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@HappyDaze wrote:

@opinionblogger wrote:

Alexa6352, you are absolutely right.  Early one morning I was watching when they had Nick Chavez on with Albertie. Nick was LIVID & said he has some clients who come Into his salon with hair loss due to using a certain "Cleansing Conditioner". He said those who market & sell them don't tell you the truth about them. You need a certain amount of sulfates In your shampoo so they foam up & cleanse your hair & scalp. Conditioners basically are only meant for the ends of your hair, NOT on your scalp as they will clog

the hair folicles & make your hair fall out. Now I don't think he says this because he

Is just trying to seel his products but because it IS true.

There Is a video on AOL right now, I just watched that basically says the same thing.

I also know someone who works for a product testing facility. She bought the WEN

Pomegranate cleanser to try. After using It 3 times she said she had to stop. Some hair shedding Is normal, but when there is enough hair In the drain to knit yourself a little rug It IS NOT normal. I have also read reviews on line for YEARS from ladies who say they had hair loss, called Guthey Renker to complain & Guthey Renker never cared enough to actually DO anything. Since this has been going on for years I think you will find MANY MORE women have hair loss then you think. So how can anybody say Chaz cares SO MUCH? He HAD to have known, don't you think? Some may have No Problem with it but you can't Ignore the many who has, & possibly Irreversable. Plus, yes, lawyers have a job to do so they get paid.

They don't just make up things to get a paycheck, get real. This is a REAL legitimate complaint. With this many people complaining about the same thing It is NOT a coincidence.



Yeah poor Nick is really embarassing himself by worrying about the competition so much instead of focusing on his own products and what they can do for our hair. I think it is hard pill for him to swallow to have been put on the sidelines by WEN after being on QVC for so long. But I am disappointed he didn't take the high road and simply stick to his products instead of trying to take not-so-veiled jabs at the company that has knocked him off the QVC haircare throne. It makes him look desperate and that is never a good look on anyone.



Nothing less attractive than yesterday's dinner.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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First, no one will be able to comment about the litigation, as it is an ongoing process.


Second, 200 or 500 users seems like a small amount based on how popular the product is.


Regarding Nick Chavez.  He used to be the king on the Q.  Then Jonathan dethroned him. Then Chaz came onto the scene.


I think there is room on the Q for everyone.  Not every product will work for every person.

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@pepes mom wrote:

First, no one will be able to comment about the litigation, as it is an ongoing process.


Second, 200 or 500 users seems like a small amount based on how popular the product is.


Regarding Nick Chavez.  He used to be the king on the Q.  Then Jonathan dethroned him. Then Chaz came onto the scene.


I think there is room on the Q for everyone.  Not every product will work for every person.

Jonathan who?

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Jonathin Antin. He had Jonathan haircare. One of his products was called dirt. He was on frequently with Lisa R. His wife was the founder of the pussycat dolls.

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Oh gee, did somebody say something unkind?

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A dismal family member told me the samething about breast implant settlement, she was very wrong.

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It is really a phenomenon how they do that, as if they have some sort of bond to him. it always comes off as being very weird IMHO. 

Posts: 54
Registered: ‎01-16-2016
Before I started using Wen I was using a very expensive product called Deva no poo. Sounds like a crazy name but it's a cleansing conditioner with rave reviews any place you Google it. I found it a bit more reasonable than Wen. My hair grew to the middle of my back, was thick and shiny and gorgeous. My friend who I had not seen in a while thought it was a wig. Fast forward, I thought I would treat myself to Wen finally. Omg I want to cry. I washed my hair and rolled it up damp as I usually do because I don't use a blow-dryer unless I have to. I have shoulder issues. Anyhow the next evening, I was just at home all day not feeling too well I took my hair out to find thick mats that were as tough and hard as cement. I tried everything to soften them up. Argan oil, coconut oil. Nothing so I cut chunks out. It's taken years to finally have long hair past my shoulders that didn't break and alot of pricy product. Deeva no poo isn't cheap. I am devastated and have about 2 inches of roots that I had to to or maybe about 3 in the front. I used my usual high end color not a pharmacy box and my roots are orange. Obviously the Wen doesn't allow for color to penetrate the hair. So I have to wear a hat now. Plus whenever I wash my hair or comb it I find I can just pull out bunches easily when I run the wen through. The drain is clogged with hair and its the same combing. I have a huge mess on my hands and am really depressed because I don't have a clue. Obviously stop Wen and get my Deva no poo. Then get a shorter cut to even it out and color again next month. I am so sad 😢 because beside recovering from a horrendous car accident I lost my hair. With wen it dries straight and dry and with my Deva no poo it dries curly and wavy and full shine. I am so devastated. But I am pretty sick so I don't go out much. Speak about adding insult to injury. 😢
Posts: 33
Registered: ‎06-06-2010

