He said he cared too much what others thought of him.


I loved his message (although at times it was a bit rambling).  It made a lot of sense to me.


I'm interested in hearing if any of you saw it and, if so, what you thought of it.


Basically, he was saying (my interpretation) that it's time for more people to become free thinkers and stop saying what we think other's want us to say.


It's interesting and it leads to some interesting conversations from surprising people.  


He made sense to me when he said (again, my interpretation) that he doesn't want to become known as a musician, but he'd like to become known as a person who works toward helping others.


I've read and heard all of the criticism about how he's drumming up business because he's dropping several records (he's been recording with a lot of different people).  But I can only give my opinion and he seemed very genuine in his quest asking for people to speak up for themselves and stop the crowd mindset.

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

Kanye is Kanye. What I like is a tide is turning. We can all think freely. We all don’t have to have the same thoughts and that is okay. 

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

 To each their own.IMO Kanye is full of himself & has more than one screw loose!! It figures that he would be married to a Kardashian.

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

Kanye is a loon and he found his perfect mate.


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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

Yes, I saw some of it, I don't care for the man or his talent. That being said, I'm all for free thinkers and not following the crowd, but one has to be careful not to come off as a holier than thou know it all. My son is very much a free thinker, he was raised that way, but he can be misunderstood by people and finds it difficult to maintain a long term relationship because of the way he thinks. I also think people who don't care what others think of them ,or are not people pleasers tend to be free thinkers. I personally think Mr. West is a fake and a poser. If he wants to help people I hope he does, he and his wife certainly have the means.

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

After Kanye’s recent statements asserting that slavery was a choice, I had to question what kind of “free thinking” he might be expounding. I’m not a fan of his and I think he’s ridiculous. 

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

When Kanye speaks.....



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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

People are just upset that he might have some influence and start people thinking another way. Why else the uproar? 

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Re: Kanye West on TMZ 1 May 2018

I have a feeling that Kanye may be bi=polar.  Rambling could be a sign.  If he is not taking his medicine he can get all wound up.  I am not knocking him because I feel everyone has an opinion and everyone likes and dislikes certain people and that is your right.  For a gang to be after him is horrible.   You don't like what he said, so kill him?  Snoop Dog's cousin allegedly called a gang to get Kanye.  What is wrong with people?  You have to kill someone because they have an opinion?  I hope nothing happens to Kanye.  Kanye is a very talented & creative person.  Cat Very Happy

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