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Re: Tipping question, eating at Panera

You ladies must live in upscale USA, no buzzers, no waitresses, go up to the counter, order your food, pay and go to the counter to pick up.

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Re: Tipping question, eating at Panera

@dfyre We did ask to speak to the manager and was informed that "He was unavailable", we should have contacted headquarters but at that point we just chalked it up to a life lesson and never went back!

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Re: Tipping question, eating at Panera

I don't know if all Ihops are franchises, but the one here is.  I'm guessing that's why they add the 25% tip.  I wouldn't go there.


Was at panera last month.  We ate in and used the self serve machine.  I don't remember a tip button.  I would likely have said no.

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Re: Tipping question, eating at Panera

Totally agree, just a grab for more $, without any added


In Manhattan there is a few no tip restaurants with a surcharge of 18%.

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Re: Tipping question, eating at Panera

Tipping is getting out of hand. I remember seeing something where fast food workers wanted $15 per hour. Did they get it? And now they want tips too? I know a lot of places had to raise their prices to make up for the extra costs of labor. I don't have a problem tipping at restaurants where they wait on you but not where I wait for & pick up my own food.

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Re: Tipping question, eating at Panera

we frequent Jersey Mikes sub shop and when they do your loyalty card - BEFORE it tells you the total it asks "Would you like to put a tip?" Increments from $1-5...what it's a take out sub shop! I said "no" then it takes you to the pay screen.


I know the kids/adults that work at ours since I go at least 2x's week - I always put a tip in the jar.  They are courteous and always make it a pleasure, and even though they aren't serving me I know them.


panera's? Wierd maybe it offsets on paying the employees more wage/hour. I wouldn't even be inclined to tip at a fast-food place.



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Re: Tipping question, eating at Panera

I don't take it that seriously, it's a fast food restaurant, for heaven's sake.  You know the service you are going to get.  I'd have tipped 15% and enjoyed my meal.  Life's short and there are real things to worry about.  Whether or not the service I recieve at a chain restaurant will live up to my huge....15% not worth a second thought.  If my meal was bad or the service poor, I just would not go back. 

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Re: Tipping question, eating at Panera

As far as food places go, I only tip at sit down restaurants where they bring me a menu, take my order, bring my food and check on my meal.  Not at fast food type places.  That's a bit ridiculous.  There was one place a few years back, when gas was more expensive, had a jar on the counter that said "Gas money for crew".  LOL, nobody gives me gas money to get to work.  I thought that's rude.  I also think it's rude to have tip jars.  If people want to tip, let them, but don't put hints and suggestions out there!

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Re: Tipping question, eating at Panera

So that whole story about leaving a tip before you get your food wasn't true?  Is that the story here?

Posts: 34
Registered: ‎05-02-2016

Re: Tipping question, eating at Panera

I just had that happen to me this week. I can't see tipping for placing an order, waiting for it at the pick up counter and then cleaning up my own dishes. That's ridiculous!