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My 2 year old GD loves my KJL clip-on earrings!

Every time my just-turned-2 granddaughter is around me when I'm putting on earrings, she wants to put earrings on, too.  Problem is that nearly all of mine are pierced.  She'll take one earring and try really hard to just have it sit on her ear, but of course, that doesn't work.


So, on Wednesday afternoon I decided to bring my "Thomas Museum Series" jewelry box, purchased from QVC in the 90s, into the living room.  Before she arrived, I went through each of the 4 drawers and the top section, looking for Joan Rivers and Kenneth Jay Lane clip-on earrings.  When I found those, they were placed in the little front squares.


When my granddaughter arrived, she made a bee-line for "the box" and asked what it was.  I told her and opened up one of the drawers.  She made straight for a pair of Kenneth Jay Lane clip-ons.  They have a black enamel faux bow across the middle, with crystals filling in all around.  The metal part of the earring was done in gold tone.


This earring was so 90s, but really suited my granddaughter.  She loved those earrings and wore them for 3 hours.  She walked around the house and would move her head from right to left, so that the earrings would shake, then she'd go to one of our large mirrors and just stare at herself and giggle saying.  "I'm giggling, Oma." 


So cute! 


She loves jewelry, purses and lipstick, which doesn't exactly please her mother.  I think she got the gene from me.  LOL!

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Re: My 2 year old GD loves my KJL clip-on earrings!

She will treasure this memory!  My grandmother and great-grandmother let me wear their clip-on earrings when I visited.  I inherited some of them upon their passings.  I lost some in a flood, but I have at least one pair from each.  I also bought some Joan Rivers ones that reminded me of them a few years ago.  I felt so pretty when I had theirs on.  I didn't need the rest of "dress up" because I was fancy!  LOL Heart

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: My 2 year old GD loves my KJL clip-on earrings!

I think Mr. Lane and Ms. Rivers would be pleased to know that their jewelry was bringing such happiness and good memories.

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Re: My 2 year old GD loves my KJL clip-on earrings!

Grands are just best! 


I must say your GD did for 3 hours something I could not do for more than 10 minutes and that's wear clip on earrings. A friend gave me  KJL clip-ons (why I haven't a clue as the friend knew I have pierced ears) and they KILLED my ears.

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Re: My 2 year old GD loves my KJL clip-on earrings!

Just so cute!  My grandaughter, who is 2&1/2, is just like yours.  She loves jewelry, pocketbooks, make-up, etc.  I never thought of clip-on earrings just for fun.  I have gotten her a few tiny pocketbooks with stuffed animal attached.  I'm going to get some jewelry for fun, part of her visits with her Mimi.  She has gotten into her mom's make-up more than once, and the end result pictures are so funny.

She is also tall and athletic, blue-eyes and light blonde hair, and a force to be reckoned with.  Laughs and giggles all the time.  Can you tell that her Mimi, 71 years old, is madly in love with her (and her 7 year old brother)?  The joys of my old age.

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Re: My 2 year old GD loves my KJL clip-on earrings!

I also inherited a pair of my grandma's clip on earrings when I was really little.  I was probably 5 when my paternal grandma died.  I got to pick one pair out of her jewelry box.  I have them to this day, so I've had them aprox 54 years. 


Have fun with your GD OP. 

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Re: My 2 year old GD loves my KJL clip-on earrings!

@lulu2 wrote:

Grands are just best! 


I must say your GD did for 3 hours something I could not do for more than 10 minutes and that's wear clip on earrings. A friend gave me  KJL clip-ons (why I haven't a clue as the friend knew I have pierced ears) and they KILLED my ears.



Hi lulu,


There's a trick to wearing clip-ons and that's to go into one of those accessory stores at the mall and purcase a clip-on "key."  This allows you to loosen the tension of the spring.

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Re: My 2 year old GD loves my KJL clip-on earrings!

@sfnative wrote:

@lulu2 wrote:

Grands are just best! 


I must say your GD did for 3 hours something I could not do for more than 10 minutes and that's wear clip on earrings. A friend gave me  KJL clip-ons (why I haven't a clue as the friend knew I have pierced ears) and they KILLED my ears.



Hi lulu,


There's a trick to wearing clip-ons and that's to go into one of those accessory stores at the mall and purcase a clip-on "key."  This allows you to loosen the tension of the spring.

I used a metal nail file to "open" it a little to help with the tightness.  LOL  Didn't know therewas a "key"! 

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: My 2 year old GD loves my KJL clip-on earrings!

so far my grand-daughter seems to be a tom-boy THANK GOD!

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Re: My 2 year old GD loves my KJL clip-on earrings!

Oh gosh, that takes me back to my own childhood when my maternal grandma let me play dress-up with some of her jewelry.  She called them earbobs, & most of them had to scr*w onto the earlobe.  Fun!