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Re: Flintstone House

[ Edited ]

It bought a big smile to my face when I saw your post title and connected it to your user name. Lol!  I remember watching the Flintstones and hearing Fred say," I love my mother-in-law, I love my mother-in-law." Whenever Wilma's henpecking mother would come visit.  It's now an inside joke between me and my son in law. Lol!


As for the house, I remember seeing it years ago in some magazine and thinking, no not for me. It would make a cool air bnb.


Your Wilma was a cutie!Heart

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The views are lovely but the house is not at all appealing in any way for me.  It is very far away from my taste zone!

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I think the exterior is very cool, but the interior is poorly done.  Had the interior been done tastefully, I think it would have sold quite quickly.  


While the exterior is interesting, the interior is cartoon-y, which I guess, was the ill-chosen goal.

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Well, it grabs your attention.  The first room has a good view and that's about it for me.

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@faeriemoon wrote:

I think the exterior is very cool, but the interior is poorly done.  Had the interior been done tastefully, I think it would have sold quite quickly.  


While the exterior is interesting, the interior is cartoon-y, which I guess, was the ill-chosen goal.


All it proves is ****** Clark had very poor taste. Money does not buy taste. Not sure what the man was thinking if he had that custom designed.

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It's not a house I would want to live in, but I'd love to see it!  It's very interesting and has a gorgeous view.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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I love the first pic .. since the home is in the distance, it doesn't stand out to me to be a home, but instead something more natural against the landscaping & the skyline.  


As a close up, it's awful!  Can't imagine why anyone would what to live there , but hey, to each their own taste.  Cat Wink