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Re: Hand-Washing: 20 Seconds⏱

When I taught little ones, I taught them to sing the song “ twinkle, twinkle little star”while washing their hands. It is about 22 seconds. I have always taught the grandkids to do the same. I also have to remind them if your haven’t used soap, then you haven’t washed your hands!
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Re: Hand-Washing: 20 Seconds⏱

The twice happy birthday is usually over 20 seconds...we use “twinkle, twinkle, little star”
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Re: Hand-Washing: 20 Seconds⏱

My grand’s pediatrician reminded us to wipe down the steering wheel after we come back to the car from the store...great advice aI would have never thought to do...also the front and back doorknobs of your home.
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Re: Hand-Washing: 20 Seconds⏱

They have containers of wipes in several area in the gym...they are to wipe down equipment, but you see very few people use them. ick!
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Re: Hand-Washing: 20 Seconds⏱

I have been in so many restrooms in restaurants....nice ones with hand soap in fancy bottles and paper towels with the restaurants name printed on them, and seen employees come out of a stall and head straight for the exit...never washing their makes me not want to finish my meal.
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Re: Hand-Washing: 20 Seconds⏱

[ Edited ]

@phoenixbrd wrote:

@sidsmom   Sing Happy Birthday twice while washing your hands and you've got your 20 seconds in and, of course, eat more kale!


      I taught an entire "handwashing" curriculum to child caregivers at 100 facilities for 4 years.  There were puppets, books, art activities, songs etc. 

     The main thing was teaching the kids - and adults - to wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.  We taught them to sing the A B C song two times.  Count while rubbing hands together with soap which creates friction to 'scrub' hands. Kids wanted to start counting as they walked into the bathrooms!! Smiley Happy

     Also dry hands with paper towel and use paper towel to open the door.  Another tip -- don't touch public hand rails - on stair cases, toilet handles, waterfaucets...use paper towels.


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Re: Hand-Washing: 20 Seconds⏱

When I worked in the medical field I was taught to wash hands for a full 2 minutes.

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Re: Hand-Washing: 20 Seconds⏱

I wash and count 1001, 1002, etc., up to 20. But if I don’t put hand lotion on after drying my hands they get so dry my skin cracks and bleeds. 😢

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Re: Hand-Washing: 20 Seconds⏱

[ Edited ]

@sidsmom   I am OCD and probably wash my hands more than 100 times per day and use hot water and soap or hot water and the hand disinfectant thingie.  I did that before I was ever a medical employee.  Friends used to kid me about washing my hands so much when I cooked but, like I said, I became OCD when I had children and I used such sterile precautions with their feedings, pacifiers, bottles and diaper changes, etc.  My first two had to wear white cotton diapers because they chafed from Pampers.  I boiled their diapers after rinsing them out and then put them in the washer with hot water to do a final wash (and the towels that touched their feeding instruments, bottles, etc).  My pediatrician fussed at me once and told me I had "sterilized his guts."

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Re: Hand-Washing: 20 Seconds⏱


Sounds like you're waaay ahead of it!
