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Re: General Hospital ~ April Thread

Thank you grandma and rain for helping out. I too like to see and also read so thanks to the both of you.

I also enjoyed today's episode and do hope that eventually the old Luke will be back that is after the sanitarium (Amsterdam) thing. Have watched GH since the old days and have always liked him.

I agree that they should have somehow worked in Lucky, Laura and Ethan like Becki said even if by phone. It does look like tomorrow is back to business as usual in PC.

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Re: General Hospital ~ April Thread

WELL !! Now that this long, drawn out epic has ended, I wonder what trouble will begin now to drag us through the summer.

Any guesses ????

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Re: General Hospital ~ April Thread

The takeover by Nik, the "outing" of Hayden, the "reveal" of Jason, the custody of Avery, the illness of Ava, the evilness of Ric, the Nurses Ball is always fun and then there is Oblivia and her "crazy friends". So much to pick from Yammy! LOL About time for some teen action, too.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: General Hospital ~ April Thread

On 4/2/2015 RainCityGirl said:

One of the great things about Soaps is they leave themselves open for criticism. As I have watched it since I was a girl and my gran and I sat down to see the next installment when I got home from school, I think I have a right to say what I like or don't like about it. Some days I don't watch at all. Other days I watch and roll my eyes at it. Writers can deal with history without completely becoming irrational in my opinion. There are just some things in the Fluke story that defy logic and past history. My prerogative to not like it but still watch how it goes on.

Exactly Rain, I agree...also, writers will deal with history and become totally irrational! I think that is the draw of a soap never knows what will be included in the next day's storyline. Not all viewers will like all story lines and/or characters. I have had a love/hate relationship with Luke for years and yet, I keep watching.

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Re: General Hospital ~ April Thread

I watched the 4/1 episode last night.

If I understand the story correctly, the original explanation was that Mrs. Spencer died and Mr. Spencer had "run off".

Am I the only one wondering how young Patricia got the power to transfer deed to her parents' house and sell her father's car? {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

And how come the body in the basement wasn't in the wall? When Dante found it, the body was sitting tied up in a chair with that orange jumpsuit type thing on?

I don't know, I think the writers were trying to come up with a back story, but common sense didn't prevail.

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Re: General Hospital ~ April Thread

Why did Fluke hate Soony and why did he try to kill Alexis??????
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Re: General Hospital ~ April Thread

The ""body"" was Bills' (when Helena dug it up)and dear ol' dad should still be in the wall the way I understood. I think the deal with Sonny is from his fathers evil feelings toward those he saw as taking over his waterfront jobs. Alexis was just a way to get back at Julian for disobeying him.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: General Hospital ~ April Thread

Ahh, I forgot about Bill's empty grave.

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Re: General Hospital ~ April Thread

On 4/3/2015 Eager2Learn said:

Ahh, I forgot about Bill's empty grave.

Me too. But don't bones all come apart once decay takes place? How would you dress a skeleton, and why was their still skin on his head after 50 some years? Ewww. Macabre.

Luke kept repeating about how Patricia must have been repulsed when she saw him because he looks just like the father. I wonder if in his break, he became his father in all his mean behavior. Luke has always had an alcohol problem like his father.

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Re: General Hospital ~ April Thread

Nik knows that Jake is really Jason, but, will he continue to keep quiet????? Obviously, he knows that Haydon is definitely not Jake's wife. And, now that Spencer found the ring, how can he remain silent?????? Did it strike anyone else as odd that Jason's motorcycle was in that garage???? There have been a number of scenes over recent months at the garage, but, the bike was not that obvious.