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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

PitBull, I had the same thing happen to me yesterday! I told bopper, I was in plank position for a long time...would do intervals of mountain climbers(I love them, always have), push-ups, planks, etc...thought maybe I was in that position for too long. When I stood up, it felt like my heart was enlarged! Maybe I was holding my breath.{#emotions_dlg.unsure} I used to get up at 3:30 sometimes to run or work-out when I worked...I could hit the ground running...not anymore! My bod needs to warm-up for a while. I can walk the dogs, but I don't like doing the more intense stuff.

Went to gym this morning, they had the Ellen show on...she did a little tribute at the end to Joan Rivers and Robin Williams. She showed video clips of Robin Williams on her show over the years...ay, I got choked up.

I did a longer, slower work-out today using different machines(bike, elliptical, stepper, and treadmill)...good cross-training day. Then did stretches and yoga at the end. Not my usual style, but it did the trick.Wink

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Hey all, seems we are all having some sluggish times..glad we're here together {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes} I am another one who has to take it slow for about 2 hours after I get up, so stiff and tired feeling. I did my TG and Pilates Reformer for my workout today..about an hour, I followed Rosalies dvd for the TG and then did some Pilates on my own.

Pit Bull never feel bad that you can't do something, your daughter is right pause and get your breath..those people in the class are already in good shape or they wouldn't be in the class {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}you do what you can and if something doesn't feel right stop, do something else. Just keep yourself moving..glad you had a cheering team! So cute to have a BD party for Kane,,I love it!

Nomless please come over, left overs tonight and I must say it was scrup-diddly-umpshish {#emotions_dlg.laugh} Glad you wore your bracelets,,who cares what you have on...they make you feel good you wear them!

Pppmint hoping the blood work gives you some answers as to his tiredness but we know the steriods make you out of sorts and tired too. Your so good to be there for him and his wife helping with things that just wouldn't get done if you weren't there, even the plants and cleaning off the porch is helpful {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

Yes BL up against Thursday night football. As long as the Lions aren't playing I'm watching Loser, or my Detroit Tigers,,,they have stepped it up some but need to keep winning to get into the playoffs.

MickD sometimes we just have to do what we can. I need to do some cleaning mind you {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

FUTURE an unplanned rest day is A-OK! Your weeks are very hectic so it's alright! Want my cool temps, its 45 out and I almost needed winter mittens and my hat to walk Logan..seriously I am not ready to feel this cold yet!

Have a good rest of your day!

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Patty, I'm glad I didn't sound snarky. After I said "check Google for more BL info," I thought of the "Google is your friend" posts I see in other threads, and I hoped I didn't sound like that. I'm glad you took my post in the spirit in which it was meant ("here's what I remember, more info can be had elsewhere."). Sorry you're not able to place the orders you want to. Frustrating. Hope DS and Lucy are doing OK.

Pit Bull, it sounds like you have a supportive family who is cheering you on. Remember what Tony Horton says: do your best, forget the rest. We're all at different levels re: what we can do. We have to accept where we're at, do what we can, and be proud of our progress, no matter how fast or slow. You did a good job today!

Hi, Bopper, your dinner sounds terrific. I bet the leftovers will be even better. Beef stew is always better the second day, IMO.

I'm excited about BL tonight. I hope it's good. I didn't like last year's season very much, never felt connected to any of the trainers or contestants. I hope the show can get back the good vibe it used to have.

Will do cardio tonight.....if I can stay away from organizing all the jewelry I pulled out. Lunch break is over, back to work.

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Hey!! Goodness, I am tired today. We've had a few different fronts move in over the last week, so my allergies are cray cray. High of 70 tmrw!!! Whoop whoop! I did spin this am, and might go again tonight to make up for yesterday. Smiley Happy If I decide not to do that, I'll hit up the Pilates machine. I have got to take a power nap. This morning was pretty stressful at work, and I got done early, so I'm going to take advantage of it -- especially since I'm all caught up on laundry and errands and housework. The angels are singing, y'all!! Smiley Wink Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day. Almost TGIF!
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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Cardio done....45 min. Good job!
Posts: 53
Registered: ‎09-22-2010

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

I did the T25 DVD, it was ab day. I didn't do very good, I can't hold my legs in the air while sitting up. There were a few other things I couldn't do. I'm not sure if I accomplished anything, but I tried.
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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

I went to the gym earlier today, got my dil off and figured I might as well head out. Got in a good mix.