I have been thinking a lot about this subject, and it's actually why I decided to come back to the forums today after a very long reprieve.  I wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing hair loss as a result of using WEN.  


My mother whom is in her late 60's started using WEN about 6 years ago.  Before she started using it her hair was damaged and frazzled from over processing, and within 1 month of her using the WEN (Pomegranate) her hair began to look incredibly shiny and healthy.  I really noticed a difference in the thickness of her hair within about 6-8 months worth of use.  Because her hair was so awful before, and then was completely transformed into a gorgeous Mufasa mane, I decided to give it a try myself.  


Once I got over the learning curve of how to use it correctly, I really liked the way it seemed to repair and nourish my own over-processed damaged hair, but it felt more weighted down than when I used my basic Herbal Essences.  After about 18 months of using, my hair really started to fall out.  I contributed it to the hormonal changes of having a baby (and I think part of the hair loss was attributed to that factor) but after almost 2 years of use, I was seriously going bald.  I lost almost all of the hair at the crown and center part of my head.  I never thought in a million years that the WEN was what could be making my hair fall out.  I ended up talking to my doctor and had a bunch of tests run resulting in being "perfectly healthy" as he put it.  Then, I started seeing some folks here on the boards talk about how WEN was causing them to loose their hair!   For a product that worked such wonders on my mom's hair, and the hair on countless others, I just couldnt fathom that it could really be WEN.  Sure enough, I switched back over to regular Herbal Essences Rose shampoo and conditioner and I noticed an almost immediate change in the texture of my hair, and then there were no more clumps of hair stuck in the drain of my shower!  My hair was so thin, that I chopped it into a pixie thinking it would add volume and cover the bald spots.  I was still so self-conscious about my thin hair that I decided to try a couple of the Hairdo Wigs that Lisa Robertson was presenting during her last week at QVC.  Boy, did those save my life!  For one thing, I've never had so many compliments on my haircut, and secondly I had a great hair alternative while my real hair started to grow back in.  I'm happy to say that my hair is 2x as thick as it was this time 2 years ago, and I truly believe its because I stopped using WEN.  I hate that the product has failed so many, and I am sure Chaz Dean is devastated that his product could contribute to women's lives being almost ruined over it.  He seems like such a darling person and I hope they can straighten out whatever the problem is with the product.  


In the meantime, the two Hairdo QVC wigs that I loved were the Layered Bob and Angled Short Cut both in Golden Wheat.  My avatar pic is the Layered Bob in case anyone is in the perdicament that I was in and wants to give a wig a try! 

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I am sorry to say, but I am one of the people that this happened to.  I will be 65 this coming May, and I really did have a good head of hair prior to using WEN. My hairdresser used to always compliment me on the strength, and texture of my hair.  I decided to begin using WEN because I thought that it would help me maintain my hair.  Well, I was wrong.  My hair began to fall out in clumps.  I was told to stop using it, but unfortunately, I have not been able to stop my hair from falling out.  I am stuck with bottles of product.  Now I just use it on my ends as a conditioner, and I do not let it touch the crown.  Sad.  I am so sorry that I have to post this, but apparently, this product is not for me.  I am not saying that it does not work for others.  I am not one to post negative comments here.