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Re: Welcome to the August Exercise Thread

Hi, everyone! Monday, Monday. Just sat down. :-/ Work (obviously!), ran some errands, then came home and worked in the yard for about 45 minutes (it was so hot and I was exhausted!), showered, and then cooked dinner and did some laundry. Then hubby and I walked for about 30 minutes (still hot!), and ran another errand. I need to shower up again. I did spin Saturday morning, but was L-A-Z-Y the rest of the weekend. Took several naps and went to bed early both nights -- I could really tell my body needed it. The past couple of weeks have been so bonkers, I was physically and (more) mentally drained. This week is busy, but it should slow down a little next week. Yay!! I really would like to wake up and do spin tmrw am, so I might do that. The a/c is broken upstairs, and we are waiting on the guy to come tmrw or the next day. It's too hot even in the mornings to workout up there. Just hot and humid and yucky. The dogs won't even follow me up there -- they know better. Lol! I thought about maybe doing Pilates, because I can do that instead of the treadmill. I need to see how "cool" (that's a relative term!) it's going to get tonight. I just hate to wake up any earlier than I have to! Haha! Ok, I hope you all have a nice evening. I could go for some of that blueberry bread right about now, Bop!!
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Re: Welcome to the August Exercise Thread

Morning, cool and sunny here about 63 and I'll take it. Just did KCM Muscle up Lower body. Did Sumo squats, dead lifts, Lunges, then bi's and tri's...then took Logan on a 2 Mile walk through the neighborhood. My weights were better today for Lower because I didn't have to change them so often. Used 15's, 18's, and 12's...

Nomless sorry you cut your arm in the process of moving your books but your foot is better...I remembered ANW was on and then in the process of watching Baseball forgot...oh well..

FUTURE I'll send you a piece of my blueberry bread...goes great with morning coffee! Hope your week slows down for you...

Honeybrown good job with your workouts...sounds really good!

Pppmint how is your foot this morning,,I hope it's better..are you and the girls heading to the gym? Wish your weather would cool off and that humidity would go down for you...almost moving time.... Smiley Wink

Well I need to shower right now...have a good one!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the August Exercise Thread

High noon! LOL!

I watched ANW, previews for next week look good. They sure had some issues didn't they nomless? Or anyone else that watched.

I ran and walked 8 this morning...oh, and took Lucy too which was a good clip. I'm sore, actually very surprised how sore my butt cheeks and lower legs are..shin muscles and hip flexors are super sore so I guess that is from the sprinting. I had to stop and stretch and rub them during my run! I expected upper body to be sore...but didn't even realize how much I used my legs for things...gotta love those compound moves, there's a reason they're so popular.Wink

I was going to stop at gym and do legs today but after the 1st half mile of my run, I changed that sense working them when they're sore. We'll just do full-body again tomorrow then, my gf was just running this morning too.

Thursday and Friday I'll get plenty of exercise packing, unpacking, lugging boxes up and down stairs, etc. Just want it all over with.

I'm getting super excited to see the kids for the big ceremony(they're coming down)...wishing we didn't have the ceremony so I could just focus on! Dh's brother from NJ is coming down and ds's in-laws are planning on coming's going to be a crazy weekend!

Okay...need to get a move was pouring so had to wait for that.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Welcome to the August Exercise Thread

Hi, all. I hope your day is going well. Mine is ...well, going. Back at work today, struggling to get in the swing of things after my days off!

Patty, yes, the course last night was something. I loved that the 52-year-old was the first (and one of only a few) who completed it. Very cool. I sort of wish the city finals all had the same course, just for comparison sake. For example, I'm wondering if Kacy would have been able to finish any of the other courses.

Hey, you're going to have a super fun weekend! Woo-hoo!

Hi, Bopper, enjoy your cool day. I bet it feels so nice. Good job with your workout.

I'll do cardio tonight when I get home.

This morning, the cats could tell it was a work day because I did my work-day routine. They were sad I was leaving. They enjoyed having me home a lot the past few days. They're such sweethearts.

Have a great afternoon.

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Re: Welcome to the August Exercise Thread

Hi everyone!

I did cardio today. A 50 minute hike on my favorite trails.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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Re: Welcome to the August Exercise Thread

Hi, Honny. I did cardio, too, but yours was much nicer on trails. Mine was on the treadmill.

I need to find new shoes. Mine are too clunky and heavy, and they pull my socks down inside. I hate that. Maybe tomorrow during lunch I'll go see what Famous Footwear has.

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Re: Welcome to the August Exercise Thread

Hi, Honny. I did cardio, too, but yours was much nicer on trails. Mine was on the treadmill.

I need to find new shoes. Mine are too clunky and heavy, and they pull my socks down inside. I hate that. Maybe tomorrow during lunch I'll go see what Famous Footwear has.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the August Exercise Thread

Morning! Saw Rich Froning on Fox this morning! DH commented on his hand-walk and I said, "Don't cut down my Rich".{#emotions_dlg.glare}{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

nomless, how were the kitties when you got home from work? One of mine isn't feeling well, think she has a UTI, have some antibiotics but she threw it up last night. I think it makes her tummy upset.

Hi Honny.

Yes, bopper, it's moving time again. I have so much to do today and might have to find a vet on top of it all. She ate fine this morning though...need to get another pill down her.

Dh has a big exercise all day today, how convenient...I guess I'll just do what I can and not stress over it. It's the first time he's missed physical therapy...then tomorrow is the move so he'll miss again but can do some exercises on his own.

GF and I are going to gym again this morning, her sons have been on her to start lifting weights so they're very proud to hear what all she's doing.

She'll probably do better than I will today, my mind is preoccupied with moving, sick cat, and that time of the month.{#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the August Exercise Thread

I think I've created a monster! LOL!!! Oh my word, she is in the zone.{#emotions_dlg.laugh} Since we can't work out together at gym again until next week, she wanted to make it count. She brought food to eat right before going in and for when she finished so she'd have more energy...that girl is getting serious.Wink

I ran to gym, we did ARC for 10 minute warm-up, then we did legs going from exercise to exercise and did around 4 sets of 8 different exercises(at our own weight that we could do)...she asked if we could be done and go do cardio because she was dying and might poop out...I was good with that, my legs were shaking!

Then...we went into the gym(basketball court) because she wanted to do the rope-pull machine so we did 1-minute rounds of rope-pull(she was grunting and TOTALLY getting into this), plyo-burpess, and jumping-jacks...we were dripping. There isn't any a/c or windows in there...wowza.{#emotions_dlg.blink}

But...I hurt my foot doing burpees!!! Grrrrr! I can't bend that toe back and I was going so fast I didn't even think about it. Came home and walked Lucy but, boy, could I feel it.{#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

Hope everyone is having a good day. Time for me to get cracking...and I'm not feelin' it.{#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

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Re: Welcome to the August Exercise Thread

Patty, the cats were happy when I got home. Later, a fly was buzzing around, and they were flying after it. Was afraid they would knock over lamps and the TV, but everything survived. Except for maybe the fly. I didn't see it this morning. I hope your kitty is OK. Happy your and gf had fun at the gym. Take care of you foot....lots of foot problems among us lately! Lots of good wishes for your moving prep and move!

I saw Rich Froning, too. I wish they had made a bigger deal about what he accomplished. Still, it was a fun (although short) segment.