I twisted my ankle yesterday and went down like a load of bricks. Was wearing my stupid wedges and stepped on something uneven while walking the dogs, ankle snapped sideways and down I went. I thought I broke it for a while but it's better today. Still not going to do much walking and not going to run at still hurts. {#emotions_dlg.mad}{#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

We couldn't watch BL last night, too emotional for ds on the 'roids. The lady dying of cancer about did him in, then we switch back and it's the dad talking about his son dying overseas...ugh. He can't handle stuff like that right now, said he can't shake it.

DH's personal trainer(he was assigned one for his physical therapy and is getting a sports nutritionist next week) had him do the TRX straps this morning and he said he didn't believe me when I told him how hard they can be. This is the guy that could push over 300lbs and he said he was shaking so bad and his muscles were burning, that he felt like he was losing control but the PT was screaming at him so he couldn't!

Anyone that says the TRX straps aren't hard, isn't doing it correctly or doing enough. I had muscles that were sore the next day that I didn't even realize I had used at the time. I wouldn't want to do them every day, still like my weights, but they're a great cross-training tool and they engage your core with almost everything you do on them.

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Morning, today I did both programs from KCM Gym Intervals for 60 minutes...I really like this program. I hopped on and off the treadmill, did the weight section and hopped back on. The first program I ran on the treadmill during her 1.5 minutes and then the second program I walked hills inclining my is drenched...but love it.

It's 42 here this morning. Some areas had a frost..I may have to pick my tomato's...not sure they will turn red...but next week they said highs of about 60, so maybe.

Pppmint I understand him not being able to watch BL...that stuff gets depressing for sure..I think you need more comedy in your night time TV watching. I watched it and was a bit confused at the end. Nomless did you understand why they fast forwarded showing us more weight loss on the scales than we saw?

Pit Bull you did you best...that's all you can ask of are doing it! Just keep telling yourself that!

FUTURE hope your weekend brings you some rest and some quiet time.

Okay this girl needs to clean herself up! Have a good one!

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Pit Bull, don't be discouraged. You did your best, that's all that matters.

Patty, it's sure good news that you didn't break your ankle, but ouch! nonetheless. The TRX straps look fun, and I believe you that they're hard.

Bopper, an hour of KCM--good job! I didn't watch after the elimination. Do you suppose that was a preview of things to come? I think I like the new format, giving eliminated players a chance to get back in. If nothing else, it gives them another week of instruction re: eating and training, and that's gotta be good. I also like the 2-hour format better than 1-hour. I think last year's one hour format is partially responsible for me not getting into BL as much as I did in the past.

Busy day at work today, so I'll have to do grocery shopping after work as my lunch break was short and I didn't have time then. I don't know if I'll get a w/o in...probably not. It's gotten cold here (weird..this is usually when it's hot and very humid), so I'd like to go get a couple of sweatshirt, but I might have to save that for Monday.

TGIF, right, Future?!!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Hi everyone! DS has two days off in a row and I can't tell you how much he needs them, he's exhausted.

I did Spin class at the gym this morning...FUTURE, I think I did ya proud(I really did think of youWink) all know it isn't my favorite but I brought it.

It was packed so didn't stay for weights but went up to the small gym here and did upper-body weights alternating abs with each set, no breaks...then was going to go for a mile run and felt so good I couldn't stop at a mile. It's cool out and felt way too good!!

My ankle was fine, I wasn't doing 8-min miles by any means, not that I would on these hills anyway...but my foot still hurts. Think I'll have to break-down and go in when I get home. {#emotions_dlg.glare}

Loving this cooler weather! Saw posts this morning with 33* and back home was 36*. Loved looking at the pictures of snow on Mt. Rushmore, sure those that live there didn'! But I remember being up here about this time last year...October though, and it not too far off. My gf posted a beautiful picture of her yard in CO with snow and the sunrise.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I'm going to run up and get DS and I salads right now, dil is at a soccer tournament in Ohio.