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Difference in S S D and S S I

With the thread about the woman yesterday and her husband's disability I have some questions. I am kind of confused about my situation. I think I get the difference between ssi and ssd. Maybe some can help me more with the difference. I had worked my current job for twenty years. Even with my disability. I got sick in Jan and am recovered from the sickness but I am not going to be able to go back to work. I was terminated because short term ran out. Is there two different applications for S S I and S S D. I don't think I will qualify for S S I because of work history. Maybe somebody can help me with what to expect in this process. Also I got approved for long term disability through work that I had paid for and will be getting sixty per cent of my pay. Will that effect my social security.
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Re: Difference in S S D and S S I

SSI is income based and asset based on the household. SSDI is based on work credits and you have to apply for either one. You can read up on both on

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Re: Difference in S S D and S S I

I want to recommend you a book. ""Nolo's Guide to Social security Disability by David A Morton"". This guide is all things SSDI and SSI. It will help you understand many things about applying for benefits.

Forms SSA-3373- Adult Function Report and SSA-3380- Family Form.

I want to suggest a disability group to you.

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Re: Difference in S S D and S S I

SSD is social security disability -- SSI is a small SS payment for the indigent even though they did not pay in to the system. I know a woman who was to be a russian bride - then shortly after she got here her husband to be changed his mind and she was left indigent. She collected SSI until she eventually did find work and another husband, before her visa ran out.

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Re: Difference in S S D and S S I

So it's safe to say I would not be eligible for S S I and I need to apply for S S D I. Will the long term disability I just got approved for effect the amount if I am approved. After applying how long will it take. Will I have to have a special assessment come to the house or will my medical records be enough.
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Re: Difference in S S D and S S I

When you apply for any Social Security Disability, you are automatically applying for both and SSA will determine which you qualify for. SSI, as was stated is a pure needs based benefit for people (even children) who have not earned enough or currently enough to quality for SSD. SSD is based on your income and your disability (of course), which needs to be expected to last for at least 1 year. There are formulas for eligibility.

The SSD payments are not taken from your future SS retirement amount.

I would strongly recommend that you apply on paper (not by computer or online). This allows you to more fully describe you impairments and disability. It also allows you to list fully and completely ALL the medical doctors and facilities that you have been treated in. Your determination is based on SSA receiving information from this list, so complete and accurate contact information is critical. You have one shot to convince SSA of your disability. If you are denied, it could take a year (and probably more) to appeal the decision.

With all the military vets and the economy the way it is, there is an explosion in SSD/I applications. The waiting time for a decision varies per state. And there are a very few conditions that are fast tracked and they are life threatening.

There are SSD/I attorneys and you can speak with one (a consultation) for a small fee.

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Re: Difference in S S D and S S I

On 9/25/2014 ccassaday said: So it's safe to say I would not be eligible for S S I and I need to apply for S S D I. Will the long term disability I just got approved for effect the amount if I am approved. After applying how long will it take. Will I have to have a special assessment come to the house or will my medical records be enough.

I worked for the Social Security Administration for many years. There are no simple answers to your questions and there is so much misinformation out there due to the complexity of the programs. The only way that you can find out what you qualify for is to meet with a SSA representative. He/she is trained to determine exactly what you qualify for. I have seen SOOO much misinformation about these programs on these boards. Do yourself a favor and go to SSA or call the SSA hotline for help.

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Re: Difference in S S D and S S I

SSA could request an ""IME"" (Independent Medical Examination) to help them make their initial determination. You would have to go to a designated office for that. SSA would send you the information at that time.

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Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: Difference in S S D and S S I

On 9/25/2014 NYwoman said:

When you apply for any Social Security Disability, you are automatically applying for both and SSA will determine which you qualify for. SSI, as was stated is a pure needs based benefit for people (even children) who have not earned enough or currently enough to quality for SSD. SSD is based on your income and your disability (of course), which needs to be expected to last for at least 1 year. There are formulas for eligibility.

The SSD payments are not taken from your future SS retirement amount.

I would strongly recommend that you apply on paper (not by computer or online). This allows you to more fully describe you impairments and disability. It also allows you to list fully and completely ALL the medical doctors and facilities that you have been treated in. Your determination is based on SSA receiving information from this list, so complete and accurate contact information is critical. You have one shot to convince SSA of your disability. If you are denied, it could take a year (and probably more) to appeal the decision.

With all the military vets and the economy the way it is, there is an explosion in SSD/I applications. The waiting time for a decision varies per state. And there are a very few conditions that are fast tracked and they are life threatening.

There are SSD/I attorneys and you can speak with one (a consultation) for a small fee.

Thanks for this. I think my dad when he was filing for Medicaid already applied for s s I. You have me nervous now since I believe he did it already. He had to put down doctors and medications.
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Posts: 7,112
Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: Difference in S S D and S S I

I forgot to say also we have an appointment Tuesday with a lawyer for some financial decisions and questions about disability. Thanks everyone and you have given me great questions to ask him.