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Welcome to the May Exercise Check In

It's here finally!!!!!!!!!!!


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Check In! Thanks for starting it off bopper!

Yes people, I know it isn't May - yet. Wink

Insane work-out today, did a PR on the treadmill(I mean recently) and pushed the weights in my circuits.

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Check In

Morning all...rains have stopped. Over 100 road closures here due to flooding but I haven't seen any homes ruined like the Pensacola area so no one is complaining here. Such a mess they have down south.

Dropped van off this morning and ran the hills home, now taking Lucy out.

MickD, I hated the Santa Anas...gave me terrible sinus headaches. Don't miss them at all! My gf posted that it was 100* in Coronado...bleck, crazy for April.

Have a great first day of May ladies...Cool.

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Check In

Hi Bopper & Patty-May I join? Lifelong on-again-off-again exerciser here. Past 3 years I've been most successful. However, some days it's still a struggle. My goal is 40-60 minutes if cardio 5 days/week (or more). Meeting this morning, appointments later today, heading to gym in-between. Thanks for the inspiration & another way to be accountable.
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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Check In


Hi gimama of course you may join.....we all struggle at times....but we get back up and keep going . Keep up the great work!

Pppmint we have the rain too but not like they have's terrible...

Very foggy here and only 40 and that's the high for today!

Hope everyone is keeping on track as best they is a struggle with everything life hands us so we just do our best and forget the rest ( if we can Wink)

Have a good day!

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Check In

Bumping this up as I had trouble finding it.

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Check In

Glmama, we'd love you to join us. All are welcome.

I won't get in a workout today due to a meeting after work. It'll be time for bed by the time I get home!

Patty, agree with you about the crazy weather. A couple of weeks ago I couldn't sleep because it was too hot. Last night it was so cold I had to get my down blanket and a quilt to stay warm. I sure hope the floods in your area don't do too much damage.

Hi, Bopper. At least it's not snowing on you today!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Check In

Hi and happy May to all! I did 2.6mi./34 min. on the treadmill...

It is 95....and yes Patti, I had a screaming sinus headache when the Santa Anas rolled in Monday nite. My sis lives in Alexandria and she is done with the rain...her condo neighbor flooded her condo and all her wood floors are warped to boot....she's done with water.

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Check In

May I join? I just started working out again in January and for the past couple of months, I've been doing 40-45 minutes of cardio four times per week. Usually Zumba, which I really enjoy. Thought it might be good to check in here because I haven't been well this week and haven't worked out since Sunday. I miss it so much! Hoping to get back to it tomorrow. I just don't want to lose the great momentum I've built!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Check In


Hi vaccinia, nice to meet you...I hope we can inspire and motivate you and each other here so keep on doing that cardio {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

I did the intermediate program today on the TG. Wanted to go outside but it's still raining and only 40, so not pleasant.

MickD you did good yesterday...

nomless you got that right, at least it isn't white!

gimama did you get any cardio in yesterday! Hope you are having a good day!

Pppmint how is our little girl this know the day isn't complete without a Lucy report Wink

FUTURE the weekend is here, I hope you can enjoy it. Your getting some rather hot weather early...

Tony race weekend, the Derby which I never miss, and Nascar!

Judy I am missing your face {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

Caninne hi and waving to you

Enjoy your day everyone!