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I love the snow especially when it covers the ground, street and trees.  It's picture perfect.  I hope we get some for Christmas.

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@Mombo1 @catter70  NE PA here.  DD is planning to work from home Wednesday and Thursday.  She has a 70 mile round trip commute and no sense risking life and limb driving in that weather.


I guess I better brave a store tomorrow and grab a couple things.


This is the best part of retirement, you don't get up, look out the window and cringe.

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We got snow last night, but it didn't stick.

My daughter lives in northwest Arkansas, and she got about 5 inches!

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@Katcat1   The first 1 or 2 snowfalls are pretty, after the umpteeth the shine wears off.


One year in the late 1990s when I worked we didn't work a full week for about 3 months.  We had snow so bad we either got let out early or they closed the office at least 1 day a week.  It was nuts.


1996 in January we had flooding for 2 consecutive weekends and the 3rd weekend we had a blizzard.  We moved the day after the blizzard.  Luckily, it was only 4 miles.

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Wow! I feel your pain. I lived in Pgh, PA most of my life. Loved the snow as a child but not as an adult. I moved to Virginia in 2006 and am finally enjoying sunny days! We do get chilly weather, little snow and rarely an ice storm. My family still lives in PA. so I still travel there but I'm oh soooo happy when I return home to VA. Be safe out there!

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Oops, I had a brain hiccup.  It was blizzard, blizzard  and the 3rd weekend flood.  It warmed up and all the snow melted.

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Everybody getting hammered by rain or snow, stay safe. My neighbor will get the snow blower out to do that heavy snow. Due to COPD, I can't do much of anything. I'm so lucky to have wonderful neighbors. I will, later, go out to try and get rid of the slush on the sidewalk and driveway. Not sure if I can do it or not. Take care to you all.

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@CrazyKittyLvr2   what area do you live in?  Is it snow or lake effect snow?

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@LindaSal wrote:

RI is in for it too!   I can say I don't mind too much as I love snow for Christmas.  On the other hand the only thing that does concern me is the possibility of losing the power.

We just had a nor easter a little over a week ago and we lost power for 11 hours!   Our townhouse is high up on an old small ski resort so the winds we get are always worse than our surrounding area.

would that be Yawgoo?  

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I'm in the area of WV predicted to see 3-6".   Snow days and pajama days with my family are always welcome, but I'm already wondering if the contractors are ever going to finish this job, and measurable snow is not going to help them get out of here any faster!