On Monday I had periodontal work done way at the back of my bottom right jaw. The stitched he put in are dissolvable but he left the end of the thread/floss/whatever a little too long, and it's been touching my gum and hurts a little.
On Wednesday I called the periodontist to report this and get some relief; the man who "did"me is on vacation so his partner took the call and he told me to use EMBROIDERY scissors to snip off the extra floss.
I was so shocked I couldn't think of what to say. He actually told me to stick some razor sharp, possibly not sterile enough,blades into a space I can 't see into and start snipping!
Maybe he just didn't feel like going to the office after hours to treat a patient; I don't know.
I'm going to talk to my dentist, who referred me to him, and let her know about this. I think she'll be very unhappy about this and I hope she or someone tells that periodontist NOT to give that kind of advice to a patient again.