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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Mowed the lawn,

edged the lawn,

cut the hedge in front,

blew off the backyard deck and yard,

sprayed the weeds,

washed the car,

vacuumed the car,

went food shopping,

ate a chocolate chip muffin for the first time in a year.  Smiley Happy


I am now on a good diet with @Mmsfoxxie but my cheat had to be done.  My legs are toast!  


Hope your weekend is much more restful!



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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Hey all, kind of a catch up day, burned more pine needles, raked some and took a color ride into a State Park, now home waching the Yankee/Astro game .   


Laura and MickD thank you for those suggestions, we are certainly open to anything about now.  I wonder if the rain would wash off the hot sauce...I will keep that pepper in mind too!   We've trapped 1 chippie and 2 red squirrels thus far but like I said earlier we'll be driving to the park every 30 minutes if we keep putting the trap out.  


Laura you've been busy, but quite productive so that's all good and good on the muffin.  Sometimes we need that.   We were starving in the car at the park and of course in the boonies and I rememberd I had  a mini loaf of Pumpkin bread in the car, ( we were going to bring it to dad) but hahah didn't get that far!   Good thing I have more loaves in the freezer.


Okie better start  dinner and want to watch the games.   Be well everybody!

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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Good morning fellow posters and exercisers.  I got home yesterday from Zumba and walking just before the heavy downpours started.  It stopped and started all evening into the night.  Still light drizzle right now.  The electricity was out for about 40 minutes.  


I was irritated for about five minutes before thinking about the people in Puerto Rico still without power after all of these weeks.  If they can go weeks, surely I shouldn't be upset about less than an hour.  At that moment I didn't know how long it was going to be but I knew it wouldn't be long.  A couple of years ago it lasted about five or six hours and that was bad because it was raining so hard and fast and the generator stopped with no electricity and the basement flooded and water came up the kitchen sink!  Bad scene. 


No WW meeting for me today.  This is the second time since going on Sunday that my husband asked me to go to church with him.  One of his friends is a minister and is preaching.  I decided to go this time for two reasons.  One, I have in the past said we need to go to church together and two, I had told his friend that I would be coming back.  I'm considering changing my WW meeting day to Saturday but that would interfere with my Zumba.  During the week, the traffic is heavy.  Problems, problems, lol.


After church, hopefully, I'll go to the track for a walk.  But I know I'll be hungry then.  Maybe a piece of fruit will appease me til after I walk.


The 25 lb turkey that I cooked yesterday turned out great!  Youball might remember the Nesco roasters that QVC used to sell?  That thing makes the most deliciously moist turkey!  It's been in the basement for years and it worked fine.  When I bought it, I had kids at home and had use for a big roaster for holidays.


@Laura14, I got tired just reading your posts, lol.  Hi, @bopper@MickD@DrKelli@DrKelli and everybody. Take care.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

25 min trail run with my son...thought he was gonna die of thirst!  Then a walk back home.

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Happy Sunday Funday!   Foxxie thinking about power, we lost ours this morning at about 7:30 am, still dark out and no coffee!!!   But you are so right, we get selfish sometimes and then have to think about those with no power for weeks, maybe longer, no AC in humid conditions, no does put things into perspective.   We got power back about an hour later.


No exercise here today, we went to my dads to take out his window AC as it's way too heavy for a 90 year old guy to do, my hubby can't lift real heavy yet either but between both of us we got his out, put his storm window back on and he's good to go.  I always bring him a treat when I go there, so I had Pumpkin spice coffee for him, and left over spaghetti with chicken in tomato sauce ( chicken tettrizenni) I know the sp? isn't right hahah but you get the drift.   


We have very high winds today and rain, over 50 mph gusts and the waves on the big lake were huge, the road is even closed, they won't let traffic on it.  One of the parks we drive into has big rocks thrown onto the road the waves are so large, it's a mess.   Good day to stay in and watch football and baseball tonight. 


MickD, you had a challenge today just keeping up with your son.  It's nice you did that with him. We're only in the 40's and factor in the wind, it's cold.   All the colored leaves will be down today for sure, and then endless raking and I mean "endless"  hahah


Waving to Dr.Kelli, Lucy, nomless, Judy, and I know the lurkers won't mind me throwing a "Hey" to them.   Be well everyone!

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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Mick, Cubs fan here so I was disappointed yesterday.  Congrats on the win.


Foxxie, too bad about Home Chef. I would cancel, too. I hope you enjoy your order.


Bopper, yikes, I hope the critters quit chewing!


Today, I figured out the sore finger I've had the past month is trigger finger. Definitely the result of moving books at the lib. Treatment is 3-4 weeks rest, which isn't possible. Splinting it at night might help, so I'll try that. I got a splint but discovered only after I opened the package that they come in medium and large sizes. I bought a large, not knowing they were sized. Medium might be better, but I'll try to make do. It's too bulky and stiff to wear while working, so I'll need to pay attention to how I grab books and will try to baby the sore finger.


