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Re: three week long migraine?

I used to get severe migraines the last 25 years or so.  I would go to Kaiser and I would get an injection of Demerol.  After 4 or 5 hours sleeping, it would be gone.  Imagine my surprise when I went to my dr. (i'm now living in another state and different insurance) and they can't give me an injection (only Toradol).  Seems it's not used anymore and it's a schedule 2 drug.  People would break in and steal it.  Now when I get a migraine it lasts for several days on and off.

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Re: three week long migraine?

I had an eye exam once that included one for peripheral vision where you looked into the machine for what seemed like an hour and when you saw a green light you had to push a button on a hand held device.


I only let them do one side and I will never do it again.  I had such a headache from it and I'm surprised I didn't throw up in the exam room.



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Re: three week long migraine?

[ Edited ]

@fancy pantsy wrote:

it all  started with a SEVERE migraine on 12/16 and it came on like a freight train the night that i had a complete vision exam. (those bright lights~)   this migraine was the worst one i have ever had, complete with vomiting and severe vertigo. 

for two days i was flat on my back.   after that (and ever since then) i have felt major vertigo.  i haven't driven since 12/16.  i walk like a drunken sailor.  my vision is completely messed up.    i did go to my neurologist and he checked to be sure it wasn't the ear crystal thing, and he put me on a Zpack (he said to knock out any remaining migraine (???) ). i have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow.  

seems as tho, in talking to folks, that everyone and their brother knows someone who has suffered something like this.  several people have said that it's VIRAL and that's why he put me on Zpack.


the other thing is that i did have three major surgeries in the last 6 months and a lot of people (note that i say 'people' and not doctors LOL) say that it's most likely the result of all that anesthesia.  


i just hope it goes away and that i will be able to drive again. 


have any of you had this experience?   




Those people are mistaken. The Z-pack (Azithromycin) is an antibiotic, not an antiviral. If a doctor suspected a virus, the doctor would not prescribe an antibiotic because it would be ineffective and contribute to drug-resistant bacteria - and no one wants that!


I hope you feel better soon and the doctors are able to figure out a cause and provide some relief. It sounds miserable and not knowing what's going on is usually very stressful and scary, which never helps.

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Re: three week long migraine?

Tordol is a personal favorite of mine. They gave me a week's worth after a car accident.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: three week long migraine?

@fancy pantsy 

'What an awful experience!

And I'm very sorry this is happening to you.

I have had vertigo for two years...

Sometimes it is better, and sometimes it is worse.


Saw the doctor specifically for it when it began. They classified it as the postural/crystal one. 
Over the weekend I had an IV containing prednisone and robaxin (a strong antibiotic). I think the vertigo is gone for now,

Have been reading that some forms of vertigo are thought to be caused by inflammation of some sort. 
Here's hoping that your vertigo resolved completely.❤️

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: three week long migraine?

@fancy pantsy 


I am following up on your original post because I'm hoping you are better now?đź’—

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: three week long migraine?

@fancy pantsy , how are you feeling now?


I have been getting migraines for a long time now, weather seems to be a trigger for me. I went to a new neurologist back in April, and he gave me a sample of a shot, that I would give myself called emgality. It is a monthly shot that I give myself. It has helped with the migraines a lot, if you are still suffering from them, you may want to look into it.


I hope and pray you have got some relief by now.

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Re: three week long migraine?

@LTT1  and @happycat 


thanks for follow up!


i am hanging in there.  mostly still having trouble with balance and vision.  the MRI came out clear (whew!) My vision is still not good enough to drive, but i am walking pretty good, i just have to be very careful.  


i have a follow up with the neurologisst on the 23rd but in the meantime i have made an appointment with an ENT practice that has a group that specializes in migraine.  unfortunately, that appointment is not till 2/10


from reading the post from @NewNickname1x1000, the vestibular migraine (resulting from the lights during eye exam) seems to fit ... except i am still wondering if if should still be lasting this long. 


cooincidentally, i have an appointment tues with my primary, and i will run this all by her to see if she thinks i am on the right track.  


i keep reading that these symptoms seem to be frequent in the elderly. egads.  i am elderly.  (are they sure ???? LOL) and that there are helpful exercises.  


thanks for checking. 

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Re: three week long migraine?

@50Mickey wrote:

If you have a viral infection why would he give you a Zpack? Antibiotics would have no effect on a viral infection.  I think often times when physicians have no answer for why you are having a problem they prescribe antibiotics. Glad that your are having more tests to get to the bottom of this. Hope you feel better soon. 



Yes, I too must chime in here.  No reason for you to have Z-Pac for a virus or an undiagnosed migraine headache.  Unless it was a major vascular headache caused by major sinus infection, you should not have been given any antibiotic, moreover Z-Pac. 


It sounds like you have a vascular headache but your neurologist was foolish to give you an antibiotic.  I think you need to see an ENT.  Usually those eye exams that cause the bright shining lights are for glaucoma or optic neuritis and perhaps, you have optic neuritis but what is the underlying cause.  Without knowing everything about your exam and all that your neurologist did, I am not a fan of what you are telling us.  

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Re: three week long migraine?

@fancy pantsy 


I have been reading about something new to me: vertigo caused by inflammation within the ear or brain.

When I visited Er last weekend, I had an IV in which a steroid (Solumedrol) was administered (i was also given a strong antibiotic)


Upon being given these two meds, coincidentally my vertigo stayed gone pretty much.

Do not know how much trouble it would be to get diagnosed, but it does make me wonder.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~