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What is all the hubbub about hand sanitizer for?

Unless you are away from home for prolonged periods, just use soap to wash your hands.  My pharmacist friend told me this years ago and it is more true with this virus.  Soap is superior to hand sanitizer.  I even heard Lynn Schacker say this the other day on HQ.  

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Re: What is all the hubbub about hand sanitizer for?

Yes, that's true.  Soap is superior to hand sanitizer,  It was good of Lynne Schacher to give it a plug.

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Re: What is all the hubbub about hand sanitizer for?

I have always heard this throughout the years and through all the different flu and virus issues.  Wash your hands -- thoroughly and often. And not antibacterial soap --- just regular soap.  And if you are where soap and water is not readily available, then use the hand sanitizer until it is available!  I do not feel it is a substitution for hand washing, but as an extra measure.  

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Re: What is all the hubbub about hand sanitizer for?

Thanks for correcting the spelling on Lynne's name.

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Re: What is all the hubbub about hand sanitizer for?

for me it is just to have some to carry with me. still cannot find any in our stores!

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Re: What is all the hubbub about hand sanitizer for?

And as I said in another post I seem to remember that a few years ago we were told not to use hand "sanitizer" or other disinfectants too much because it could lead to stronger and stronger germs.  I do not use either.  Just wash my hands a lot.


And I'm amazed about the posts here about wiping down items from the grocery stores, mail, deliveries, etc.  Really???!!!



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Re: What is all the hubbub about hand sanitizer for?

Agree with OP and others.  I've been reading so much about not finding HS - everybody in a fuss..........just soap & water best.........length of washing = more important.

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Re: What is all the hubbub about hand sanitizer for?

I wish the hubbub about hand sanitizer would stop because I can't find it at any of the stores in Virginia.   I use soap and water.   

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Re: What is all the hubbub about hand sanitizer for?

I do wash my hands a lot but I also use hand sanitizer every time I get in and out of the car or am in a situation where soap and water aren't readily available. 




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Re: What is all the hubbub about hand sanitizer for?

The hubbub comes from the excessive fear many have. 


Hand sanitizer has a role in staying healthy, but as with so very many aspects of life, the devil is in the details.  The headlines about sanitizers are true -  some people in some places do need to have them and use them.


The only way VC has changed my personal use of hand sanitizers is that I'm more careful to try to disinfect myself the few times I've left the house -  I'll leave the supplies for those who are out there providing me with what I need to be safe at home with my soap and water.