DrKelli, 90 Day Fiance tonight. What a crazy retrain wreck, lol.

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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Hi Everyone!  Thought I would check in.  Whew! What a week it has been - the fires have been so devastating.  Know people affected by the fires, luckily so far everyone is ok.  Some are home, some are not, some still don't know if they have homes.  The air has been so smokey that it has bothered me so not going outside other than to work and necessary errands.  After work last Wednesday and Thursday, and all day Friday I worked with a local group of people organizing donations for the wine country.  On Friday, two 52 foot UPS Semis, one 20 foot U-Haul and many pickups got ready to head up to the wine country.  The response from the community was unbelievable.  UPS donated the trucks and the drivers, which was fabulous.  My daughter and son-in-law drove up the U-Haul, friends drove their pick-ups and everyone came together.  It was truly an amazing experience.


Saturday I was so tired and my voice was just about gone so have rested the last two days.  Monty is doing very well, almost too well.  The vet put him on a diet. LOL  He certainly has a "voice" and has no problem expressing himself and letting me know what is what!  LOL  He is such a love and I am so glad, even though I had told myself I was done having pets, that I adopted him.  What a joy he is.


Sounds like everyone is doing well.  I saw that Lucy has been going to the vet?  Did I read that right?  I hope she is doing ok.


Hope everyone has a good week!

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Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Good morning all.  I couldn't get onto the Q for about an hour this morning.  Wow.


Last night was in the thirties and I had to adjust the heat to 70....65 wasn't working for me.  I think our furnace is going to be the next big expense.


@JudyL, the weather related tragedies just keep on coming, don't they.  I hope your area recovers soon.


@nomless, Home Chef has pretty good food so I'm sure I'll enjoy it but it just made me angry that they didn't send the reminder that they usually send.  It makes me think that because I hadn't ordered in a while, they purposely didn't send one.  But I'll take most of the blame because I forgot to keep an eye on it.  The meals are usually about 600 to 800 calories each, which is a lot on a diet.  Once in a while, maybe 500.


Senior Cardio and Strength &Motion this morning. Keep safe everyone.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Posts: 16,454
Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Finally we have a day of Fall!  It's supposed to only hit the low 70s here.  I actually broke out my long sleeve Quacker Factory tunic.  And my boots are next!


So my gym continues to be stupid.  Over the weekend, they advertised that MOSSA which is the company that creates all of the routines for the fitness classes is now offering those classes online so you don't even have to go to the gym.  Smiley Surprised


No Mrs. Rudeness?  No new teacher who doesn't know the routine?  No getting up at 4am to make my 5am classes? 


For just $4.99 a month or $50 a year, I can do it at home.  It looks like they don't have step class which is a major bummer and one I would really like to have but they do have Power which is the two main classes I take during the week. 


I am EXTREMELY tempted.  I just need an at home workout bike for the ride part.  I was really tempted by the TSV QVC had a month ago.  I may be regretting not taking them up on it.    



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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Hey everyone, it's nice here today, was in the low 30's this morning and warmed to mid 50's so I'm good with that.   Painting the bedroom door today, 1 coat is on but needs 2 so will do the other one tomorrow.  


Laura glad it's cooling off for you and you know I have the Proform Xbike I bought from HSN and I really love it and it's quiet and doesn't take a lot of space and I can move it from room to room if that helps any.   I love working out from home.  I"m the type who doesn't need people around me to do the workout, I'm sure in a class your pushed more.  I taught for 17 years so I know I pushed them but  personally I'm good with just staying here and doing it.   I did treadmill, bike and pilates this morning different amounts of time on each and walked the dog on the trail.  


I ordered the cream Berkshire Velvet sheets, wanted gray too but need to wait.  I hope I like them and am not too hot.  I can always use the top sheet as is and use a fleece fitted sheet if I get to warm.  I just had to try them.  My dad has a set I got him and he loves them and trust me he doesn't "love" much....he's very old school at 90 and he knows what he likes and doesn't like.


Lucy how is the house coming along, are the finishing touches coming along?  


foxxie  those are high calorie meals aren't they?   I hope you enjoy your class today.  


Nomless I heard the word "snow" in the forecast, not here though thank goodness but up the road in higher elevations. 


Judy nice to hear from you and I am so happy Monty has a good life with you.  Such a sweetheart.   I sure hope the weather gives you a break, that's so scary and I am praying for everyone there.  I can't even imagine losing my house!  Please be safe!


MickD, did you trail run today or treadmill?  I was going to go out, but it was too cold and didn't feel like it so treadmill for me today.


Okay better get dinner going, have a great evening!