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Would you be shocked if your dentist told you to do this?

[ Edited ]

On Monday I had periodontal work done way at the back of my bottom right jaw. The stitched he put in are dissolvable but he left the end of the thread/floss/whatever a little too long, and it's been touching my gum and hurts a little.


On Wednesday I called the periodontist to report this and get some relief; the man who "did"me is on vacation so his partner took the call and he told me to use EMBROIDERY scissors to snip off the extra floss.


I was so shocked I couldn't think of what to say. He actually told me to stick some razor sharp, possibly not sterile enough,blades into a space I can 't see into and start snipping!


Maybe he just didn't feel like going to the office after hours to treat a patient; I don't know.


I'm going to talk to my dentist, who referred me to him, and let her know about this. I think she'll be very unhappy about this and I hope she or someone tells that periodontist NOT to give that kind of advice to a patient again.


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Re: Would you be shocked if your dentist told you to do this?

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Re: Would you be shocked if your dentist told you to do this?

No - i've had dental surgery w/stitches and it's no big deal to remove a small amount....... if you can reach it and not do damage to surrounding area.  I think it's a time savings suggestion.  Sorry

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Re: Would you be shocked if your dentist told you to do this?

I would have just cut the suture thread with a clean and sterilized pair of small scissors when it first started to bother me.


It's an easy fix and not a big deal.


You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

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Re: Would you be shocked if your dentist told you to do this?

@FuzzyFace    sounds like a cop out and very irrisponsible or him to tell you to put dirty sissors into your mouth and cut it off??? You do need to call back and talk to someone else. Take care!

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Re: Would you be shocked if your dentist told you to do this?

No big deal. Do as they said or run to the dentist. Why make such a fuss about such a little thing?

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Re: Would you be shocked if your dentist told you to do this?

He didn't say to put dirty scissors in her mouth.  How hard is it to wipe them with rubbing alcohol?

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Re: Would you be shocked if your dentist told you to do this?

I would not be surprised -  there's nothing that needs doing which requires a medical knowlege.  BUT-  I'd have trouble doing it for myself -  nothing to do with any sterily fear at all, I just can't see at any strange up close angles.


I know I would have done what was recommended in the past because I remember cleansing a pair of tweezers to pull stuck dental floss out -  but my sight was way more co-operative then!

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Re: Would you be shocked if your dentist told you to do this?

Mountain out of mole hill.

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Re: Would you be shocked if your dentist told you to do this?

I dont feel your making too much of it .  I can understand  that without being able to actually see what your doing plus scissors aren't exactly sterilized like dental tools are . I am A self described germaphobe due to a immune condition so I certainly wouldn't use them wiped even with alcohol.   I feel the dentist you spoke to should have had you come in a do it for you ,  it would take him a minute , what's his problem!!   Call and have him or your dentist test referred you do it for you.