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Re: Brad Pitt accused of child abuse

It's going to get a whole lot uglier.  There are many "rumors" out there.  

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Re: Brad Pitt accused of child abuse

Many couples disagree on how to discipline their children....and it's usually not a reason for divorce.  


What constitutes as child abuse?....far too many think even the slightest bit of discipline is yell at a child for misbehaving....well...there are plenty of folks who think raising your voice to a child is child abuse.  


I don't know if Brad abused his children....I doubt any of us will ever know for sure....but if this is a drummed up story for publicity and sympathy on her part then shame on her and anyone helping her spread this story.  It's difficult to do the adult thing in a divorce and leave the kids out of the mess...far too many use their children like pawns in messy breakups.  That to me is child abuse!   

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Re: Brad Pitt accused of child abuse

Folks, how about posting some documentation when making statements, including the OP who started this thread.   "I heard" and "someone said" and "I thought I read"  just don't cut it. Posters who post that have little credibility, if any.  Why should I believe you?


Here's one of the report sources.

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Re: Brad Pitt accused of child abuse

@straykatz wrote:

Many couples disagree on how to discipline their children....and it's usually not a reason for divorce.  


What constitutes as child abuse?....far too many think even the slightest bit of discipline is yell at a child for misbehaving....well...there are plenty of folks who think raising your voice to a child is child abuse.  


I don't know if Brad abused his children....I doubt any of us will ever know for sure....but if this is a drummed up story for publicity and sympathy on her part then shame on her and anyone helping her spread this story.  It's difficult to do the adult thing in a divorce and leave the kids out of the mess...far too many use their children like pawns in messy breakups.  That to me is child abuse!   

@straykatz  Hi straykatz- caught your name as the most recent poster on this thread just before Pearley posted and just wanted to say "hi" and miss you.


I'm not into all this "Brangelina" (gak) stuff but I feel sorry for them.   All these rumors are certainly painful and some of them have already been put to rest. The poor actress who was rumored to be carrying Brad's child - all this nonsense hurts more than just the Pitt family.





"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Brad Pitt accused of child abuse

Hmm...I thought people were still allowed to have opinions here.


Some sources are rags...just saying.Smiley LOL

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Re: Brad Pitt accused of child abuse

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

And now the rumors and stories start......I will respectfully choose to ignore all of them. Only two people know what really goes on in a relationship and why they are divorcing. 



I agree completely, anyone can be 'accused' of anything, just like anyone can be sued for anything, I'll reserve judgement until a legal determination is made as to whether the accusations are indeed 'fact', or not.

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Re: Brad Pitt accused of child abuse

@Melania wrote:

Hmm...I thought people were still allowed to have opinions here.


Some sources are rags...just saying.:smileylol:



ITA ... this isn't a thesis here, with every comment needing to be "documented"!   lol    However, if something is a verifiable source, like a court document, a link can often prove interesting.


OTOH, If you're standing in line at the grocery store, you'll be bombarded by a multitude of "headlines" ...  and can't always remember the source hours or days later.  


Most of us read a lot of different things daily on the internet and often can't even remember which of the 43 sources said what.   Nor do most of us have the time to stop dead when they see something interesting and come to the boards to search for a specific thread so we can post it.  If we saw something on a TV news blurb, most people won't go running to their website to see if it's posted there.  


However .....    If you have that kind of free time, great, have at it.  


The only thing we can do is include sources when we are able to do so.   JMO

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Re: Brad Pitt accused of child abuse

@Melania wrote:

Hmm...I thought people were still allowed to have opinions here.


Some sources are rags...just saying.Smiley LOL

@Melania  So where are your "reputable" sources or are you content with people you don't even know being ripped?


Rumors are not opinions- they are just..........rumors.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Brad Pitt accused of child abuse

Not everything needs to be linked. 


We're having a "conversation" here. 

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Re: Brad Pitt accused of child abuse

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@hopi wrote:

Angie's a blood sucking nut. Child abuse is a strong charge. Discipline is another thing.  No boundaries for children make them dangerous to themselves and others. The whole thing needs to play out before everyone points fingers.  That being said her doing this as a media performance is shameful.



Oh, come on!!    A blood sucking not?   If you're referring to her behavior when she was married to Billy Bob Thornton ages ago, you're ignoring the part BBT played in that .... he IS a nut ... and weird. 


Where did you get the idea that her kids have "no boundaries"?        Everything points to them being loved and well behaved .... something a lot of even regular parents can't seem to manage that!


Clearly, you don't like her, but that doesn't make her a bad person, and it would be nice if you stuck to the facts.




You seriously need to stop shouting at people with your response.   The interrogatories are annoying too.

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