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While I've been reading this rant I've been wondering how many of those posting are addicted to food or soda. Why those so very concerned about a whiff of second hand smoke are driving big polluting SUVs spewing exhaust. How many release balloons. How many use k-cups, paper plates... Glass houses?

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@WenGirl42 wrote:

@Mominohio wrote:

Boy, it's great to see all this tolerance so many of you demand for every other thing that people are or do in society today, but can't tolerate 'these' people. 


Many here aren't saying the habit or act is disgusting, but the people are. How sad that some people expect others to tolerate their 'rights' choices, decisions, but can't offer that back to others. 



(Secondhand smoke physically harms everyone in the vicinity. And smoldering butts cause fires.)   


You don't get my point at all. The act/habit may be harmful/disgusting/dangerous. But several here are demeaning the person. No tolerance. We shouldn't tolerate fires or people blowing smoke in restricted places, but this degradation of people for smoking wouldn't be tolerated here by people if the topic were 'people are gross who have tattoos and piercings all over their body' (yes, it effects me, I have to look at them).


I don't smoke, never have, don't live with anyone who does, and don't like to be around it. But I don't have the disgust for smokers that people here do. There are a lot of things people do I don't like, but I dislike like the behavior, not the person.

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I quit 11 years ago (hardest thing I ever did!),  but I never smoked around my kids or grandkids, or people who didn't smoke, and I never threw butts out the window or in the street (had an ashtray always).


I know no one that smokes anymore except my neighbors who throw their butts on our lawn. They have been told about it to NO avail!


Anyway I am against bad things for the environment. We recycle all glass, plastic, paper, cardboard, etc. I also worry about how people pollute mother earth.(For instance our neighbors have 5 cars for 2 people! Why?)


But I wonder, does anyone here who is against smoking also do their share for the environment? Care about global warming? You are all breathing in pollution daily! Our air AND our oceans are polluted! 


I also hate people on cellphones everywhere, especially white driving. (we were hit by someone on a phone).


So I guess we are all offended by different things or maybe the same things? 

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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@Citrine1 wrote:

Some things that disgust me -- social injustice, domestic violence, child abuse, overpaid athletes and underpaid teachers, but smokers?  Not so much.  I quit 12 years ago, but the craving never goes away.  


Great point, and puts things more into perspective.

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@Mominohio wrote:

@WenGirl42 wrote:

@Mominohio wrote:

Boy, it's great to see all this tolerance so many of you demand for every other thing that people are or do in society today, but can't tolerate 'these' people. 


Many here aren't saying the habit or act is disgusting, but the people are. How sad that some people expect others to tolerate their 'rights' choices, decisions, but can't offer that back to others. 



(Secondhand smoke physically harms everyone in the vicinity. And smoldering butts cause fires.)   


You don't get my point at all. The act/habit may be harmful/disgusting/dangerous. But several here are demeaning the person. No tolerance. We shouldn't tolerate fires or people blowing smoke in restricted places, but this degradation of people for smoking wouldn't be tolerated here by people if the topic were 'people are gross who have tattoos and piercings all over their body' (yes, it effects me, I have to look at them).


I don't smoke, never have, don't live with anyone who does, and don't like to be around it. But I don't have the disgust for smokers that people here do. There are a lot of things people do I don't like, but I dislike like the behavior, not the person.


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(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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@occasionalrain wrote:

While I've been reading this rant I've been wondering how many of those posting are addicted to food or soda. Why those so very concerned about a whiff of second hand smoke are driving big polluting SUVs spewing exhaust. How many release balloons. How many use k-cups, paper plates... Glass houses?


You make valid points.

I am one year non smoking. It was the right time for me to quit and this time it's going to work. That being said, I don't hate smokers. I don't demean them because quitting is one of the hardest things you'll ever do.


I am also completely in favor of taxing those huge soda drinks and imposing a special tax on the gigantic SUVs  and pick ups used simply as pleasure vehicles.


Climate change deniers infuriate me because our planet is being destroyed and they won't acknowledge it or change the behaviors that contribute to the damage.


I'm glad I don't smoke any more but I have a lot of other stuff to hate more than smokers.

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It is hard not to be judgmental toward cigarette smokers especially when you are personally impacted and feel it is adversely affecting your own health. No one should have the right to put smoke in your space, we breathe plenty of bad air already if you live in a crowded city with a lot of cars.  

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@Mustang Shar wrote:

I quit smoking a year ago. I do not feel any better than before. I was not a slob. People say we are disgusting......


I WAS AN ADDICT, I STILL AM AN ADDICT! I want one every single day. This is incredibly difficult, short tempered, over eating, depressed.


We are SORRY we smoke, we know we are disgusting to all 😢😢😢. Just wanting to vent. 



You are not disgusting or a slob.  In fact @Mustang Shar you are a warrior working on beating the habit.


Probably most people have some habit or addiction they wish they could break.


You will feel better, give it time...


Noel, former smoker for 16 years.

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Personally, I find drunks much more repugnant.  I have no sympathy for them.  They kill people in auto crashes and throw their beer cans in my yard.  I know so many people whose parents were alcoholics.  It's very destructive.  I can't believe they still allow people to drink in restaurants. 

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@occasionalrain wrote:

While I've been reading this rant I've been wondering how many of those posting are addicted to food or soda. Why those so very concerned about a whiff of second hand smoke are driving big polluting SUVs spewing exhaust. How many release balloons. How many use k-cups, paper plates... Glass houses?

@occasionalrain  Exactly.  I disagree about second hand smoke, though.


Cigarette butts are just as harmful to our environment but most people do not look at that factor.  It is easy to blame k-cups and all types of disposable items (which annoy the heck out of me) but I guarantee the same people who are hand-wringing over smokers are using disposable items to some degree.


Look-we know smoking is addictive and harmful to the smoker and blah blah blah.


But the medical cost alone is staggering.  And then..........


TRILLIONS of cigarette butts litter our highways, our beaches, our waterways, even clogging sewer systems.


Cigarette butts account for approx. 40% of our pollution.  40%. 


If we are to be concerned about our planet, we cannot dismiss the harmful effects of cigarette butts, too.


There is an abundance of stats out there regarding cigarette butts.  For those truly interested in saving our planet, do some research. 


To dismiss the environmental damages from cigarette butts is not seeing the whole picture.




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