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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Just checking in to say I'm still here, bt I have nothing to say about anything. Nothing going on here. I did a cardio workout yesterday.


DrKelly, yay that you increased the weight you used.


Foxxie, my walking speed is about the same as yours. My legs are short so stride is short and my legs go only so fast, lol. I work like crazy and it still takes forever to go a mile. 

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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

@Mmsfoxxie @nomless You all walk as fast as I jog!  I normally start at 4.4 mph and move it up.....yesterday with the surging I only got up to 5.4 better than nothing!


I would love to go on a trail run soon.  I heard that it is over-run with homeless now.  Maybe I'll check it out with my teen son this weekend.

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Good morning, all!  I'm super busy today, but wanted to get in here and say hi (and post on the Survivor thread).


Zumba today (YAY).  It is Pink Power Zumba today in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness and I only have one pink tank and it says "If you tell me ALMOST THERE and we aren't on the last mile, I will hurt you".  I bought it after my one and only 10K.  Which I finished, but I thought it was never going to end.


Catch up with you later!

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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Hey all, everything is good here I just forgot to post yesterday.   Was out the door early to grocery shop, then zipped into my painting clothes and was busy all day, walked last night too.  I just finished walking this morning and now I"m trying to redecorate the room with what else, " shopping in my house"  hahah  surprised at what you find that actually works, and then there is the bag to Good Will, and the bag to trash.   I really like the color, looks good with my white down comforter too .   


I thought I'd get caught up in the rain today but so far no rain, but it's coming.  I hate when there is something I'm looking for and don't have it, I'm to impulsive it.  Want the room all decorated and want it NOW!  hahaha...not happening, little by little is all I can afford to do.   Almost bought the DB throw, but on the fence.  


Sounds like everyone is holding their own and getting their workouts done, nomless I have not much news either, not a bad thing though.   Dr.Kelli hoping all went well on the second retake mamo, they do read mine on the spot which I like.  


Okie break time is over, have a good one!

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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Well, I had company on the bike today before class.  It was a guy I know from class but I am very selfish and like to work out alone.  Unfortunately, there are only two virtual ride bikes in the place so he had no choice but to cozy up.  I guess he is over the class and that instructor's loud music too.


And then I go to Power where we apparently are just going to keep having this newly trained girl who just can not get her cueing right.  I finally gave up and just made up my own routines to several of the tracks.  I kid you not.  Trying to follow someone who doesn't call out instructions correctly jerks you around and that's how I get hurt.  Nope!  Too cool for that!


And Mrs. Rudeness was back you guys!  This time she was fine and respected her space and others.  It was her belongings that were rude.  She must be a friend of the girl from last week because she put her stuff right by the wall where the guy in front of me was trying to exercise.  I loved it when he threw his weights on her backpack.  LOL!  I almost high fived him.  


I hope everyone gets good medical news, good vet news for lil lucy, and has a great time on their non-exercise days.  I am tired and need a break so I am off for the next four days from the gym.  I'll let my lawn and yard cleanup be my cardio this weekend.  I'm hoping this is the final one before I can send the lawn gear into hibernation.


It's still 90 degrees here people!  @DrKelli, snow please!!  



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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Good morning, everyone.  Hope everyone is well.  Well, I broke down and turned on the heat yesterday.  It was in the fifties by late afternoon and it wasn't even dark yet.  I had on lightweight clothes and a medium weight robe over it with socks on.  Still cold so I gave in.  It's supposed to be warmer today, though.


@nomless, I understand what you mean about your walk stride.  I'm only five ft tall so I'm a shortie, too.  Years ago, my hubby and I decided to walk in the mornings on the weekends when I had off work days.  We were walking for cardio.  It was so hard to keep with with him!  And he said he was slower than he wanted to be for my benefit.  I would hurt so bad at the end of the day!  I guess people thought it was strange that we started walking separately, lol.  He's six feet tall with long legs.


No health center today due to my eyecare appointment at 1 pm, messes up my hold day.  So I'll workout at home.  Eating too much this week, too.  Why do I always start out strong and then get weak as time goes on?  I'm strange, lol.  But I'm not upset yet.  Self evaluating time.  Again.

Take care.



“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Happy TGIF Day!   Snoopy Dance Time!  LOL   I walked early this morning as it looks like rain and it is coming but I won't complain, we've had beautiful weather.  Laura you make me laugh with your overcrowding people LOL....they just don't get it!  You should have High Fived the guy!   


A squirrel or chipmunk, not sure is chewing the rubber strip on the bottom of our garage door and we just put a new strip on this summer, my husband is upset and I don't blame him.  There must be at least 6 inches chewed off.  Does anyone know of anything to do to prevent this?   Can't have a metal strip because it has to "give" in accordance with the weather and temps, and I know we can't trap them all as there are so many but why are they doing that?  I have a red squirrel in my live trap now but I'm not driving to the park to release it, hubby can do that.  If I did that I'd be driving down there every 30 minutes.


Foxxie it's okay to have days like that, kind of comfort days.   I was eyeing up a new bathrobe from Berkshire's website, so cozy but then I get hot all the time and off it comes so I probably don't need it.  It's 60 here today and I heard that the end of the month we may have a 70!  Unheard of, I sure hope it means mild winter but I won't go there yet LOL


Lucy you doing okay, little Lucy leg/hip/knee hurting her?   


Judy how are you doing?


Nomless, Dr.Kelli, and anyone wanting to lurk I'm waving to you all!

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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

@bopper  I just read in another thread for the pumpkin carvings that one of the ladies brushes her pumpkins in cayenne pepper and lacquer to keep the squirrels off of them.  You may want to try that.  If they nibble, they'll get a mouth full of hot stuff.  


Cayenne pepper worked great for my bird feeder for a while until it didn't.  I think the squirrels sent for their Mexican cousins just to tick me off and spite the birds.  

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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

@bopper I had a cat (Ivan the terrible) who chewed on electrical cords.  I put hot sauce on the cords and he left them alone.


Started on the treadmill only did a half mile and stopped due to the surging....after the power tool stopped, etc.  Did 3 mi/36 min.


TGIF everyone!


....Oh - Cubbies play the Dodgers next.  I watched until the 2nd inning and couldn't take it. Didn't know they won until this am.


Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Posts: 11,256
Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Good morning everyone.  Rain last night and rain expected all day.  Heavy this afternoon.


I haven't been getting on the scale everyday this week and usually that what I do when I know that I've been overeating.  I got on this morning and wow!  Two pounds up!  No way to fix that by weigh in time tomorr, lol.  This is an 'oh, well' moment.


This morning, I got up early to roast this turkey that has been in the freezer for months (took it out a couple of days ago to slowly thaw).  After getting off the scale this morning I thought ok, that turkey will come in handy.  I'll do basic eating next week.  Although I have a luncheon next Saturday.


Then, upon checking my credit card account as I do every morning, I see a pending charge from Home Chef.  What?  I go to my Home Chef account and there is, indeed, three meals coming Wednesday.  Friday, yesterday, was the last date to cancel.  I had paused the account up until, it seems the an Oct. 25th delivery.  Normally what they do is, the week before a delivery is due, you get an email alerting you of the delivery and that also gives you the opportunity to either accept the three meals they chose for you or to make changes.  Bottom line, I forgot to check things myself so now I've got these mid to high calorie meals coming.  I never know if my husband will eat them other than the meat.  I usually eat his at another meal.  Well, I cancelled the account just now.  I can't be bothered trying to remember to let them know that I don't want an up coming delivery since I now know that I can't depend on them to remind me.


Zumba this morning.  Have a nice day everyone.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)