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Replacement for Joan Rivers on FP

Access Hollywood just announced that Kathy Griffin will be replacing(not that anyone can do that) Joan on FP. I will not be watching. I do not like her. She has no fashion sense. WHY?????

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Re: Replacement for Joan Rivers on FP

I thought Melissa would be sitting in for her mom?. Kathy Griffith makes sense though. I don't care for her, but she has the mouth for a joke. She is fearless. She was also a friend and protégé' of Joan's. I think she has fashion sense. She is polarizing. I think she also is generous and kind to her friends. She might be okay. I really don't watch FP. I do love Kelly O though.

As much as I loved Joan, I wasn't a huge fan of FP. She was a little to hard for me. She meant well, and was funny, but not my cup o tea on that show. I liked her in everything else.

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Re: Replacement for Joan Rivers on FP

It's completely possible that this was Joan's wish. It's very likely that the subject of Joan's replacement is something that was discussed with her, and I'm also sure Melissa knows best what her Mom would want. The idea is not really to have someone fill Joan's shoes, but more to have a successful show continue.

As I've posted here before, I knew Joan and loved her a lot. And no one will ever take her place in my eyes. But I'd like to see FP continue, and I'm willing to give Kathy Griffin a chance. It won't be the same, of course, but life is about change, I guess. {sigh}


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Re: Replacement for Joan Rivers on FP

i agree with nyc susan, that it's completely possible that this was joan's wish. it would make perfect sense to me. and i doubt seriously that melissa just made some kind of random, desperate choice.

it seems like kathy loved joan, and knowing that she would never actually try to REPLACE joan helps a lot.

my thinking is that she will honor joan's memory by trying to carry on --in her own way-- and keeping the show a success.

i do hope that somebody will start a thread when the 'new' show premieres so that i don't miss it.

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Re: Replacement for Joan Rivers on FP

Kathy Griffin seems like a great choice to me.........I think Melissa would have been a terrible choice.......she does not relate to the camera or have the likeability factor that her Mother had..........JR was hysterically crude, rude, quick and unfiltered and I think Kathy fits that bill......NYC SUSAN....were you at the funeral ?
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Re: Replacement for Joan Rivers on FP

Perfect choice. Rude, crude, filthy toilet mouth humor just like Joan. Do not see any problem.
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Re: Replacement for Joan Rivers on FP

On 9/24/2014 gazelle77 said: Perfect choice. Rude, crude, filthy toilet mouth humor just like Joan. Do not see any problem.

I agree gazelle77 never watched the show but, when Joan passed away I saw a snippet. I can not stand that women.

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Re: Replacement for Joan Rivers on FP

I don't know. Joan had an extraordinarily high intellect. Many of her innuendoes went whoosh over many heads. Joan was not for the overly, self-absorbed, "I am a victim", type thinkers who couldn't see big picture or ran from boogyman words. Kathy isn't stupid, and I'm sure Joan had discussed this at some point. Since Melissa agrees, it will be interesting to see what happens.

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Re: Replacement for Joan Rivers on FP

On 9/23/2014 elated said:

Access Hollywood just announced that Kathy Griffin will be replacing(not that anyone can do that) Joan on FP. I will not be watching. I do not like her. She has no fashion sense. WHY?????

I don't know. Joan had an extraordinarily high intellect. Many of her innuendoes went whoosh over many heads. Joan was not for the overly, self-absorbed, "I am a victim", type thinkers who couldn't see big picture or ran from boogyman words. Kathy isn't stupid, and I'm sure Joan had discussed this at some point. Since Melissa agrees, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Edited: I forgot to quote you in my reply!

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Re: Replacement for Joan Rivers on FP

Her innuendoes went over peoples heads? I hardly think so. I can't believe that at all.

But the OP did not say that Kathy would be replacing Joan permanently. It maybe just an interim job.